disconnect : Disconnect us from the server.
print : Print the batteries, the temperature chambers and the diagnostic chambers registred to our database.
register -<type> args : Register to our database a battery ("b"), a temperature chamber ("tc") or a diagnostic chamber ("dc").
pop -<type> <id> : Remove from our database the element of type with it's id.
save : Save the current database into the databse.pickle file.
load-s : Load the database form the database.pickle file.
load-b <id of dc> <id of battery> <channel> : Load the batteries into the dc into the channel given in argument.
check-diag : Check and print all the batteries that needs to be diagnosticated.
start <id of dc> : Start the diagnostic of the diagnostic chamber given in parameter.
status <id of dc> : Give the number of days until the diagnostic finsih.
generate-f <id of dc> : Generate the files for the batteries registred in the diagnostic chamber.
abort <id of dc> : Abort the diagnostic of the diagnostic chamber given in parameter.
unload <id of dc> : Unload the diagnostic chamber if the time of diagnostic is finished.