diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index e09bbfacf3b..44f6dc40db4 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ assets/*
# asset symlinks
# ue4 stuff
diff --git a/SetupThrive.rb b/SetupThrive.rb
index c7fbca897e9..fa61da4665f 100755
--- a/SetupThrive.rb
+++ b/SetupThrive.rb
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ def parseExtraArgs
leviathan = Leviathan.new(
# Use this if you always want the latest commit
# version: "develop",
- version: "216d4d2bca1847bce276889e08370d2e0da74270",
+ version: "b3a58bb91507774b34045b648efbfc9bbc9e8d40",
# Doesn't actually work, but leviathan doesn't install with sudo by
# default, or install at all for that matter
noInstallSudo: true
@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ def parseExtraArgs
isInteractive = $stdout.isatty
+ puts "Interactive mode is: " + isInteractive.to_s
if not File.exist? "assets"
info "Getting assets"
@@ -188,7 +190,6 @@ def parseExtraArgs
# Symlink the textures and fonts from assets to make local previewing of the GUI easier
if OS.windows?
- # These need to run in cmd as admin, for some reason
info "Creating junctions for assets to be referenced from gui " +
"html without running cmake every time"
runSystemSafe "cmd", "/c", "mklink", "/J",
@@ -198,8 +199,9 @@ def parseExtraArgs
convertPathToWindows(File.join(ProjectDir, "Fonts")),
convertPathToWindows(File.join(ProjectDir, "assets", "fonts"))
runSystemSafe "cmd", "/c", "mklink", "/J",
- convertPathToWindows(File.join(ProjectDir, "jsvendor")),
- convertPathToWindows(File.join(ProjectDir, "assets", "jsvendor"))
+ convertPathToWindows(File.join(ProjectDir, "JSVendor")),
+ convertPathToWindows(File.join(ProjectDir, "ThirdParty/Leviathan/bin/Data",
+ "JSVendor"))
if !File.exists? File.join(ProjectDir, "Textures")
FileUtils.ln_sf File.join(ProjectDir, "assets", "textures"),
@@ -211,9 +213,9 @@ def parseExtraArgs
File.join(ProjectDir, "Fonts")
- if !File.exists? File.join(ProjectDir, "jsvendor")
- FileUtils.ln_sf File.join(ProjectDir, "assets", "jsvendor"),
- File.join(ProjectDir, "jsvendor")
+ if !File.exists? File.join(ProjectDir, "JSVendor")
+ FileUtils.ln_sf File.join(ProjectDir, "ThirdParty/Leviathan/bin/Data", "JSVendor"),
+ File.join(ProjectDir, "JSVendor")
diff --git a/scripts/gui/thrive_gui.html b/scripts/gui/thrive_gui.html
index d6bff3cbb35..e3f6e748f4f 100644
--- a/scripts/gui/thrive_gui.html
+++ b/scripts/gui/thrive_gui.html
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
diff --git a/scripts/gui/thrive_menus.txt b/scripts/gui/thrive_menus.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d757b097ff..00000000000
--- a/scripts/gui/thrive_menus.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
-// Main menu script of Thrive
-GUIBaseFile = "MainMenu.layout";
-GUIAnimations = ["thrive.anims"];
-RequireCEGUIHooked = true;
-ExtraAccess = "FullFileSystem";
-// This keeps the GUI always on (no mouse capture is used on the main menu)
-o GuiCollection "OnKeeper"{
- l params{
- Enabled = true;
- KeepsGUIOn = true;
- }
-// Top level window for all menus
-o GuiCollection "Background"{
- l params{
- Enabled = true;
- AutoTarget = "Background";
- }
- s{
- AudioSource @jams;
- // Called from the intro video player after it ends
- [@Listener="Generic", @Type="IntroVideoFinished"]
- int startMenuMusic(){
- LOG_INFO("Starting menu music");
- @jams = GetEngine().GetSoundDevice().Play2DSound("Data/Sound/main-menu-theme-2.ogg",
- true, false);
- return 1;
- }
- // These pause and resume the main menu music
- [@Listener="OnHide"]
- int pauseMenuMusic(){
- jams.Get().pause();
- return 1;
- }
- [@Listener="OnShow"]
