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Javascript isn't correctly initialized when loaded with HTMX #1311

iragm opened this issue Sep 21, 2022 · 10 comments

Javascript isn't correctly initialized when loaded with HTMX #1311

iragm opened this issue Sep 21, 2022 · 10 comments


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iragm commented Sep 21, 2022

First - great project, wonderful documentation!

I am using dal with HTMX to create an autocomplete field in a modal window. (HTMX loads the modal window from a different View/url and appends it to the current page.) When I visit the HTMX URL directly, everything works fine. But, when I use HTMX to append that same working page to my existing page's DOM, the dropdown menu isn't initializing correctly.

I see a bunch of stuff on Stack Overflow that references this kind of issue, but it's always (?) caused by forgetting lo load Javascript or form tags. I also see #1270 which is the only other reference to HTMX, but this seems to be a bit different than both of those.

I have a feeling that stuff is getting loaded in the wrong order - that is, HTMX dumps the scripts into the DOM, and they execute on the page before the form has a chance to initialize. I believe this because the form works the second time it's loaded, or the third time if I mess with the order the libraries are loaded in. I am new to HTMX, so it's possible the PEBKAC.

I was able to hack together a very ugly but functioning solution as follows. In the template that my HTMX view returns, I added jquery:

<script src=""></script>
{{ }}
{% load crispy_forms_tags %}
... some generic html here ...
<p>{% crispy form form.helper %}</p>

Then, I hacked autocomplete_light.js to split the load event listener into a separate function so I could call it manually:

window.addEventListener("load", function () {
    console.log('This is never called.');

function dal_init() {
    console.log('This gets called twice, I am not sure why.');
    // Check if `django.jQuery` exists otherwise set `django.jQuery` to non namespaced jQuery.
    window.django = window.django || {};
    if (!django.hasOwnProperty('jQuery') && jQuery !== 'undefined') {
        django.jQuery = jQuery;
...the rest of this is unchanged except for the ) removed at the end of what used to be window.addEventListener(

Finally, I added this snippet to autocomplete_light.js to call my newly created function:

$( document ).ready(function() {

This works, every time, as far as I can tell. I have already invested too much time in this to spend more time figuring out the root cause and putting together a PR, but maybe this will help someone else who is using this with HTMX (most likely me after I upgrade DAL in a year or two and my hacks break).

Here is my complete autocomplete_light.js file:

 * Django Autocomplete Light

var yl = yl || {};
yl.functions = yl.functions || {};
 * Register your own JS function for DAL.
 * @param name The name of your function. This should be the same as the widget
 *             `autocomplete_function` property value.
 * @param func The callback that will initialize your custom autocomplete.
yl.registerFunction = function (name, func) {
    if (this.functions.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
        // This function already exists to show an error and skip.
        console.error('The DAL function "' + name + '" has already been registered.');
    if (typeof func != 'function') {
        // It's not a function kill it.
        throw new Error('The custom DAL function must be a function.');
    this.functions[name] = func;
    var event = new CustomEvent('dal-function-registered.' + name, {detail: {name: name, func: func}})

window.addEventListener("load", function () {
    console.log('This is never called.');

function dal_init() {
    console.log('This gets called twice, I am not sure why.');
    // Check if `django.jQuery` exists otherwise set `django.jQuery` to non namespaced jQuery.
    window.django = window.django || {};
    if (!django.hasOwnProperty('jQuery') && jQuery !== 'undefined') {
        django.jQuery = jQuery;

    (function ($) {
        $.fn.getFormPrefix = function () {
            /* Get the form prefix for a field.
             * For example:
             *     $(':input[name$=owner]').getFormsetPrefix()
             * Would return an empty string for an input with name 'owner' but would return
             * 'inline_model-0-' for an input named 'inline_model-0-owner'.
            var parts = $(this).attr('name').split('-');
            var prefix = '';

            for (var i in parts) {
                var testPrefix = parts.slice(0, -i).join('-');
                if (!testPrefix.length) continue;
                testPrefix += '-';

                var result = $(':input[name^=' + testPrefix + ']')

                if (result.length) {
                    return testPrefix;

            return '';

