Run to generate a workspace in the root of the repository.
Open workspace from menu "Open workspace from file..." And select the newly created file "nbs.code-workspace" in the root of the repository.
Or execute
code nbs.code-workspace
Install all recommended by workspace plugins. The most important one is used for code competition and formatting.
Enable feature "Trim trailing whitespace" for user or workspace. Enable feature "Trim final newlines" for user or workspace. Enable feature "Insert final newline" for user or workspace.
Enable git hooks for pre-commit checks
git config core.hooksPath .githooks
If you want to use debugging in VS Code you should to enable the static linkage.
Add section below to '~/.ya/ya.conf' [[target_platform]] platform_name = "default-linux-x86_64" build_type = "relwithdebinfo" #build_type = "release"
[target_platform.flags] FORCE_STATIC_LINKING="yes"