This is the code to be seperated from the main.cpp to be more modular.
This header file contains implementations.
The functions of interpolate_points are from
The functions of NextWaypoint, ClosestWaypoint, hasData are from Udacity.
#ifndef UTILS
#define UTILS
Here are utilities for path planning.
#include <math.h>
#include <uWS/uWS.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include "parameters.h"
using namespace std;
// For converting back and forth between radians and degrees.
constexpr double pi() { return M_PI; }
double deg2rad(double x) { return x * pi() / 180; }
double rad2deg(double x) { return x * 180 / pi(); }
// Checks if the SocketIO event has JSON data.
// If there is data the JSON object in string format will be returned,
// else the empty string "" will be returned.
string hasData(string s) {
auto found_null = s.find("null");
auto b1 = s.find_first_of("[");
auto b2 = s.find_first_of("}");
if (found_null != string::npos) {
return "";
} else if (b1 != string::npos && b2 != string::npos) {
return s.substr(b1, b2 - b1 + 2);
return "";
double distance(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
return sqrt((x2-x1)*(x2-x1)+(y2-y1)*(y2-y1));
int ClosestWaypoint(double x, double y, vector<double> maps_x, vector<double> maps_y)
double closestLen = 100000; //large number
int closestWaypoint = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < maps_x.size(); i++)
double map_x = maps_x[i];
double map_y = maps_y[i];
double dist = distance(x,y,map_x,map_y);
if(dist < closestLen)
closestLen = dist;
closestWaypoint = i;
return closestWaypoint;
// Transform from Cartesian x,y coordinates to Frenet s,d coordinates
vector<double> getFrenet(double x, double y, double theta, vector<double> maps_x, vector<double> maps_y, vector<double> maps_s)
int next_wp = NextWaypoint(x,y, theta, maps_x,maps_y);
int prev_wp;
prev_wp = next_wp-1;
if(next_wp == 0)
prev_wp = maps_x.size()-1;
double n_x = maps_x[next_wp]-maps_x[prev_wp];
double n_y = maps_y[next_wp]-maps_y[prev_wp];
double x_x = x - maps_x[prev_wp];
double x_y = y - maps_y[prev_wp];
// find the projection of x onto n
double proj_norm = (x_x*n_x+x_y*n_y)/(n_x*n_x+n_y*n_y);
double proj_x = proj_norm*n_x;
double proj_y = proj_norm*n_y;
double frenet_d = distance(x_x,x_y,proj_x,proj_y);
//see if d value is positive or negative by comparing it to a center point
double center_x = 1000-maps_x[prev_wp];
double center_y = 2000-maps_y[prev_wp];
double centerToPos = distance(center_x,center_y,x_x,x_y);
double centerToRef = distance(center_x,center_y,proj_x,proj_y);
if(centerToPos <= centerToRef)
frenet_d *= -1;
// calculate s value
double frenet_s = maps_s[0];
for(int i = 0; i < prev_wp; i++)
frenet_s += distance(maps_x[i],maps_y[i],maps_x[i+1],maps_y[i+1]);
frenet_s += distance(0,0,proj_x,proj_y);
return {frenet_s,frenet_d};
// Transform from Frenet s,d coordinates to Cartesian x,y
vector<double> getXY(double s, double d, vector<double> maps_s, vector<double> maps_x, vector<double> maps_y)
int prev_wp = -1;
while(s > maps_s[prev_wp+1] && (prev_wp < (int)(maps_s.size()-1) ))
int wp2 = (prev_wp+1)%maps_x.size();
double heading = atan2((maps_y[wp2]-maps_y[prev_wp]),(maps_x[wp2]-maps_x[prev_wp]));
// the x,y,s along the segment
double seg_s = (s-maps_s[prev_wp]);
double seg_x = maps_x[prev_wp]+seg_s*cos(heading);
double seg_y = maps_y[prev_wp]+seg_s*sin(heading);
double perp_heading = heading-pi()/2;
double x = seg_x + d*cos(perp_heading);
double y = seg_y + d*sin(perp_heading);
return {x,y};
Treat the s coordinate value in Frenet in a circle, when it’s increased beyond the total length of the circle drive, MAX_S, then wrap it around.
