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File metadata and controls

53 lines (43 loc) · 2.18 KB


A simple wrapper/cache of the Ghibli API.


System packages

The application uses celery for periodic tasks. Thus, it requires a message broker (e.g. redis, RabbitMQ etc). By default (see "gh_films.settings.demo") you're supposed to use the redis server as a message broker.

Beside that you need python (3.6+), "pip", "setuptools" and, probably, virtualenv (to build python's virtual environment)

Python packages

To install python packages you may just say something like

pip install -r ./requirements.txt

Also, please note, that there's an additional file requirements_test.txt which contains additional packages for testing. In other words, if you want to run tests you'll need to install those packages first.


Before run this application you need to do next steps:

  1. create virtual environment and activate it;
  2. install required packages (system and python);
  3. create you own local settings (e.g. you may just copy gh_films/settings/ to gh_films/settings/;
  4. run migrations (e.g. ./ migrate);
  5. run celery beat with single worker (e.g. celery -A gh_films worker -l info -B -c 1);
  6. wait until celery downloads data from Ghibli's server (about 50 secodns);
  7. in separate terminal window/tab run server (e.g. ./ runserver);
  8. in web browser go to the url:

Note, the dh_films.settings.demo is configured to use sqlite DB in the current directory (in the project's directory). Thus user that runs server should have permissions to write into that folder.


Before run tests you're supposed to have installed packages from requirements_test.txt. After that you may just say ./ test.


If you want to test the package in several environments at once you may use the tox.ini. Please note, in this case you need to install the tox package manually via pip install tox.

Known issues

The current version ("0.0.1") supports tracking and adding new items ("films", "people" and relations between them) only. It can't detect updating of any item's fields if the id property is the same.