- random num. generation, get acquainted with prob. concepts
don't forget to see mathematical equations
$\mathbb{E}$ -
Bernoulli, binomial, Multinomial, Gaussian, beta
Multi-dimensional Gaussian
- sample generation
- sample density plot by scatter plot
- sample mean / sample covariance definition & computation
- connect to PCA
- 1D data -> 2D embedding -> scatter plot -> noise in y-direction -> rotation (x = R z) -> eigen decomposition -> recover 1D data
- connect to PCA
plt plotting, MATLAB & OO style, scatter plot, histogram
data exploration & visualization
- datasets in sklearn: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/datasets/index.html
- iris
- search for a dataset!
information theory
decision tree
- entropy =
expection of information
=average information
(for discrete r.v.'s) - Gini =
expection of not-me
=expectation of mislabeling by random labeling according to p_i