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NodeJS Client Interceptors


NodeJS gRPC clients will present an interceptor interface. Consumers of these clients can provide an ordered list of interceptors with methods to be executed on any outbound or inbound operation. The NodeJS client interceptor framework API will provide similar functionality as existing gRPC interceptor implementations.


Some gRPC language implementations currently have client interceptor support and some do not. The NodeJS implementation does not have client interceptor support, which makes the application of cross-cutting concerns difficult.

Related Proposals:



A simple example

This example logs all outbound messages:

var interceptor = function(options, nextCall) {
    return new InterceptingCall(nextCall(options), {
        sendMessage: function(message, next) {
client.myCall(message, { interceptors: [interceptor] });

Interceptor API

An interceptor is a function which takes an options object and a nextCall function and returns an InterceptingCall object:

 * @param {object} options
 * @param {MethodDescriptor} options.method_descriptor A container of properties describing the call (see below)
 * @param {grpc.CallCredentials} [options.credentials] Credentials used to authenticate with the server
 * @param {number} [options.deadline] The deadline for the call
 * @param {string} [] The server to call
 * @param {grpc.Call} [options.parent] The parent call
 * @param {number} [options.propagate_flags] Propagation flags for the underlying grpc.Call
 * @param {function} nextCall Constructs the next interceptor in the chain
 * @return {InterceptingCall}
var interceptor = function(options, nextCall) {
    return new InterceptingCall(nextCall(options));

An interceptor function allows developers to modify the call options, store any call-scoped values needed, and define interception methods.

The interceptor function must return an InterceptingCall object. An InterceptingCall represents an element in the interceptor chain. Any intercepted methods are implemented in the requester object, an optional parameter to the constructor. Returning new InterceptingCall(nextCall(options)) will satisfy the contract (but provide no interceptor functionality).

Most interceptors will define a requester object (described below) which is passed to the the InterceptingCall constructor: return new InterceptingCall(nextCall(options), requester)

The options argument to the nextCall function includes all the options accepted by the base grpc.Call constructor. Modifying the options that are passed to the nextCall function will have the effect of changing the options passed to the underlying grpc.Call constructor.

Additionally, the options argument includes a MethodDescriptor object. The MethodDescriptor is a container for properties of the call which are used internally and may also be useful to interceptors:

 * @param {string} name The name of the call, i.e. 'myCall'
 * @param {string} service_name The name of the service
 * @param {string} path The full path of the call, i.e. '/MyService/MyCall'
 * @param {MethodType} method_type One of four types:
 *     MethodType.UNARY,
 *     MethodType.CLIENT_STREAMING,
 *     MethodType.SERVER_STREAMING, or
 *     MethodType.BIDI_STREAMING
 * @param {Function} serialize The function used to serialize a message
 * @param {Function} deserialize The function used to deserialize a message
 * @constructor
MethodDescriptor(name, service_name, path, method_type, serialize, deserialize)

Do not modify the options.method_descriptor object. The MethodDescriptor passed to the interceptor options is not consumed by the underlying gRPC code and changes will only affect downstream interceptors

A requester object is a plain Javascript object implementing zero or more outbound interception methods:

 * An interception method called before an outbound call has started.
 * @param {Metadata} metadata The call's outbound metadata (request headers).
 * @param {object} listener The listener which will be intercepting inbound operations
 * @param {Function} next A callback which continues the gRPC interceptor chain.
 * next takes two arguments: A Metadata object and a listener
start(metadata, listener, next)
 * An interception method called prior to every outbound message.
 * @param {object} A protobuf message
 * @param {function} next A callback which continues the gRPC interceptor chain, called with the message to send.
sendMessage(message, next)
 * An interception method called when the outbound stream closes (after the message is sent).
 * @param {function} next A callback which continues the gRPC interceptor chain.
 * An interception method called when the stream is canceled from the client.
 * @param {message} string|null A cancel message if provided
 * @param {function} next A callback which continues the gRPC interceptor chain.
cancel(message, next)

A RequesterBuilder will be provided to easily construct an outbound interceptor:

var requester = (new RequesterBuilder())
    .withStart(function(metadata, listener, next) {
        next(metadata, listener);
    .withSendMessage(function(message, next) {

