Users with a Red Hat account in are able to use the Assisted Installer to install OCP clusters on their Bare Metals nodes.
The UI is available here:
The API is available here:
On, Assisted Service APIs calls are authenticated.
There are two kind of authentications: User and Agent. Some APIs accept both types. See configuration in API definition.
Agent authentication is used by the processes running on the nodes (Agent, Installer & Controller). The Agent APIs are not meant to be used by end users.
User Authentication is using JWT tokens.
In order to get a JWT token, ocm
CLI is needed:
sudo dnf copr enable ocm/tools
sudo dnf install ocm-cli
Obtain offline token from (This token does not expire)
Login to ocm:
ocm login --token (with token from
Generate JWT token :
ocm token
The JWT token is valid for 15 minutes and need to be provided in the header of the HTTP request.
Here an example to get all the user's clusters:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(ocm token)"
Agent authentication uses a token from the Pull Secret and needs to be provided in the header of the HTTP request.
Here an example:
curl -X POST -H "X-Secret-Key: <PULL_SECRET_TOKEN>"
API objects instances are defined with an unique identifier (UUID).
In the UI, the cluster UUID is available as part of the URL, for example:
The host UUID is available in the UI in the 'Host Details' section.