clickhouse-tools is a set of tools for administration and diagnostics of ClickHouse DBMS.
clickhouse-tools consist of following components:
- chadmin - ClickHouse administration tool
- ch-monitoring - ClickHouse monitoring tool
- keeper-monitoring - ClickHouse Keeper / ZooKeeper monitoring tool
- ch-s3-credentials - ClickHouse S3 credentials management tool
All of these tools must be run on the same host as ClickHouse server is running.
sudo make install-poetry
# or to install in user's home directory
make POETRY_HOME=~/opt/poetry install-poetry
# lint
make lint
# unit tests
make test-unit
make test-unit PYTEST_ARGS="-k test_name"
# integration tests (rebuild docker images using a .whl file)
make test-integration
make test-integration BEHAVE_ARGS="-i feature_name"
# integration tests (supply a custom ClickHouse version to test against)
CLICKHOUSE_VERSION="" make test-integration
# If you want to have containers running on failure, supply a flag:
# BEHAVE_ARGS="-D no_stop_on_fail"
# For building deb packages
make prepare-build-deb
make build-deb-package
Please note: base images for tests are pulled from chtools Dockerhub. If you want to build base images locally, run
docker buildx bake -f tests/bake.hcl
If you want to build base images for multiple versions of ClickHouse, run:
CLICKHOUSE_VERSIONS=',, latest' docker buildx bake -f tests/bake.hcl