A listener object implements zero or more methods for intercepting inbound operations. The listener passed into a requester's start method implements all the inbound interception methods. Inbound operations will be passed through a listener at each step in the interceptor chain. Three usage patterns are supported for listeners:

  1. Pass the listener along without modification: next(metadata, listener). In this case the interceptor declines to intercept any inbound operations.
  2. Create a new listener with one or more inbound interception methods and pass it to next. In this case the interceptor will fire on the inbound operations implemented in the new listener.
  3. Store the listener to make direct inbound calls on later. This effectively short-circuits the interceptor stack. An example of an interceptor using this pattern to provide client-side caching is included below in the Examples section. Short-circuiting a request in this way will skip interceptors which have not yet fired, but will fire the listeners on any 'earlier' interceptors in the stack.

Do not modify the listener passed in. Either pass it along unmodified or call methods on it to short-circuit the interceptor stack.

The listener methods are:

 * An inbound interception method triggered when metadata is received.
 * @param {Metadata} metadata The metadata received (response headers).
 * @param {function} next A callback which continues the gRPC interceptor chain. Pass it the metadata to respond with.
onReceiveMetadata(metadata, next)
 * An inbound interception method triggered when each message is received.
 * @param {object} message The protobuf message received.
 * @param {function} next A callback which continues the gRPC interceptor chain. Pass it the message to respond with.
onReceiveMessage(message, next)
 * An inbound interception method triggered when status is received.
 * @param {object} status The status received.
 * @param {function} next A callback which continues the gRPC interceptor chain. Pass it the status to respond with.
onReceiveStatus(status, next)

A ListenerBuilder will be provided to easily construct a listener:

var listener = (new ListenerBuilder())
    .withOnReceiveMetadata(function(metadata, next) {
    .withOnReceiveMessage(function(message, next) {

A StatusBuilder will be provided to produce gRPC status objects:

var status = (new StatusBuilder())
    .withDetails('Status message')
    .withMetadata(new Metadata())

To intercept errors, implement the onReceiveStatus method and test for status.code !== grpc.status.OK.

To intercept trailers, examine status.metadata in the onReceiveStatus method.

Internal Errors and Exceptions

Exceptions are not handled by the interceptor framework, we expect interceptor authors to either handle the exceptions their interceptors can throw or assume the Node process will crash on exceptions. This is in accordance with the Joyent guidance to only catch exceptions which are known to be operational errors.

In the case of an error during the execution of an interceptor, interceptor authors have the following options:

  1. Short-circuiting the call and returning a gRPC error to the client's consumer.
  2. Throwing an exception which the client's consumer will have to catch or crash on.
  3. Doing nothing and continuing with the call.



A trivial implementation of all interception methods without using the builders:

var interceptor = function(options, nextCall) {
    var requester = {
        start: function(metadata, listener, next) {
            var newListener = {
                onReceiveMetadata: function(metadata, next) {
                onReceiveMessage: function(message, next) {
                onReceiveStatus: function(status, next) {
            next(metadata, newListener);
        sendMessage: function(message, next) {
        halfClose: function(next) {
        cancel: function(message, next) {
    return new InterceptingCall(nextCall(options), requester);

(Requesters and listeners do not need to implement all methods)

Advanced Examples

These advanced examples are specific to certain types of RPC calls (unary, client-streaming, etc). Using interceptors to provide advanced behavior such as delays, retries and caching will not apply to all RPC types. The limitations should be intuitive, for example: a caching interceptor would not make sense for a bidi streaming RPC given that inbound messages are not associated with outbound messages.


