- codeowners: add CODEOWNERS file (ac67e5cd)
- npmignore:
- changelog: update changelog.js (85a91b05)
- Adding instructions about how use the master branch (c1c58b87)
- update iOS target to 9.0 to match react-native min version (f72dbe1a)
- reverse dep order, google then jcenter (#387) (2c91ecce)
- upgrade android dependencies, example depend on upstream (#373) (28e62b15)
- classes-not-exported: fix classes not exported warning (540aa8fe)
- issue-template: add issue template (fde759f8)
- idx: add idx as dev dep and improve flow (eba00817)
- readme: update readme with circle ci status badge (1a789ffe)
- README: add pagesmanager only android (cb206d64)
- gradle-3:
- circl-flow-eslint:
- circle-flow-eslint: first atempt add circle, add flow, eslint and prettier (44ac820e)
- social: add social facebook pages manager (2537d3fe)
- update format (a32ed6cd)
- update readme for url format (dda13853)