- int resumeMenuMusic(){
- jams.Get().play();
- return 1;
- }
- @%};
-// main menu root window
-o GuiCollection "TopLevelMenu"{
- l params{
- Enabled = true;
- AutoTarget = "Background/MainMenuInteractive";
- //AutoAnimateChildren = true;
- //AutoAnimationIn = [[AutoTarget], [PopIn]];
- //AutoAnimationOut = [[AutoTarget], [SinkAway]];
- }
-// Root of the cell stage GUI
-o GuiCollection "MicrobeRoot"{
- l params{
- Enabled = false;
- AutoTarget = "MicrobeStageRoot";
- }
-// Root of the microbe editor GUI
-o GuiCollection "MicrobeEditorRoot"{
- l params{
- Enabled = false;
- AutoTarget = "MicrobeEditorRoot";
- }
- s{
- GuiCollection@ ourInstance;
- [@Listener="OnInit"]
- int storeInstance(GuiCollection@ instance){
- @ourInstance = instance;
- return 1;
- }
- void restoreFinishButtonActual(){
- LOG_INFO("Enabling finish button after half a second");
- ourInstance.GetOwningManager().GetRootWindow().GetChild(
- "MicrobeEditorRoot/FinishButton").SetDisabledState(false);
- }
- void restoreFinishButtonBackgroundCall(){
- // Called in a background thread so we need to invoke
- GetEngine().Invoke(@restoreFinishButtonActual);
- }
- // Called from ThriveGame when the editor is entered
- [@Listener="Generic", @Type="MicrobeEditorEntered"]
- int enterEditor(/* Don't need the instance as it is already stored */){
- ourInstance.UpdateState(true);
- // Disable the normal microbe GUI
- ourInstance.GetOwningManager().SetCollectionState("MicrobeRoot", false);
- // Disable the finish button
- ourInstance.GetOwningManager().GetRootWindow().GetChild(
- "MicrobeEditorRoot/FinishButton").SetDisabledState(true);
- // And enable it in half a second
- GetEngine().GetThreadingManager().QueueTaskDelayed(
- @restoreFinishButtonBackgroundCall, 500);
- return 1;
- }
- // Called from ThriveGame when the editor is exited
- [@Listener="Generic", @Type="MicrobeEditorExited"]
- int enterExitEditor(/* Don't need the instance as it is already stored */){
- ourInstance.UpdateState(false);
- // Enable the normal microbe GUI
- ourInstance.GetOwningManager().SetCollectionState("MicrobeRoot", true);
- return 1;
- }
- @%};
-// ------------------------------------ //
-// This creates the intro video player
-// And also plays the menu sound because why not
-o GuiObject "_IntroVideoStarter"{
- s{
- GuiObject@ OurObject;
- bool PlayingIntroVideo = false;
- // Comment the next line to not play intro video
- [@Listener="OnInit"]
- int StartVideoPlayback(GuiObject@ instance){
- LOG_INFO("Starting to play intro video");
- CEGUI::Window@ videoPlayer = instance.GetOwningManager().GetRootWindow().
- CreateAndAddChild("Thrive/VideoPlayer", "MainMenuVideoPlayer");
- videoPlayer.SetSize(1.0, 0, 1.0, 0);
- auto@ castedPlayer = cast(videoPlayer);
- // Grab the created window as our own
- instance.ConnectElement(videoPlayer);
- if(!instance.IsCEGUIEventHooked()){
- LOG_ERROR("IntroVideoStarter failed to bind to the created video "
- "player widget");
- return 0;
- }
- // Save object for callback //
- @OurObject = instance;
- // Register end callback //
- castedPlayer.OnPlaybackEnded.Register(@OnVideoEnded);
- // Start playback
- castedPlayer.Play("Data/Videos/intro.mkv");
- PlayingIntroVideo = true;
- return 1;
- }
- // This is probably not called as it isn't a button
- [@Listener="OnClick"]
- bool VideoPlayerClicked(GuiObject@ instance){
- LOG_INFO("VideoPlayer clicked");
- return true;
- }
- void DestroyVideoPlayerWindow(){
- // Make sure this is called only once
- if(!PlayingIntroVideo)
- return;
- PlayingIntroVideo = false;
- LOG_INFO("Destroying VideoPlayer window");
- OurObject.GetOwningManager().GetRootWindow().
