2020.1的补丁 + 激活码 最新补丁:https://share.weiyun.com/5hbLsZy
An extensive set of Javascript live templates for use in JetBrains IDEs. These live templates are based off of https://atom.io/packages/es6-javascript.
Live Template Short Hand | Description | Template |
v | Declarations: var statement |
var $name$; |
ve | Declarations: var assignment |
var $name$ = $value$; |
l | Declarations: let statement |
let $name$; |
le | Declarations: let assignment |
let $name$ = $value$; |
co | Declarations: const statement |
const $name$; |
coe | Declarations: const assignment |
const $name$ = $value$ |
cos | Declarations: const symbol |
const $name$ = Symbol('$name$'); |
if | Flow Control: if statement |
if ($condition$) { $END$ } |
el | Flow Control: else statement |
else { $END$ } |
ife | Flow Control: if else statement |
if ($condition1$) { $then1$ } else { $then2$ } |
ei | Flow Control: else if statement |
else if ($condition$) { $end$ } |
fl | Flow Control: for loop |
for (let $index$ = 0; $index$ < $iterable$.length; $index$++) { $END$ } |
fi | Flow Control: for in loop |
for (let $key$ in $source$) { if ($source$.hasOwnProperty($key$)) { $END$ } } |
fo | Flow Control: for of loop (ES6) |
for (let $key$ of $source$) { $END$ } |
wl | Flow Control: while loop |
while ($condition$) { $END$ } |
tc | Flow Control: try/catch |
try { $try_body$ } catch ($error$) { $catch_body$ } |
tf | Flow Control: try/finally |
try { $try_body$ } finally { $finally_body$ } |
tcf | Flow Control: try/catch/finally |
try { $try_body$ } catch ($error$) { $catch_body$ } finally { $finally_body$ } |
f | Functions: anonymous function |
function ($arguments$) { $END$ } |
iife | Functions: immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE) |
(($arguments$) => { $function_body$ })($passed_arguments$); |
fa | Functions: function apply |
$fn$.apply($context$, $arguments$); |
fc | Functions: function call |
$fn$.call($context$, $arguments$); |
fb | Functions: function bind |
$fn$.bind($context$, $arguments$); |
af | Functions: arrow function (ES6) |
($arguments$) => $statement$ |
afb | Functions: arrow function with body (ES6) |
($arguments$) => { $END$ } |
gf | Functions: generator function (ES6) |
function* ($arguments$) { $END$ } |
gfn | Functions: named generator function (ES6) |
function* $name$ ($arguments$) { $END$ } |
fe | Iterables: forEach loop (chainable) |
$iterable$.forEach(($item$)) => { $END$ }); |
map | Iterables: map function (chainable) |
$iterable$.map(($item$)) => { return $END$ }); |
reduce | Iterables: reduce function (chainable) |
$iterable$.reduce(($previous$, $current$) => { return $body$ }, $initial$); |
filter | Iterables: filter function (chainable) |
$iterable$.filter(($item$) => { // return true to remove item from collection $END$ }); |
find | Iterables: ES6 find function (chainable) |
$iterable$.find(($item$) => { // return true to find single item if it is in the collection $END$ }); |
c | Objects and classes: class (ES6) |
class $name$ { constructor($arguments$) { $END$ } } |
cex | Objects and classes: child class (ES6 syntax) |
class $name$ extends $base$ { constructor($arguments$) { super($arguments$); $END$ } } |
cf | Objects and classes: class function (ES6 syntax) |
$fn_name$($arguments$) { $END$ } |
kv | Objects and classes: key/value pair |
$key$: $value$ |
m | Objects and classes: method (ES6 syntax) |
$method$($arguments$) { $END$ } |
set | Objects and classes: setter (ES6 syntax) |
set $property$($value$) { $END$ } |
proto | Objects and classes: prototype method (chainable) |
$class$.prototype.$method_name$ = function ($arguments$) { $END$ }; |
r | Returning values: return |
return $value$; |
rth | Returning values: return this |
return this; |
rn | Returning values: return null |
return null; |
rt | Returning values: return true |
return true; |
