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736 lines (554 loc) · 26.7 KB
Extension for BTP

Extension for BTP


Blockchain system requirements of BTP are described in the document

Summarize the document to following items.

  • A method to get the receipt with the proof path from the block
    • The block contains the root of receipts
    • API to get receipt including proof
  • A method to detect validator change.
    • The block contains the root of next validators.
    • API to get the block
    • API to monitor the blockchain
  • A method to get validators related with the block
    • The block contains the root of next validators
    • API to get validators for the root
  • A method to get votes for the block
    • API to get votes for the block
  • A method to detect events
    • The block contains logsbloom related to events.
    • API to monitor events

Monitor with Websocket


GET /api/v3/:channel/block


  "height": "0x10",
  "eventFilters": [
      "addr": "cx49894fa5aec4d662e49934f297673cf08dd9f382",
      "event": "Event(int,bytes,int,Address)",
      "indexed": [
      "data": [
  "logs": "0x1"


Name Type Required Description
height T_INT true Start height
eventFilters Array false Array of EventFilter(JSON Object type, see Events Parameters)
logs T_BOOL false Whether it includes logs

Success Responses

  "code": 0

Failure Response

  "code": -32602,
  "message": "Bad params"


Name Type Required Description
code Number true 0 or JSON RPC error code. 0 means success.
message String false error message.

Example notification

  "hash": "0xabc...",
  "height": "0x10",
  "indexes": [
  "events": [
  "logs": [
          "scoreAddress": "cx38fd2687b202caf4bd1bda55223578f39dbb6561",
          "indexed": [ "EventTriggered(int)", "0x2" ],
          "data": []


Name Type Required Description
hash T_HASH true The hash of the new block
height T_INT true The height of the new block
indexes Array false Array of array of indexes of the results of filtered events in the block ordered by EventFilter and index
events Array false Array of array of events, the array of event indexes in the result, ordered by EventFilter and index
logs Array false Array of array of logs, the array of event logs in the result, ordered by EventFilter and index


GET /api/v3/:channel/event


  "height": "0x10",
  "addr": "cx49894fa5aec4d662e49934f297673cf08dd9f382",
  "event": "Event(int,bytes,int,Address)",
  "indexed": [
  "data": [
Name Type Required Description
height T_INT true Start height
addr T_ADDR false SCORE address of Event
logs T_BOOL false Whether it includes JSON log data (default: false)
event String false Event signature
indexed Array false Array of arguments to match with indexed parameters of event. null matches any value.
data Array false Array of arguments to match with not indexed parameters of event. null matches any value. If indexed parameters of event are exists, require 'indexed' parameter
eventFilters Array false Array of EventFilter(JSON Object type, see Events Parameters) All events that match any of filters will be notified.

Success Responses

  "code": 0

Failure Response

  "code": -32602,
  "message": "Bad params"


Name Type Required Description
code Number true 0 or JSON RPC error code. 0 means success.
message String false error message.

Example notification

  "hash": "0xdbc...",
  "height": "0x11",
  "index": "0x0",
  "events": [ "0x0" ],
  "logs" : [
      "scoreAddress": "cx38fd2687b202caf4bd1bda55223578f39dbb6561",
      "indexed": [ "EventTriggered(int)", "0x2" ],
      "data": []


Name Type Required Description
hash T_HASH true Hash of the block including the events
height T_INT true Height of the block including the events
index T_INT true Index of the result including the events in the block
events Array true List of indexes of the event in the result
logs Array false List of event log data

You may use hash and index to get proof of the result including the events(icx_getProofForResult). You may use hash, index and events to get proofs of the result and the events(icx_getProofForEvents).

Extended JSON-RPC Methods


Get data by hash.

It can be used to retrieve data based on the hash algorithm (SHA3-256).

Following data can be retrieved by a hash.

  • BlockHeader with the hash of the block
  • Validators with BlockHeader.NextValidatorsHash
  • Votes with BlockHeader.VotesHash
  • etc…


  "id": 1001,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "icx_getDataByHash",
  "params": {
      "hash": "0x1fcf7c34dc875681761bdaa5d75d770e78e8166b5c4f06c226c53300cbe85f57"


Name Type Required Description
hash T_HASH true The hash value of the data to retrieve.

Example responses

  "id": 1001,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": ""

default Response

  "id": 1001,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "error": {
    "code": -32000,
    "message": "Something went wrong."