        $.fn.getFormPrefixes = function () {
             * Get the form prefixes for a field, from the most specific to the least.
             * For example:
             *      $(':input[name$=owner]').getFormPrefixes()
             * Would return:
             * - [''] for an input named 'owner'.
             * - ['inline_model-0-', ''] for an input named 'inline_model-0-owner' (i.e. nested with a nested inline).
             * - ['sections-0-items-0-', 'sections-0-', ''] for an input named 'sections-0-items-0-product'
             *   (i.e. nested multiple time with django-nested-admin).
            var parts = $(this).attr('name').split('-').slice(0, -1);
            var prefixes = [];

            for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 2) {
                var testPrefix = parts.slice(0, -i || parts.length).join('-');
                if (!testPrefix.length)

                testPrefix += '-';

                var result = $(':input[name^=' + testPrefix + ']')

                if (result.length)


            return prefixes;

         * This ensures the Language file is loaded and passes it our jQuery.
        if (typeof dalLoadLanguage !== 'undefined') {
        } else {
            document.addEventListener('dal-language-loaded', function (e) {
                // `e.lang` is the language that was loaded.

        // Fire init event for yl.registerFunction() execution.
        var event = new CustomEvent('dal-init-function');

        var initialized = [];

        $.fn.excludeTemplateForms = function() {
            // exclude elements that contain '__prefix__' in their id
            // these are used by django formsets for template forms
            return this.not('[id*=__prefix__]').filter(function() {
                // exclude elements that contain '-empty-' in their ids
                // these are used by django-nested-admin for nested template formsets
                // note that the filter also ensures that 'empty' is not actually the related_name for some relation
                // by ensuring that it is not surrounded by numbers on both sides
                return ! ||\d+-empty-\d+-/);

         * Initialize a field element. This function calls the registered init function
         * and ensures that the element is only initialized once.
         * @param element The field to be initialized
        function initialize(element) {
            if (typeof element === 'undefined' || typeof element === 'number') {
                element = this;

            // Ensure element is not already initialized.
            if (initialized.indexOf(element) >= 0) {

            // The DAL function to execute.
            var dalFunction = $(element).attr('data-autocomplete-light-function');

            if (yl.functions.hasOwnProperty(dalFunction) && typeof yl.functions[dalFunction] == 'function') {
                // If the function has been registered call it.
                yl.functions[dalFunction]($, element);
            } else if (yl.functions.hasOwnProperty(dalFunction)) {
                // If the function exists but has not been registered wait for it to be registered.
                window.addEventListener('dal-function-registered.' + dalFunction, function (e) {
                    yl.functions[dalFunction]($, element);
            } else {
                // Otherwise notify that the function should be registered.
                console.warn('Your custom DAL function "' + dalFunction + '" uses a deprecated event listener that will be removed in future versions.')

            // Fire init event for custom function execution.
            // DEPRECATED

            // Add element to the array of already initialized fields

            // creates and dispatches the event to notify of the initialization completed
            var dalElementInitializedEvent = new CustomEvent("dal-element-initialized", {
                detail: {
                    element: element,


        if (!window.__dal__initialize) {
            window.__dal__initialize = initialize;

            $(document).ready(function () {

            if ('MutationObserver' in window) {
                new MutationObserver(function (mutations) {
                    var mutationRecord;
                    var addedNode;

                    for (var i = 0; i < mutations.length; i++) {
                        mutationRecord = mutations[i];

                        if (mutationRecord.addedNodes.length > 0) {
                            for (var j = 0; j < mutationRecord.addedNodes.length; j++) {
                                addedNode = mutationRecord.addedNodes[j];


                }).observe(document.documentElement, {childList: true, subtree: true});
            } else {
                $(document).on('DOMNodeInserted', function (e) {