rf | Returning values: return false |
return false; |
r0 | Returning values: return 0 |
return 0; |
r-1 | Returning values: return -1 |
return -1; |
rp | Returning values: return Promise (ES6) |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $END$ }); |
S | Types: String |
String |
N | Types: Number |
Number |
O | Types: Object |
Object |
A | Types: Array |
Array |
D | Types: Date |
Date |
Rx | Types: RegExp |
RegExp |
tof | Types: typeof comparison |
typeof $source$ === '$type$'; |
iof | Types: instanceof comparison |
$source$ instanceof $object$ |
p | Promises: new Promise (ES6) |
new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $END$ }); |
then | Promises: Promise.then (chainable) |
$promise$.then(($value$) => { $END$ }); |
catch | Promises: Promise.catch (chainable) |
$promise$.catch(($err$) => { $END$ }); |
ex | ES6 modules: module export |
export $member$; |
import | ES6 modules: module import |
import $END$ from '$module$'; |
ima | ES6 modules: module import as |
import $exposed$ as $name$ from '$module$'; |
imn | ES6 modules: named module export |
import { $name$ } from '$module$'; |
desc | BDD testing (Mocha, Jasmine, etc.): describe |
describe('$description$', () => { $END$ }); |
ita | BDD testing (Mocha, Jasmine, etc.): asynchronous "it" |
it('$description$', (done) => { $END$ }); |
bef | BDD testing (Mocha, Jasmine, etc.): before |
before(() => { $END$ }); |
befe | BDD testing (Mocha, Jasmine, etc.): before each |
beforeEach(() => { $END$ }); |
after | BDD testing (Mocha, Jasmine, etc.): after |
after(() => { $END$ }); |
afte | BDD testing (Mocha, Jasmine, etc.): after each |
afterEach(() => { $END$ }); |
cl | Console: console.log |
console.log('$title$', $value$); |
cll | Console: console.log (text only) |
console.log($END$); |
ce | Console: console.error |
console.error($END$); |
cw | Console: console.error |
console.warn($END$); |
st | Timers: setTimeout |
setInterval(() => { $END$ }, $delay$); |
si | Timers: setInterval |
setTimeout(() => { $END$ }, $delay$); |
sim | Timers: setInterval |
setImmediate(() => { $END$ }); |
ae | DOM specifics: addEventListener |
$document$.addEventListener('$event$', function(e) { $END$ }); |
gi | DOM specifics: getElementById |
$document$.getElementById('$id$'); |
gc | DOM specifics: getElementByClassName |
Array.from($document$).getElementsByClassName('$class$'); |
gt | DOM specifics: getElementByClassName |
Array.from($document$).getElementsByTagName('$class$'); |
qs | DOM specifics: querySelector |
$document$.querySelector('$selector$'); |
qsa | DOM specifics: querySelectorAll |
$document$.querySelectorAll('$selector$'); |
cb | Node.js specifics: Node.js style callback |
(error, $value$) => { $END$ } |
re | Node.js specifics: require a module |
require('$module$'); |
em | Node.js specifics: export member |
exports.$name$ = $value$; |
me | Node.js specifics: module.exports |
module.exports = $name$; |
on | Node.js specifics: attach an event handler (chainable) |
$emitter$.on('$event$', $arguments$) => { $END$ }); |
us | Miscellaneous: use strict |
'use strict'; |
fn | Functions: named function |
function $name$($arguments$) { $END$ } |
There are two ways to install:
- File > Import Settings
- Select the settings.jar file
- Check Live templates in the Select Components to Import dialog
- Click ok in the Select Components to Import dialog
- Click ok when prompted to restart
Put es6.xml
inside of the following directory:
根目录新建 webstorm.onfig.js
然后在设置里面搜索 webpack ,然后指向当前的配置文件
// webstorm.onfig.js
const path = require('path')
function resolve (dir) {
return path.join(__dirname, dir)
module.exports = {
context: path.resolve(__dicrname, './'),
resolve: {
extensions: ['.js', '.less', '.json'],
alias: {
'@': resolve('./'),
- 找到安装 bin 目录,添加环境变量
- 通过 cmder 设置 alias
这里可能是cmder bug所以暂时只能设置为这样
alias ws.=webstorm64.exe ./