An example of a caching interceptor for unary RPCs which stores the provided listener for later use (short-circuiting the call if there is a cache hit):

// Unary RPCs only
var interceptor = function(options, nextCall) {
    var savedMetadata;
    var startNext;
    var savedListener;
    var savedMessage;
    var messageNext;
    var requester = {
        start: function(metadata, listener, next) {
            savedMetadata = metadata;
            savedListener = listener;
            startNext = next;
        sendMessage: function(message, next) {
            savedMessage = message;
            messageNext = next;
        halfClose: function(next) {
            var cachedValue = _getCachedResponse(savedMessage.value);
            if (cachedValue) {
                var cachedMessage = new Message(cachedValue);
                savedListener.onReceiveMetadata(new Metadata());
                savedListener.onReceiveStatus({code: grpc.status.OK});
            } else {
                var newListener = {
                    onReceiveMessage: function(message, next) {
                        _store(savedMessage.value, message.value);
                startNext(savedMetadata, newListener);
    return new InterceptingCall(nextCall(options), requester);


An example retry interceptor for unary RPCs creates new calls when the status shows a failure:

// Unary RPCs only
var maxRetries = 3;
var interceptor = function(options, nextCall) {
    var savedMetadata;
    var savedSendMessage;
    var savedReceiveMessage;
    var savedMessageNext;
    var requester = {
        start: function(metadata, listener, next) {
            savedMetadata = metadata;
            var newListener = {
                onReceiveMessage: function(message, next) {
                    savedReceiveMessage = message;
                    savedMessageNext = next;
                onReceiveStatus: function(status, next) {
                    var retries = 0;
                    var retry = function(message, metadata) {
                        var newCall = nextCall(options);
                        newCall.start(metadata, {
                            onReceiveMessage: function(message) {
                                savedReceiveMessage = message;
                            onReceiveStatus: function(status) {
                                if (status.code !== grpc.status.OK) {
                                    if (retries <= maxRetries) {
                                        retry(message, metadata);
                                    } else {
                                } else {
                                    next({code: grpc.status.OK});
                    if (status.code !== grpc.status.OK) {
                        retry(savedSendMessage, savedMetadata);
                    } else {
            next(metadata, newListener);
        sendMessage: function(message, next) {
            savedSendMessage = message;
    return new InterceptingCall(nextCall(options), requester);


An example of providing fallbacks to failed requests for unary or client-streaming RPCs:

// Unary or client-streaming RPCs only
var fallbackResponse = new Message('fallback');
var interceptor = function(options, nextCall) {
    var savedMessage;
    var savedMessageNext;
    var requester = {
        start: function(metadata, listener, next) {
            var new_listener = {
                onReceiveMessage: function(message, next) {
                    savedMessage = message;
                    savedMessageNext = next;
                onReceiveStatus: function(status, next) {
                    if (status.code !== grpc.status.OK) {
                        next({node: grpc.status.OK});
                    } else {
            next(metadata, new_listener);
    return new InterceptingCall(nextCall(options), requester);


Interceptors can be configured during client construction, or on individual invocations of gRPC calls.

At Client Construction

An InterceptorProvider type will be provided for computing the association of interceptors with gRPC calls dynamically.

* @param {Function} getInterceptorForMethod A filter method which accepts a MethodDescriptor and returns
* `undefined` (when no interceptor should be associated) or a single interceptor object.
* @constructor

An array of InterceptorProviders can be passed in the options parameter when constructing a client:

var interceptor_providers = [
    new InterceptorProvider(function(method_descriptor) {
        if (method_descriptor.method_type === MethodType.UNARY) {
            return unary_interceptor;
    new InterceptorProvider(function(method_descriptor) {
        if (method_descriptor.method_type === MethodType.SERVER_STREAMING) {
            return streaming_interceptor;
var constructor_options = {
    interceptor_providers: interceptor_providers
var client = new InterceptingClient('localhost:8080', credentials, constructor_options);

The order of the InterceptorProviders will determine the order of the resulting interceptor stack.

At Call Invocation

If an array of interceptors is provided at call invocation via options.interceptors, the call will ignore all interceptors provided via the client constructor.


client.unaryCall(message, { interceptors: [ myInterceptor ] }, callback);

Alternatively, an array of InterceptorProviders can be passed at call invocation (which will also supersede constructor options):

client.unaryCall(message, { interceptor_providers: [ myInterceptorProvider ] }, callback);

The framework will throw an error if both interceptors and interceptor_providers are provided in the invocation options.

Internal implementation

gRPC Operations

To intercept operations at the call level, two major changes to the gRPC NodeJS client implementation are required:

  1. Split out the logic for calling startBatch and for handling the results of startBatch. Interceptor chains for each operation need to run on the outbound path and the inbound batch before this logic.