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success Data : base64 encoded bytes
default Default JSON-RPC Error Error Response


Get block header for specified height.


  "id": 1001,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "icx_getBlockHeaderByHeight",
  "params": {
      "height": "0x10"


Name Type Required Description
height T_INT true The height of the block in hex string.

Example responses

  "id": 1001,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": ""

default Response

  "id": 1001,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "error": {
    "code": -32000,
    "message": "Something went wrong."


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success Data : base64 encoded bytes
default Default JSON-RPC Error Error Response


Get votes for the block specified by height.

Normally votes for the block are included in the next. So, even though the block is finalized by votes already, the block including votes may not exist. For that reason, we support this API to get votes as proof for the block.


  "id": 1001,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "icx_getVotesByHeight",
  "params": {
      "height": "0x10"


Name Type Required Description
height T_INT true The height of the block for votes.

Example responses

  "id": 1001,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": ""

default Response

  "id": 1001,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "error": {
    "code": -32000,
    "message": "Something went wrong."


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success Encoded votes
default Default JSON-RPC Error Error Response


Get proof for the receipt. Proof, itself, may include the receipt.

Currently, Core2 uses Merkle Patricia Trie to store receipt, so the last leaf node includes the receipt. Key for the receipt must be the binary representation of the unsigned integer, the index of the receipt.


  "id": 1001,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "icx_getProofForResult",
  "params": {
      "hash": "0xc7fae616bd1d377a92c48a35e33e7a072e5e2be155c000088dbdd42a3e31bb74",
      "index": "0x0"


Name Type Required Description
hash T_HASH true The hash value of the block including the result.
index T_INT true Index of the receipt in the block.
0 for the first.

Example responses

   "id": 1001,
   "jsonrpc": "2.0",
   "result": [

Failure Response

  "id": 1001,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "error": {
    "code": -32000,
    "message": "Something went wrong."


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success List of base64 encoded proof including the receipt
default Default JSON-RPC Error Error Response


Get proof for the receipt and the events in it. The proof may include the data itself.

Currently, Core2 uses Merkle Patricia Trie to store the receipt and the events, so the last leaf node includes the data. Key for the data must be the binary representation of the unsigned integer, the index of the data.


  "id": 1001,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "icx_getProofForEvents",
  "params": {
      "hash": "0xc7fae616bd1d377a92c48a35e33e7a072e5e2be155c000088dbdd42a3e31bb74",
      "index": "0x0",
      "events": [ "0x0", "0x2" ]


Name Type Required Description
hash T_HASH true The hash value of the block including the result.
index T_INT true Index of the receipt in the block.
0 for the first.
events Array false List of indexes of the events in the receipt.

Example responses

  "id": 1001,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": [

Failure Response

  "id": 1001,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "error": {
    "code": -32000,
    "message": "Something went wrong."


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success List of List of base64 encoded proof including the receipt and the events
default Default JSON-RPC Error Error Response

Binary format

Core2 uses MsgPack and RLP with Null(RLPn) for binary encoding and decoding.

  • MsgPack
  • RLPn is RLP with Null ([0xF8 0x00]) and zero ([0x00])
Type Msgpack RLPn Description
B_LIST List List List of items
B_BYTES Bytes Bytes Raw bytes
B_BIGINT Bytes Bytes N bytes of integer representation.
0x00 → [ 0x00 ]
0x80 → [ 0x00 0x80 ]
-0x01 → [ 0xff ]
-0x80 → [ 0x80 ]
B_INT Integer B_BIGINT 64bits signed integer
B_ADDRESS Bytes Bytes 1 byte
- 0x00 ← EOA
- 0x01 ← SCORE
20 bytes : Identifier
B_NULL Null Null B_BYTES(N), B_ADDRESS(N) or B_LIST(N) can be Null

Suffixed (N) means a nullable value.

