I attempted to keep optional additions in the Label additions
section. Required additions are included w/the command.
Keep in mind the +
needs to be appended to the line you are adding the command to.
colors <- c(
colors <- c(
"#F0A3FF", "#0075DC", "#993F00", "#4C005C", "#191919",
"#005C31", "#2BCE48", "#FFCC99", "#808080", "#94FFB5",
"#8F7C00", "#9DCC00", "#C20088", "#003380", "#FFA405",
"#FFA8BB", "#426600", "#FF0010", "#5EF1F2", "#00998F",
"#E0FF66", "#740AFF", "#990000", "#FFFF80", "#FFFF00",
colors <- c(
'#000000', '#010067', '#d5ff00', '#ff0056', '#9e008e',
'#0e4ca1', '#ffe502', '#005f39', '#00ff00', '#95003a',
'#ff937e', '#a42400', '#001544', '#91d0cb', '#620e00',
'#6b6882', '#0000ff', '#007db5', '#6a826c', '#00ae7e',
'#c28c9f', '#be9970', '#008f9c', '#5fad4e', '#ff0000',
'#ff00f6', '#ff029d', '#683d3b', '#ff74a3', '#968ae8',
'#98ff52', '#a75740', '#01fffe', '#ffeee8', '#fe8900',
'#bdc6ff', '#01d0ff', '#bb8800', '#7544b1', '#a5ffd2',
'#ffa6fe', '#774d00', '#7a4782', '#263400', '#004754',
'#43002c', '#b500ff', '#ffb167', '#ffdb66', '#90fb92',
'#7e2dd2', '#bdd393', '#e56ffe', '#deff74', '#00ff78',
'#009bff', '#006401', '#0076ff', '#85a900', '#00b917',
'#788231', '#00ffc6', '#ff6e41', '#e85ebe'
melted = melt($COLUMN, id.vars = "$COLUMN" )
submelted = melted[melted$COLUMn %in% c('$LABEL1', '$LABELn', ...), ]
m_com = as.matrix(com)
+ geom_text( aes( label = ifelse( index == '$SUBPHYLUM', as.character( $NAME ), '')), hjust=0, vjust=0 )
+ theme( axis.text.x = element_text( angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5 ))
+ geom_smooth( method = lm, se = FALSE, fullrange = TRUE )
ggplot($DATA, aes( x = $X, y = $Y, color = $COLOR )) + geom_point()
+ geom_smooth( method = lm, se = FALSE, fullrange = TRUE )
+ geom_smooth( method = lm, se = TRUE, fullrange = TRUE )
plot_ly(x = data$V6, y = data$V5, text=data$V1, marker=list(opacity=0.2), type='scatter', mode='marker')
remove the marker options to not have opacity. This opacity setting makes overlapping points darker
Bar plots often have to use a "melted" dataset. This requires reshape2
package installed and loaded.
ggplot( melted, aes( $COLUMN, value, fill = variable )) + geom_bar( position = "fill", stat = "identity")
+ scale_y_continuous( labels = percent )
+ geom_bar(position = "stack", stat = "identity" )
+ geom_bar(position = "dodge", stat = "identity" )
ggplot( df, aes( x = $X, y = $Y )) + geom_violin( width = $WIDTH )
There is some finessing involved with specifying column names etc. The dataframe here has row names in the first column and column names as the column names in the dataframe.
data = tsv[,-1]
rownames(data) = tsv[,1]
heatmap(as.matrix(data), scale="none")
heatmap(as.matrix(data), Colv = NA, Rowv = NA, scale="none")
# can specify column
in scale to make relative to column
heatmap(as.matrix(data1), scale="none", Colv=NA, Rowv=NA, col= colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Reds"))(256))
com = metabolicCounts[,2:20] # range of columns that have values
m_com = as.matrix(com)
nmds = metaMDS(m_com, distance="euclidean", k=2) # distance can be changed to your use case, k = dimensions
data.scores = as.data.frame(scores(nmds))
data.scores$INDEX = metabolicCounts$INDEX
mds.fit = envfit( nmds, com, permutations = 999, na.rm = TRUE )
mds_coord_cont = as.data.frame(scores(mds.fit, "vectors") * ordiArrowMul(mds.fit))
colors = c(brewer.pal(name="Dark2", n = 8), brewer.pal(name="Paired", n = 6))
xx = ggplot(data.scores, aes(x = NMDS1, y = NMDS2)) + geom_text( aes( label = as.character( ome ), colour = sphy)) + scale_color_manual(values = colors)
xx = ggplot(data.scores, aes(x = NMDS1, y = NMDS2)) + geom_text( aes( label = as.character( ome ), colour = sphy)) + scale_color_manual(values = colors) + geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y= 0, xend = NMDS1, yend = NMDS2), data = mds_coord_cat, size =1, alpha = 0.5, colour = "grey30") + geom_text(data = mds_coord_cat, aes( x = NMDS1, y = NMDS2), label = row.names(mds_coord_cat), colour = "grey10", fontface = "bold")
com = metabolicCounts[,2:20]
m_com = as.matrix(com)
nmds3 = metaMDS(m_com, distance='euclidean', k=3)
data.scores = as.data.frame(scores(nmds3))
data.scores$INDEX = metabolicCounts$INDEX
mds.fit = envfit(nmds3, com, permutations = 9999, na.rm = TRUE)
mds_coords = as.data.frame(scores(mds.fit, 'vectors') * ordiArrowMul(mds.fit))
plot <- plot_ly( x = data.scores$NMDS1, y = data.scores$NMDS2, z = data.scores$NMDS3, color = data.scores$sphy, colors = colors )
for ( row in 1:nrow(mds_coords) ) {
t_row <- mds_coords[row,]
t_row[2,] <- 0
plot <- plot %>% add_trace(
t_row, x = t_row$NMDS1, y = t_row$NMDS2, z = t_row$NMDS3,
opacity = 1, type = 'scatter3d', mode = 'lines', line = list(
width = 3, color = 'black'
showlegend = FALSE