- DestroyChild("MainMenuVideoPlayer");
- //play music too
- GetEngine().GetEventHandler().CallEvent(GenericEvent("IntroVideoFinished"));
- }
- // Called by the videoplayer when the playback ends
- void OnVideoEnded(NamedVars@ values){
- LOG_INFO("Intro video ended");
- GetEngine().Invoke(@DestroyVideoPlayerWindow);
- }
- // User pressed skip intro video button
- [@Listener="Generic", @Type="MainMenuIntroSkipEvent"]
- int onSkipVideoEvent(GuiObject@ instance, GenericEvent@ event){
- if(PlayingIntroVideo){
- OnVideoEnded(NamedVars());
- return 1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- @%};
-// ------------------------------------ //
-// Main menu objects
-// Version label
-o GuiObject "Background/MainMenuInteractive/VersionLabel"{
- s{
- [@Listener="OnInit"]
- int WriteVersion(GuiObject@ instance){
- instance.GetTargetWindow().SetText("TODO: ver (" + GetLeviathanVersion() +
- ")");
- return 1;
- }
- @%};
-//Load the game//
-o GuiObject "Background/MainMenuInteractive/LoadGameButton"{
- s{
- [@Listener="OnInit"]
- int checkforSave(GuiObject@ instance){
- // disable if no saved game //
- //for some reaosn I cannot call FileSystem::FileExists even though it works fine in the other angel scripts - Michael
- // This now works with new ExtraAccess setting (also it was a static function so it
- // is called like this) - hhyyrylainen
- if (!FileSystem::FileExists("quick.sav")) {
- instance.GetTargetWindow().SetDisabledState(true);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- [@Listener="OnClick"]
- bool LoadIt(GuiObject@ instance){
- GetEngine().GetSoundDevice().Play2DSoundEffect("Data/Sound/soundeffects/gui/button-hover-click.ogg");
- // Load the game //
- if (FileSystem::FileExists("quick.sav")) {
- // Disable all the menus
- instance.GetOwningManager().SetCollectionState("Background", false);
- // And show the microbe GUI
- instance.GetOwningManager().SetCollectionState("MicrobeRoot", true);
- GetThriveGame().loadSaveGame("quick.sav");
- }
- return true;
- }
- @%};
-// Quit the game //
-o GuiObject "Background/MainMenuInteractive/ExitGameButton"{
- s{
- [@Listener="OnClick"]
- bool QuitIt(GuiObject@ instance){
- // Close the game //
- GetEngine().GetSoundDevice().Play2DSoundEffect("Data/Sound/soundeffects/gui/button-hover-click.ogg");
- cast(GetThriveGame()).MarkAsClosing();
- return true;
- }
- @%};
-// Start game //
-o GuiObject "Background/MainMenuInteractive/NewGameButton"{
- s{
- bool PlayingVideo = false;
- GuiObject@ VideoPlayerWindow;
- GuiObject@ OurInstance;
- [@Listener="OnClick"]
- bool StartGame(GuiObject@ instance){
- //play click sound
- GetEngine().GetSoundDevice().Play2DSoundEffect("Data/Sound/soundeffects/gui/button-hover-click.ogg");
- // Store this for the ended callback
- @OurInstance = instance;
- //initialize the video player
- LOG_INFO("initialized video player");
- CEGUI::Window@ microbeIntroVideoPlayer = instance.GetOwningManager().GetRootWindow().
- CreateAndAddChild("Thrive/VideoPlayer", "IntroPlayer");
- LOG_INFO("initialized video player");
- microbeIntroVideoPlayer.SetSize(1.0, 0, 1.0, 0);
- LOG_INFO("set size of video player");
- auto@ castedPlayer = cast(microbeIntroVideoPlayer);
- LOG_INFO("casted player created");
- // We are already attached to a CEGUI window so we don't grab the videoplayer
- // like in MainMenuVideoPlayer
- @VideoPlayerWindow = instance;
- // Register end callback //
- castedPlayer.OnPlaybackEnded.Register(@OnMicrobeVideoEnded);
- // Start playback
- castedPlayer.Play("Data/Videos/MicrobeIntro.mkv");
- PlayingVideo = true;
- return true;
- }
- //microbe video stuff
- void DestroyMicrobeVideo(){
- // Make sure this is called only once
- if(!PlayingVideo)
- return;
- PlayingVideo = false;
- VideoPlayerWindow.GetOwningManager().GetRootWindow().DestroyChild("IntroPlayer");
- LOG_INFO("Destroying VideoPlayer window");
- }
- void OnMicrobeVideoEnded(NamedVars@ values){
- LOG_INFO("Stage video ended");
- GetEngine().Invoke(@DestroyMicrobeVideo);
- // And now swap the GUI //
- // Disable all the menus
- OurInstance.GetOwningManager().SetCollectionState("Background", false);
- // And show the microbe GUI
