How could we visualize the relationship between articles on Wikipedia?
We decided to answer this question using two methods:
Breadth First Search (BFS): Using BFS, we were able to find the shortest path between two nodes, which provided us a relationship between two articles based on their hyperlinks
Djikstra's Shortest Path algorithm: Using an indegree heuristic to weigh our dataset, we were able to produce paths with normalized similarity.
This meant that nodes that were highly referenced (such as calendar years) did not dominate our paths, and produced more meaningful and unique relationships.
Visualizing our data set was a key part of understanding it. For this, we used a physics based approach with nodes treated as particles with attractive and repulsive forces based on the edges. Since nodes should be distributed throughout the image, nodes exhibit coloumbic repulsive forces towards one another. To cluster adjacent nodes near the same regions, neighboring nodes are assigned attractive elastic forces. In order to speed up this process, we restricted repulsive forces to only act on nodes near another spatially. To implement this efficiently, we used a 2-d tree for fast range querying.
We observed that:
- Nodes with more edges were towards the center
- Nodes that were less well connected were towards the edges
- Wikipedia is quite a dense graph
Our implementation was based on this reference.