Block Header

B_LIST of followings

Field Type Description
Version B_INT 1 ← Version 1 (legacy)
N ← Version N
Height B_INT Height of the block,
0 means genesis block.
Timestamp B_INT Micro-seconds after EPOCH
Proposer B_ADDRESS(N) Proposer of the block
PrevID B_BYTES(N) 32 bytes hash value
VotesHash B_BYTES(N) 32 bytes hash value
NextValidatorsHash B_BYTES(N) 32 bytes hash value
PatchTransactionsHash B_BYTES(N) 32 bytes hash value
NormalTransactionsHash B_BYTES(N) 32 bytes hash value
LogsBloom B_BYTES N(1~256) bytes bloom log value
Result B_BYTES(N) Encoded bytes of the Result


B_LIST of followings

Field Type Description
StateHash B_BYTES(N) Hash of world state (account information)
PatchReceiptHash B_BYTES(N) Root hash of Merkle List of patch receipts
NormalReceiptHash B_BYTES(N) Root hash of Merkle List of normal receipts


B_LIST of Validators

Field Type Description
Validator B_BYTES 21 bytes → same as Address
Other bytes → public key


B_LIST of followings

Field Type Description
Round B_INT Round for votes.
If consensus doesn’t use round, it should be 0(zero).
BlockPartSetID PartSetID PartSetID of the proposed block
Items B_LIST List of VoteItem


B_LIST of followings

Field Type Description
Timestamp B_INT Voted time in micro-seconds
Signature B_BYTES RSV format signature for VoteMessage by a validator

Public key of the validator can be recovered with Signature and SHA3Sum256(VoteMessage).


B_LIST of followings

Field Type Description
Height B_INT BlockHeader.Height
Round B_INT Votes.Round
Type B_INT 0 ← PreVote
1 ← PreCommit
BlockID B_BYTES(N) SHA3Sum256(BlockHeader)
BlockPartSetID PartSetID Votes.BlockPartSetID.
Timestamp B_INT VoteItem.Timestamp

Type field should be 1 for votes of a block.


B_LIST of followings

Field Type Description
Count B_INT Number of block parts
Hash B_BYTES(N) Hash of block parts


B_LIST of followings

Field Type Description
Status B_INT Result status
N ← FAILURE ( N is failure code )
To B_ADDRESS The target address of the transaction
CumulativeStepUsed B_BIGINT Cumulative step used
StepUsed B_BIGINT Step used
StepPrice B_BIGINT Step price in LOOP
LogsBloom B_BIGINT 2048 bits without padding zeros
So, if there is no bit, then it would be a byte with zero.
EventLogs B_LIST(N) of EventLog A list of event logs (empty if there is EventLogHash)
SCOREAddress B_ADDRESS(N) The address of deployed smart contract
EventLogHash B_BYTES(O) (from Revision7) Root hash of Merkle List of eventLogs


B_LIST of followings

Field Type Description
Addr B_ADDRESS SCORE producing this event log
Indexed B_LIST of B_BYTES(N) Indexed data.
Data B_LIST of B_BYTES(N) Remaining data.

Merkle Patricia Trie

It's similar to Merkle Patricia Trie except that it uses SHA3-256 instead of KECCAK-256.

Merkle List

Root hash of the list is SHA3Sum256(MPT Node) of the root. The key for the list is B_INT encoded index of the item.

Merkle Proof

It's list of MPT Nodes from the root to the leaf containing the value.

MPT Node

MPT Node is one of followings.

  • MPT Leaf
  • MPT Extension
  • MPT Branch

MPT Branch

RLP List of followings

Field Type Description
Link(1~16) MPT Link Link to the Nth child.
Value RLP Bytes Stored data

MPT Leaf

RLP List of followings

Field Type Description
Header RLP Bytes Header
Value RLP Bytes Stored data

MPT Extension

RLP List of followings

Field Type Description
Header RLP Bytes Header
Link MPT Link Link to the child.

MPT Link

RLP Bytes or MPT Node

If encoded MPT Node is shorter than 32 bytes, then it's embedded in the link. Otherwise, it would be RLP Bytes of SHA3Sum256(MPT Node)

MPT Node Header

The key for the tree can be spliced into 4 bits nibbles.

Case Prefix Path
Leaf with odd nibbles 0x3 Nibbles
Leaf with even nibbles 0x20 Nibbles
Extension with odd nibbles 0x1 Nibbles
Extension with even nibbles 0x00 Nibbles


Case Prefix Path Bytes
Leaf [A] 0x3 [0xA] [ 0x3A ]
Extension [AB] 0x00 [0xAB] [ 0x00, 0xAB ]
Extension [ABC] 0x1 [0xA, 0xBC] [ 0x1A, 0xBC ]