Small image (~6.44MB) based on alpine
(version 3.8), to run 2048
app cloned from Gabriel repo, with nginx
- Step 1 : Clone repo
$ git clone
- Step 2 : Build new image π§
$ cd /dir/repo/2048
$ docker build -t ykaaouachi/2048:v1.0-alpine.3.8-nginx .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 636.9kB
Step 1/9 : FROM alpine:3.8
---> 196d12cf6ab1
Step 2/9 : LABEL version="1.0.0" maintainer="Youssef KAAOUACHI<>" description="Image based on alpine v3.8, to run 2048 app on nginx"
---> Using cache
---> 9891aa0e8bcc
Step 3/9 : ARG APP_PATH=/usr/share/nginx/html
---> Using cache
---> 63a024e7087f
Step 4/9 : RUN apk --update add nginx && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* && mkdir -p /run/nginx
---> Using cache
---> e2775c71a5e7
Step 5/9 : COPY conf/nginx/nginx-nobody-user.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
---> Using cache
---> b915e46a4851
Step 6/9 : COPY 2048 ${APP_PATH}
---> Using cache
---> faa8b21624f1
Step 7/9 : EXPOSE 80
---> Using cache
---> bfff85654851
Step 8/9 : HEALTHCHECK CMD /usr/bin/nc 80 < /dev/null || exit 1
---> Using cache
---> 99595e727daf
Step 9/9 : CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
---> Using cache
---> a751a085e3f9
Successfully built a751a085e3f9
Successfully tagged ykaaouachi/2048:v1.0-alpine.3.8-nginx
Tagging alpine@sha256:8fe3a924c6d74fc9dfeabece9aff67f4481034bda815c8b9cad4964db084fbca as alpine:3.8
- Step 3 : Sign your image (Docker best practice) For security needs, add this env variable :
For more details : docker documentation
Now, to sign π our image, use docker trust sign
Docker command :
$ docker trust sign ykaaouachi/2048:v1.0-alpine.3.8-nginx
- Step 4 : Run container π
$ docker run -d --name 2048 -p 8080:80 ykaaouachi/2048:v1.0-alpine.3.8-nginx
- Step 5 : Check if everything is OK π¦
List running containers, we must see our container (2048
) :
$ docker ps
And to check that root
user run nginx master process & nobody
user run nginx worker process :
$ docker exec 2048 ps aux | grep -i nginx | grep -v grep
1 root 0:00 nginx: master process nginx -g daemon off;
6 nobody 0:00 nginx: worker process
- Step 6 : Docker Health check
When run docker ps
, we must see '(healthy)' on STATUS
$ docker ps
8dd6cea8a447 ykaaouachi/2048:v1.0-alpine.3.8-nginx ... Up 13 minutes (healthy)>80/tcp 2048
- Step 7 : Start game
- If you run Docker on host machine : Launch on your browser
- If you use VM to run Docker : launch
And, Voilaa :
- Remove 2048 container :
$ docker kill 2048 && docker rm 2048
- Remove 2048 image
$ docker rmi ykaaouachi/2048:v1.0-alpine.3.8-nginx
- Docker documentation,
- Content trust in Docker,
- Gabriel repo,
- To fix some issues with nginx,
- ...