This is probably only useful for maintainers.
Public github address (
Make sure you're using NDK r10e! Ndk 8 is broken for some devices.
Sanity check the master branch.
./gradlew clean releaseDoc
, and review the unobfuscated aar and javadocs for any anomalies. -
Deploy release version of SampleApp with
./gradlew installRelease
to a device and run a few sanity checks. You will have to generate keystores to do this. -
git checkout -b release/1.2.3 master
with a release version -
and commit. -
fab sdk_reset sdk_release
, it will reset the branches, build the sdk in thedistribution-repo
folder, tag the release, and deploy to mavenCentral. Modify the fab task tosdk_release:is_upload_archives=false
if you do not want to deploy to mavenCentral. -
Switch to master and merge release branch
git checkout master git merge --no-ff release/1.2.3
Now push the changes to origin repo
git push origin master --tags
Wait for tests to complete and let's release to public, check the diffs to verify all is good
- Check the changes
cd distribution-repo; git show
- Promote the repo in maven central 2. Open Sonatype, and 2. Follow these instructions 2. Only when the maven repo lists this release, proceed to next step. Otherwise, the sample app won't compile.
- Push
git push public master --tags
- Check the changes
Update javadocs
- On public repo, checkout special gh branch called gh-pages:
git checkout gh-pages
2.rm -rf `ls | grep -v *.md`
- On private sdk rep, build javadoc and copy to public repo:
./gradlew releaseDoc
2.cp -a* <public repo dir>
- On public repo, push the changes:
git push
- On public repo, checkout special gh branch called gh-pages:
Check github that all is good.
Post that a new release is available using the same format previously used to:
- Twitter (username=cardio/password=ask for password)
- Google Groups (send email to [email protected])