Scripts that are used to develop, build, and analyze Typescript projects. Can be used directly for generating esm modules.
- Install Visual Studio Code (vsCode)
- Install NPM (Node.js)
- Install Yarn
- Install Git
Builds the package (lint and compile)
Removes all non-source files that are created during a builds
Compile the package
Uses ESLint to check for code cycles up to 10 levels deep
Uses TS-Prune to display all unused exports
Displays all dependencies that have a new version available on npmjs
Deploy the package to NPMJS
Fixes all lint issues that can be automatically fixed using ESLint/Prettier
Lint the package using ESLint/Prettier
Deletes the node_modules folder and installs all dependencies
Displays all dependencies with stale versions in package.json
Updates package.json to reflect actual version of dependencies being used
See the LICENSE file for license details