Mitter builds index page, create & edit forms and also handle the saving parts for all your models and their relations in your admin panel.
Mitter consists several classes for these purpose:
- FormBuilder: Generates forms for creating & editing models and their relations
- FormSaver: Handles saving process of a model, for both self attributes and relation models
- IndexBuiler: Generates an index table for models.
- BaseController: Provides a REST resource controller for all models.
- BaseApiController: Provides a simple [id,text] API for models to be used on forms
Mitter beta has been tested in my several personal projects.
Mitter uses a number of open source projects for its interface to work properly:
- [Twitter Bootstrap] - a framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web
- [jQuery] - jQuery JavaScript Library
- [select2] - a jQuery based replacement for select boxes
- [Eonasdan/bootstrap-datetimepicker] - Date/time picker widget based on twitter bootstrap
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