  2. Wrap each call with the logic for assembling interceptor chains and executing them.

For 1), we will add a client_batches module which will enumerate each distinct 'batch type' used by gRPC clients. The batching logic currently in the makeUnaryRequest and similar functions will be moved to the client_batches module, with methods for wiring a call instance up to the batch logic and the interceptor chains.

For 2), we will add a client_interceptors module with methods for building interceptor chains and triggering underlying calls.

The requester and listener methods correspond to gRPC batch operations. This is the mapping of the outbound opTypes to the requester methods they will trigger:

grpc.opType.SEND_INITIAL_METADATA -> start
grpc.opType.SEND_MESSAGE -> sendMessage
grpc.opType.SEND_CLOSE_FROM_CLIENT -> halfClose

On the inbound side, these opTypes will map to these listener methods when responses are received from the server:

grpc.opType.RECV_INITIAL_METADATA -> onReceiveMetadata
grpc.opType.RECV_MESSAGE -> onReceiveMessage
grpc.opType.RECV_STATUS_ON_CLIENT -> onReceiveStatus

Additional, cancel() and cancelWithStatus() are modified to trigger any cancel() interceptors.

Interceptor nesting

Interceptors nest in the order provided. Providing an interceptors array like [interceptorA, interceptorB, interceptorC] will produce this execution graph:

interceptorA outbound ->
    interceptorB outbound ->
        interceptorC outbound ->
            underlying grpc.Call ->
        interceptorC inbound ->
    interceptorB inbound ->
interceptorA inbound

Horizontal execution

The order of execution for interception methods is by operation. Given a chain of interceptors and a batch of operations, we will execute all interception methods for one operation before moving to the next. For example if you define three interceptors which all implement start and sendMessage methods, the execution order would be:

interceptorA start
interceptorB start
interceptorC start
interceptorA sendMessage
interceptorB sendMessage
interceptorC sendMessage

Batch Types

There are 8 distinct batch types in the NodeJS client implementation, and each RPC type uses some combination of those 8 batch types:

  • Unary (all operations)
  • Metadata only
  • Close only
  • Sending streaming message
  • Receive streaming message
  • Receive status
  • Send synchronous message
  • Receive synchronous message

This proposal moves the logic for these batch types out of the RPC functions to reduce code duplication and provide a common mechanism for intercepting each batch type. The execution order for a metadata-only batch with 3 interceptors will look like this:

Consumer makes client call
Interceptor A start
Interceptor B start
Interceptor C start
Outbound batch logic:
  Convert metadata to internal representation
  Call startBatch with metadata operations
Metadata received from server
Convert internal representation to Metadata object
Interceptor C Receive Metadata
Interceptor B Receive Metadata
Interceptor A Receive Metadata
Inbound batch logic:
  Emit resulting metadata


Interceptors are initialized at each gRPC call invocation. A call which runs multiple batches will reuse the same interceptors across all batches. A second invocation of the gRPC call will initialize new interceptors. Interceptors can use this to store call-scoped data in their initialization function.


Abstraction level

Interceptors are call-scoped so interceptor authors will be able to reason about the initialization of their interceptors easily. This requires more changes to client.js than intercepting batches individually, but makes it easier for interceptors to operate on different RPC types without special cases.

Invocation-specific and client-wide interceptor configuration

Clients can be configured with interceptor providers at construction time, or interceptors can be passed to individual call invocations. This allows configuration flexibility: a service author can provide a wrapped client constructor which configures the interceptors as desired, and consumers of the client can override any interceptor configuration at invocation time. If any interceptors are passed at invocation, all interceptors attached to the call during construction are ignored.


The implementation will include:

  • A client_interceptors.js module with the logic for constructing and executing interceptor chains.
  • A client_batches.js module to define the batch types and provide a common mechanism to intercept them.
  • Modifying the client.js module to use the new modules.
  • Tests which exercise the client interception methods for all four RPC types.
  • Markdown documentation with example interceptors.

All steps will be implemented by Netflix engineers.

An implementation of server interceptors is not in scope. A separate proposal for server interceptors using similar concepts and interfaces will be provided at a later date.