double wrap_around(double s) {
while (s < 0)
s += MAX_S;
while (MAX_S <= s)
s -= MAX_S;
assert(0 <= s);
assert(s < MAX_S);
return s;
int lane_width = 4;
// starting from 0, from the left most to the right most
int lane_center_d(int lane_index) {
return (lane_index + 0.5)*lane_width;
bool within_lane(int lane, double d) {
return (lane*lane_width < d) && (d < (lane+1)*lane_width);
int d_to_lane_index(double d) {
// assert(0 <= d);
// assert(d <= lane_width*NUM_LANES);
int lane_index = (int)floor(d/lane_width);
if (lane_index < 0) {
cout << "Negative lane index: " << lane_index << ", d: " << d << endl;
if (NUM_LANES < lane_index) {
cout << "lane index beyond NUM_LANES: " << NUM_LANES << ", lane_index: " << lane_index << ", d: " << d << endl;
//assert(0 <= lane_index);
//assert(lane_index < NUM_LANES);
return lane_index;
- distance: compute the distance between two points, used in ClosestWaypoint
- ClosestWaypoint: find the closest waypoint to the point (x, y) in terms of index to the arrays of {x, y}-coordinates of the waypoints
- NextWaypoint: the next waypoint relative to the point (x, y) in terms of the index of waypoints, using ClosestWaypoint.
double distance(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
return sqrt((x2-x1)*(x2-x1)+(y2-y1)*(y2-y1));
int ClosestWaypoint(double x, double y, vector<double> maps_x, vector<double> maps_y) {
/* maps_x, and maps_y are the {x, y}-coordinates of the waypoints.
Returns the index of the waypoint that is closest to the point (x, y)
double closestLen = 100000; //large number
int closestWaypoint = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < maps_x.size(); i++) {
double map_x = maps_x[i];
double map_y = maps_y[i];
double dist = distance(x,y,map_x,map_y);
if(dist < closestLen) {
closestLen = dist;
closestWaypoint = i;
return closestWaypoint;
int NextWaypoint(double x, double y, double theta, vector<double> maps_x, vector<double> maps_y) {
maps_x, and maps_y are the {x, y}-coordinates of the waypoints.
returns the next waypoint relative to the point (x, y) in terms of the index of waypoints.
int closestWaypoint = ClosestWaypoint(x, y, maps_x, maps_y);
double map_x = maps_x[closestWaypoint];
double map_y = maps_y[closestWaypoint];
double heading = atan2( (map_y-y),(map_x-x) );
double angle = abs(theta-heading);
if(angle > pi()/4) { // The closest waypoint has been passed by the point (x, y)
return closestWaypoint;
- getFrenet: from Cartesian to Frenet by way of waypoints
- getXY: from Frenet to Cartesian
// Transform from Cartesian x, y coordinates to Frenet s, d coordinates
vector<double> getFrenet(double x, double y, double theta, vector<double> maps_x, vector<double> maps_y) {
int next_wp = NextWaypoint(x, y, theta, maps_x,maps_y);
int prev_wp;
prev_wp = next_wp-1;
if (next_wp == 0) {
prev_wp = maps_x.size()-1; // circular path
double n_x = maps_x[next_wp]-maps_x[prev_wp];
double n_y = maps_y[next_wp]-maps_y[prev_wp];
double x_x = x - maps_x[prev_wp]; // offset relative to previous waypoint
double x_y = y - maps_y[prev_wp];
// find the projection of x onto n
double proj_norm = (x_x*n_x+x_y*n_y)/(n_x*n_x+n_y*n_y);
double proj_x = proj_norm*n_x;
double proj_y = proj_norm*n_y;
double frenet_d = distance(x_x,x_y,proj_x,proj_y);
//see if d value is positive or negative by comparing it to a center point
double center_x = 1000-maps_x[prev_wp];
double center_y = 2000-maps_y[prev_wp];
double centerToPos = distance(center_x,center_y,x_x,x_y);
double centerToRef = distance(center_x,center_y,proj_x,proj_y);
if(centerToPos <= centerToRef) {
frenet_d *= -1;
// calculate s value
double frenet_s = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < prev_wp; i++) {
frenet_s += distance(maps_x[i],maps_y[i],maps_x[i+1],maps_y[i+1]);
frenet_s += distance(0,0,proj_x,proj_y);
return {frenet_s, frenet_d};
// Transform from Frenet s, d coordinates to Cartesian x, y
vector<double> getXY(double s, double d, vector<double> maps_s, vector<double> maps_x, vector<double> maps_y) {
int prev_wp = -1;
while(s > maps_s[prev_wp+1] && (prev_wp < (int)(maps_s.size()-1) )) {
int wp2 = (prev_wp+1)%maps_x.size();
double heading = atan2((maps_y[wp2]-maps_y[prev_wp]),(maps_x[wp2]-maps_x[prev_wp]));
// the x,y,s along the segment
double seg_s = (s-maps_s[prev_wp]);
double seg_x = maps_x[prev_wp]+seg_s*cos(heading);
double seg_y = maps_y[prev_wp]+seg_s*sin(heading);
double perp_heading = heading-pi()/2;
double x = seg_x + d*cos(perp_heading);
double y = seg_y + d*sin(perp_heading);
return {x, y};
// Checks if the SocketIO event has JSON data.