- OurInstance.GetOwningManager().SetCollectionState("MicrobeRoot", true);
- GetThriveGame().startNewGame();
- }
- // User pressed skip intro video button
- [@Listener="Generic", @Type="MainMenuIntroSkipEvent"]
- int onSkipVideoMicrobeEvent(GuiObject@ instance, GenericEvent@ event){
- if(PlayingVideo){
- OnMicrobeVideoEnded(NamedVars());
- return 1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- // Uncomment the next line to automatically start a new game
- // also remember to disable the intro video to not hear it also play
- // [@Listener="OnInit"]
- int InstantStart(GuiObject@ instance){
- // Store this for the ended callback
- @OurInstance = instance;
- OnMicrobeVideoEnded(NamedVars());
- return 1;
- }
- @%};
-//function MainMenuHudSystem:update(renderTime, logicTime)
-// if keyCombo(kmp.screenshot) then
-// Engine:screenShot("screenshot.png")
-// elseif keyCombo(kmp.skipvideo) then
-// if self.videoPlayer then
-// self.videoPlayer:close()
-// self.videoPlayer:hide()
-// getComponent("gui_sounds", self.gameState, SoundSourceComponent
-// ):interruptPlaying()
-// getComponent("main_menu_ambience", self.gameState, SoundSourceComponent
-// ).autoLoop = true
-// self.skippedVideo = true
-// end
-// elseif keyCombo(kmp.forward) then
-// end
-// if self.videoPlayer then
-// self.videoPlayer:update()
-// if self.videoPlayer:getCurrentTime() >= self.videoPlayer:getDuration() - 3.0 then
-// if not self.vidFadeoutStarted then
-// self.videoPlayer:playAnimation("fadeout")
-// self.vidFadeoutStarted = true
-// end
-// if not self.skippedVideo and self.videoPlayer:getCurrentTime() >= self.videoPlayer:getDuration() then
-// self.videoPlayer:hide()
-// getComponent("main_menu_ambience", self.gameState, SoundSourceComponent
-// ).autoLoop = true
-// end
-// end
-// end
-//local function setupSound(gameState)
-// -- Background music
-// local ambientEntity = Entity.new("main_menu_ambience", gameState.wrapper)
-// local soundSource = SoundSourceComponent.new()
-// soundSource.ambientSoundSource = true
-// soundSource.autoLoop = false
-// soundSource.volumeMultiplier = 0.15
-// ambientEntity:addComponent(soundSource)
-// soundSource:addSound("main-menu-theme-1", "main-menu-theme-1.ogg")
-// soundSource:addSound("main-menu-theme-2", "main-menu-theme-2.ogg")
-// -- Gui effects
-// local guiSoundEntity = Entity.new("gui_sounds", gameState.wrapper)
-// soundSource = SoundSourceComponent.new()
-// soundSource.ambientSoundSource = true
-// soundSource.autoLoop = false
-// soundSource.volumeMultiplier = 1.0
-// guiSoundEntity:addComponent(soundSource)
-// -- Sound
-// soundSource:addSound("button-hover-click", "soundeffects/gui/button-hover-click.ogg")
-// ------------------------------------ //
-// ------------------------------------ //
-// MicrobeStage HUD things
-o GuiObject "_mainMicrobeHUDEventHandler"{
- s{
- // This is a good example of how to put complex scripts to a new
- #include "microbe_gui_events.as"
- @%};
-o GuiObject "MicrobeStageRoot/EditorButton"{
- s{
- [@Listener="Generic", @Type="PlayerReadyToEnterEditor"]
- int enable(GuiObject@ instance, GenericEvent@ event){
- instance.GetTargetWindow().SetDisabledState(false);
- return 1;
- }
- [@Listener="OnClick"]
- bool clicked(GuiObject@ instance){
- GetThriveGame().editorButtonClicked();
- instance.GetTargetWindow().SetDisabledState(true);
- return true;
- }
- @%};
-// ------------------------------------ //
-// MicrobeEditor HUD things
-o GuiObject "MicrobeEditorRoot/FinishButton"{
- s{
- [@Listener="OnClick"]
- bool clicked(GuiObject@ instance){
- GetThriveGame().finishEditingClicked();
- instance.GetTargetWindow().SetDisabledState(true);
- return true;
- }
- @%};
diff --git a/scripts/microbe_stage/species_system.as b/scripts/microbe_stage/species_system.as
index d56a258ebd0..e03622cb881 100644
--- a/scripts/microbe_stage/species_system.as
+++ b/scripts/microbe_stage/species_system.as
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ class Species{
// Network
// Allows for "jungles of cyanobacteria"
- // Ntwork is extremely rare
+ // Network is extremely rare
float x = curSpawn.X;
float z = curSpawn.Z;
// To prevent bacteria being spawned on top of each other