cmake -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc . && cmake --build . && scp writer [writer host] && scp reader [reader host]
Usage: ./writer [aeron directory] [publication channel] [archive channel] [archive response channel]
We run the writer, which continuously writes a message to the archive via a multicast publication.
./writer '/dev/shm/aeronmd-main' 'aeron:udp?endpoint=|interface=|fc=min' 'aeron:udp?endpoint=' 'aeron:udp?endpoint='
Usage: ./reader [aeron directory] [subscription channel] [archive channel] [archive response channel] [replay_destination]
We attempt to replay-merge, first by playing back the replay and then merging with the live publication.
./reader '/dev/shm/aeronmd-main' 'aeron:udp?endpoint=|interface=|fc=min' 'aeron:udp?endpoint=' 'aeron:udp?endpoint=' ''
However, we see the following being logged and nothing more
Got data; will not log any further in this callback.
Live destination added
If we'd successfully merged, we'd also expect to see
Replay has caught up