We anaylsis {{sqls.total-record-count.text}} records of GitHub logs, there are {{sqls.total-repo-count.text}} active repositories and {{sqls.total-developer-count.text}} active developers on GitHub during year {{year}}.
We calculated the activity of global repositories and the top 10 most active repositories are as follows.
We calculated the activity of global developers on GitHub and the top {{sqls.developers-top.config.topN}} most active developers are as follows.
We select topics of top 10w active repositories, filtered the topics with a frequency of more than 25. Then a word cloud map is generated based on the data. The word cloud visually highlights the topics that appear frequently, so that we can quickly get the more popular topics.
We analyze the working hour distribution for GitHub logs all over the world during year {{year}}, we found that open source developers are predominantly European because local working hour period lays in UTC±1 as the image shows.