- With this configuration, CHARGEBACK COSTS exceed 3% of the TOTAL REVENUE. Lower the decision boundary.
+ With this configuration, CHARGEBACK RATE exceed 3%. Lower the decision boundary.
There is no signifiant set of attributes whose value is out of the usual behaviour. Therefore this transaction has been labeled as accepted.
Most influential predictors:
- Both the IP and the amount spent in the purchase are unlikely according to the historical patterns of this user. The payment has been blocked because it's likely to have suffered an Account Takeover Attack.
{{ explanation }}
diff --git a/dashboard-front/coreui/src/app/views/dashboard/explainability/explanation/explanation.component.ts b/dashboard-front/coreui/src/app/views/dashboard/explainability/explanation/explanation.component.ts
index 0bb0c0e8..b8d7fb6b 100644
--- a/dashboard-front/coreui/src/app/views/dashboard/explainability/explanation/explanation.component.ts
+++ b/dashboard-front/coreui/src/app/views/dashboard/explainability/explanation/explanation.component.ts
@@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ export class ExplanationComponent implements OnInit{
@Input() psp_reference: bigint = BigInt(0);
@Input() risk_score: number = 0;
+ public accepted :boolean = this.risk_score < 0.5;
+ public verbose_explanation: string[] = [];
+ public general_explanations: string[] = [];
chartRadarData = {
labels: ['General Evidences Score', 'IP Score', 'Card Behaviour Score', 'Amount Spent Score', 'E-Mail Score'],
@@ -49,7 +53,9 @@ export class ExplanationComponent implements OnInit{
ngOnInit(): void {
- this.createRadarChart()
+ this.createRadarChart();
+ this.getMostInfluentialFeatures();
+ this.accepted = this.risk_score < 0.5;
createRadarChart(): void {
@@ -60,10 +66,78 @@ export class ExplanationComponent implements OnInit{
+ getMostInfluentialFeatures(): void {
+ this.explanationService.getInfluentialFeatures(Number(this.psp_reference)).subscribe(
+ (influential_features: any[]) => {
+ this.createReadableExplanation(influential_features)
+ }
+ )
+ }
fillExplanationScores(explanationScores: any) {
const data = [explanationScores["general_evidences"], explanationScores["ip_risk"], explanationScores["risk_card_behaviour"], explanationScores["risk_card_amount"], explanationScores["email_risk"]]
this.chartRadarData.datasets[0].data = data;
+ createReadableExplanation(influential_features: string[]){
+ this.verbose_explanation = [];
+ for (let sentence of influential_features){
+ this.createOneSentence(sentence);
+ }
+ if (this.general_explanations.length > 0){
+ let features = ""
+ for (let explanation of this.general_explanations){
+ features += explanation;
+ features += " and "
+ }
+ let last_sentence = "General evidences such as (" + features.slice(0, -5) + ") have been decisive to block this transaction";
+ this.verbose_explanation.push(last_sentence);
+ }
+ }
+ createOneSentence(sentence: string): void {
+ let explanation: string = "";
+ if (this.risk_score > 0.5) {
+ const token0 = sentence.split("_")[0]
+ const N = sentence.split("_").slice(-2)[0].slice(0, -3).toString();
+ const window = sentence.split("_").slice(-1).toString()
+ if (window == "window") {
+ if (token0 == "card"){
+ const type = sentence.split("_")[1]
+ if (type == "avg"){
+ explanation = "The amount spent with this CARD during the last " + N + " days.";
+ }else if (type == "nb"){
+ explanation = "The number of transactions made with this CARD during the last "+ N +" days it's been higher than usual.";
+ }
+ } else if (token0 == "email"){
+ const type = sentence.split("_")[2]
+ if (type == "risk"){
+ explanation = "There have been transactions made with this EMAIL during the last "+ N +" days that have been fraudulent.";
+ }else if (type == "nb"){
+ explanation = "The number of transactions made with this EMAIL during the last "+ N +" days it's been higher than usual.";
+ }
+ } else if (token0 == "ip"){
+ const type = sentence.split("_")[2]
+ if (type == "risk"){
+ explanation = "There have been transactions made with this IP during the last "+ N +" days that have been fraudulent.";
+ }else if (type == "nb"){
+ explanation = "The number of transactions made with this IP during the last "+ N +" days it's been higher than usual.";
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (sentence == "diff_tx_time_in_hours" || sentence == "is_night" || sentence == "is_weekend"){
+ explanation = "The time in the day this transaction has been made differs from what is usual.";
+ } else if (sentence == "same_country" || sentence == "is_diff_previous_ip_country"){
+ explanation = "This transaction has been made in another country, which is unusual for this user.";
+ } else if (sentence == "is_credit"){
+ this.general_explanations.push("having used a credit card")
+ } else if (sentence == "shopper_interaction_POS"){
+ this.general_explanations.push("being an online transaction")
+ }
+ }
+ if (explanation != ""){
+ this.verbose_explanation.push(explanation);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/dashboard-front/coreui/src/app/views/dashboard/fairness/fairness.component.html b/dashboard-front/coreui/src/app/views/dashboard/fairness/fairness.component.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a451db9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboard-front/coreui/src/app/views/dashboard/fairness/fairness.component.html
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@