        // using jQuery
        function getCookie(name) {
            var cookieValue = null;
            if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') {
                var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
                for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
                    var cookie = $.trim(cookies[i]);
                    // Does this cookie string begin with the name we want?
                    if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) {
                        cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
            return cookieValue;

        document.csrftoken = getCookie('csrftoken');
        if (document.csrftoken === null) {
            // Try to get CSRF token from DOM when cookie is missing
            var $csrf = $('form :input[name="csrfmiddlewaretoken"]');
            if ($csrf.length > 0) {
                document.csrftoken = $csrf[0].value;

    // Does the same thing as django's admin/js/autocomplete.js, but uses yl.jQuery.
    (function ($) {
        'use strict';
        var init = function ($element, options) {
            var settings = $.extend({
                ajax: {
                    data: function (params) {
                        return {
                            term: params.term,
                            app_label: $'app-label'),
                            model_name: $'model-name'),
                            field_name: $'field-name')
            }, options);

        $.fn.djangoAdminSelect2 = function (options) {
            var settings = $.extend({}, options);
            $.each(this, function (i, element) {
                var $element = $(element);
                init($element, settings);
            return this;

        $(function () {
            // Initialize all autocomplete widgets except the one in the template
            // form used when a new formset is added.

        $(document).on('formset:added', (function () {
            return function (event, $newFormset) {
                return $newFormset.find('.admin-autocomplete').djangoAdminSelect2();

    (function ($, yl) {
        yl.forwardHandlerRegistry = yl.forwardHandlerRegistry || {};

        yl.registerForwardHandler = function (name, handler) {
            yl.forwardHandlerRegistry[name] = handler;

        yl.getForwardHandler = function (name) {
            return yl.forwardHandlerRegistry[name];

        function getForwardStrategy(element) {
            var checkForCheckboxes = function () {
                var all = true;
                $.each(element, function (ix, e) {
                    if ($(e).attr("type") !== "checkbox") {
                        all = false;
                return all;

            if (element.length === 1 &&
                element.attr("type") === "checkbox" &&
                element.attr("value") === undefined) {
                // Single checkbox without 'value' attribute
                // Boolean field
                return "exists";
            } else if (element.length === 1 &&
                element.attr("multiple") !== undefined) {
                // Multiple by HTML semantics. E. g. multiple select
                // Multiple choice field
                return "multiple";
            } else if (checkForCheckboxes()) {
                // Multiple checkboxes or one checkbox with 'value' attribute.
                // Multiple choice field represented by checkboxes
                return "multiple";
            } else {
                // Other cases
                return "single";

         * Get fields with name `name` relative to `element` with considering form
         * prefixes.
         * @param element the element
         * @param name name of the field
         * @returns jQuery object with found fields or empty jQuery object if no
         * field was found
        yl.getFieldRelativeTo = function (element, name) {
            var prefixes = $(element).getFormPrefixes();

            for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
                var fieldSelector = "[name=" + prefixes[i] + name + "]";
                var field = $(fieldSelector);

                if (field.length) {
                    return field;

            return $();

         * Get field value which is put to forwarded dictionary
         * @param field the field
         * @returns forwarded value
        yl.getValueFromField = function (field) {
            var strategy = getForwardStrategy(field);
            var serializedField = $(field).serializeArray();

            if ((serializedField == false) && ($(field).prop('disabled'))) {
                $(field).prop('disabled', false);
                serializedField = $(field).serializeArray();
                $(field).prop('disabled', true);

            var getSerializedFieldElementAt = function (index) {
                // Return serializedField[index]
                // or null if something went wrong
                if (serializedField.length > index) {
                    return serializedField[index];
                } else {
                    return null;

            var getValueOf = function (elem) {
                // Return elem.value
                // or null if something went wrong
                if (elem.hasOwnProperty("value") &&
                    elem.value !== undefined
                ) {
                    return elem.value;
                } else {
                    return null;

            var getSerializedFieldValueAt = function (index) {
                // Return serializedField[index].value
                // or null if something went wrong
                var elem = getSerializedFieldElementAt(index);
                if (elem !== null) {
                    return getValueOf(elem);
                } else {
                    return null;

