Synchronization locks as constructor arguments
See #323, release log:
- 7e5d1c6 by @ixmanuel: Merge remote-tracking branch '...
- e2f6c83 by @ixmanuel: Incremented CodeCov - InputOf ...
- 2172e32 by @ixmanuel: Let's make main constructor pr...
- aa188d0 by @ixmanuel: Fixed ctors. for StringBuilder...
- 13c51a6 by @ixmanuel: Trying to pass appveyor - issu...
- ed0c53f by @yegor256: august
- 1595c3b by @ixmanuel: Fixed readme for ResourceAsInp...
- 1ab49bc by @ixmanuel: Reader integrated to InputOf
- 1ecc280 by @ixmanuel: Merge remote-tracking branch '...
- 2a73c7c by @ixmanuel: Refactoring of ObjectAsInput i...
- 981ba0b by @ixmanuel: InputOf for StringBuilder, Str...
- c2ee320 by @ixmanuel: Merged PathAsInput into InputO...
- 1a725ec by @ixmanuel: Merged BytesAsInput into Input...
- 95a61af by @rultor: Merge branch '__rultor'
- 2885eb9 by @ixmanuel: Merged UrlAsInput into InputOf
Released by Rultor 1.66.1, see build log