// If there is data the JSON object in string format will be returned,
// else the empty string "" will be returned.
string hasData(string s) {
auto found_null = s.find("null");
auto b1 = s.find_first_of("[");
auto b2 = s.find_first_of("}");
if (found_null != string::npos) {
return "";
} else if (b1 != string::npos && b2 != string::npos) {
return s.substr(b1, b2 - b1 + 2);
return "";
int NextWaypoint(double x, double y, double theta, vector<double> maps_x, vector<double> maps_y)
int closestWaypoint = ClosestWaypoint(x,y,maps_x,maps_y);
double map_x = maps_x[closestWaypoint];
double map_y = maps_y[closestWaypoint];
double heading = atan2( (map_y-y),(map_x-x) );
double angle = abs(theta-heading);
if(angle > pi()/4)
return closestWaypoint;
Based on
//int NextWaypoint(double x, double y, double theta, const vector<double> &maps_x, const vector<double> &maps_y)
int NextWaypoint(double x, double y, double theta, vector<double> maps_x, vector<double> maps_y)
int closestWaypoint = ClosestWaypoint(x,y,maps_x,maps_y);
double map_x = maps_x[closestWaypoint];
double map_y = maps_y[closestWaypoint];
double heading = atan2( (map_y-y),(map_x-x) );
double angle = abs(theta - heading);
angle = min(2*pi() - angle, angle); // XXX bug fix
if(angle > pi()/4) {
if (closestWaypoint == maps_x.size()) {
closestWaypoint = 0; // XXX bug fix
// XXX debug
// cout << "corrected closestWaypoint=" << closestWaypoint << endl;
return closestWaypoint;
Support function for cost functions
double logistic(double x) {
// returns a value between 0 and 1 for x in the range[0, infinity] and
// - 1 to 0 for x in the range[-infinity, infinity].
// Useful for cost functions.
return 2.0 / (1 + exp(-x)) - 1.0;
vector<double> interpolate_points(vector<double> pts_x, vector<double> pts_y,
vector<double> eval_at_x) {
// uses the spline library to interpolate points connecting a series of x and y values
// output is spline evaluated at each eval_at_x point
if (pts_x.size() != pts_y.size()) {
cout << "ERROR! SMOOTHER: interpolate_points size mismatch between pts_x and pts_y" << endl;
return { 0 };
tk::spline s;
s.set_points(pts_x,pts_y); // currently it is required that X is already sorted
vector<double> output;
for (double x: eval_at_x) {
return output;
vector<double> interpolate_points(vector<double> pts_x, vector<double> pts_y,
double interval, int output_size) {
// uses the spline library to interpolate points connecting a series of x and y values
// output is output_size number of y values beginning at y[0] with specified fixed interval
if (pts_x.size() != pts_y.size()) {
cout << "ERROR! SMOOTHER: interpolate_points size mismatch between pts_x and pts_y" << endl;
return { 0 };
tk::spline s;
s.set_points(pts_x,pts_y); // currently it is required that X is already sorted
vector<double> output;
for (int i = 0; i < output_size; i++) {
output.push_back(s(pts_x[0] + i * interval));
return output;
template <typename T>
void vector_remove(vector<T> & a_vector, T value) {
a_vector.erase(std::remove(a_vector.begin(), a_vector.end(), value), a_vector.end());
template <typename T>
typename T::iterator min_map_element(T& m) {
return min_element(m.begin(), m.end(),
[](typename T::value_type& l,
typename T::value_type& r) -> bool { return l.second.cost < r.second.cost; });
constexpr unsigned int str2int(const char* str, int h = 0)
return !str[h] ? 5381 : (str2int(str, h+1) * 33) ^ str[h];