            if (strategy === "multiple") {
                    function (item) {
                        return getValueOf(item);
            } else if (strategy === "exists") {
                return serializedField.length > 0;
            } else {
                return getSerializedFieldValueAt(0);

        yl.getForwards = function (element) {
            var forwardElem,
            divSelector = "div.dal-forward-conf#dal-forward-conf-for-" +
                element.attr("id") + ", " +
                "div.dal-forward-conf#dal-forward-conf-for_" +
            form = element.length > 0 ? $(element[0].form) : $();

            forwardElem =
            if (forwardElem.length === 0) {
            try {
                forwardList = JSON.parse(forwardElem.text());
            } catch (e) {

            if (!Array.isArray(forwardList)) {

            forwardedData = {};

            $.each(forwardList, function (ix, field) {
                var srcName, dstName;
                if (field.type === "const") {
                    forwardedData[field.dst] = field.val;
                } else if (field.type === "self") {
                    if (field.hasOwnProperty("dst")) {
                        dstName = field.dst;
                    } else {
                        dstName = "self";
                    forwardedData[dstName] = yl.getValueFromField(element);
                } else if (field.type === "field") {
                    srcName = field.src;
                    if (field.hasOwnProperty("dst")) {
                        dstName = field.dst;
                    } else {
                        dstName = srcName;
                    var forwardedField = yl.getFieldRelativeTo(element, srcName);

                    if (!forwardedField.length) {

                    forwardedData[dstName] = yl.getValueFromField(forwardedField);
                } else if (field.type === "javascript") {
                    var handler = yl.getForwardHandler(field.handler);
                    forwardedData[field.dst || field.handler] = handler(element);

            return JSON.stringify(forwardedData);

    })(django.jQuery, yl);
$( document ).ready(function() {
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Put a setTimeout of like 100/200, then call select2() with ajax settings

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it's the same issue like #1221 atm the only option is to trigger a page load event to force an initialization of dal

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jpic commented May 22, 2023

That is the code that's supposed to initialize new autocompletes:

Is it not triggering with HTMX?

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jpic commented May 22, 2023

Would be great to know if using the system in alight_new branch (see PR #1330) does indeed work with HTMX

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just tested it with current version of alight_new branch (3.9.7 87dcae9) and it doesn't initialize.
atm i still do this "manually" in the snippet that's getting loaded by htmx

        htmx.on("htmx:afterSettle", (e) => {
            setTimeout(() => {
                if (!dal_init) {
                    window.dispatchEvent(new Event('load'));
                    dal_init = true;
            }, 200);

for some reason it's sufficient to run this the very first time the snippet is loaded, every subsequent load of the same snippet will be initialized by then

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foggy54 commented Feb 7, 2024

hello, I managed to get everything work with original autocomplete_light.js using the script provided by @ideesnoires in his post, but slightly modified, removing dal_init. The script must be added to the modal content template

    htmx.on("htmx:afterSettle", (e) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
                window.dispatchEvent(new Event('load'));
        }, 200);

The only problem that I see now - every modal window generates dozen of "The DAL function "select2" has already been registered" errors, not sure if it possible to do something with that.

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@foggy54 that's why I used the dal_init variable. It's getting initialized while loading a view and avoiding the multiple select2() calls.

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foggy54 commented Feb 7, 2024

@ideesnoires sorry, I can't understand where and how you define variable dal_init? I'm getting error ReferenceError: dal_init is not defined

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@foggy54 well before any htmx code is getting called I initialize this variable with a simple:
var dal_init = false;

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foggy54 commented Feb 7, 2024

@ideesnoires I tried this (code below, just checking if variable is defined), also works perfectly, thx for advice!

```         htmx.on("htmx:afterSettle", (e) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
        if (typeof dal_init === 'undefined') {            
            window.dispatchEvent(new Event('load'));
            dal_init = true;
    }, 200);

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