This example shows that NSC and NSE on the different nodes could find and work with each other using IPv6.
NSC and NSE are using the kernel
mechanism to connect to its local forwarder.
Forwarders are using the wireguard
mechanism to connect with each other.
Deploy NSC and NSE:
kubectl apply -k
Wait for applications ready:
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=1m pod -l app=alpine -n ns-kernel2ip2kernel-ipv6
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=1m pod -l app=nse-kernel -n ns-kernel2ip2kernel-ipv6
Ping from NSC to NSE:
kubectl exec pods/alpine -n ns-kernel2ip2kernel-ipv6 -- ping -c 4 2001:db8::
Ping from NSE to NSC:
kubectl exec deployments/nse-kernel -n ns-kernel2ip2kernel-ipv6 -- ping -c 4 2001:db8::1
Delete ns:
kubectl delete ns ns-kernel2ip2kernel-ipv6