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Releasing trollimage

  1. checkout main branch

  2. pull from repo

  3. run the unittests

  4. run loghub and update the file:

    loghub pytroll/trollimage --token $LOGHUB_GITHUB_TOKEN -st $(git tag --sort=-version:refname --list 'v*' | head -n 1) -plg bug "Bugs fixed" -plg enhancement "Features added" -plg documentation "Documentation changes" -plg backwards-incompatibility "Backward incompatible changes" -plg refactor "Refactoring"

    This uses a LOGHUB_GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable. This must be created on GitHub and it is recommended that you add it to your .bashrc or .bash_profile or equivalent.

    This command will create a CHANGELOG.temp file which needs to be added to the top of the file. The same content is also printed to terminal, so that can be copy-pasted, too. Remember to update also the version number to the same given in step 5. Don't forget to commit!

  5. Create a tag with the new version number, starting with a 'v', eg:

    git tag -a v0.22.45 -m "Version 0.22.45"

    For example if the previous tag was v0.9.0 and the new release is a patch release, do:

    git tag -a v0.9.1 -m "Version 0.9.1"

    See on how to write a version number.

  6. push changes to github git push --follow-tags

  7. Verify github action unittests passed.

  8. Create a "Release" on GitHub by going to and clicking "Draft a new release". On the next page enter the newly created tag in the "Tag version" field, "Version X.Y.Z" in the "Release title" field, and paste the markdown from the changelog (the portion under the version section header) in the "Describe this release" box. Finally click "Publish release".

  9. Verify the GitHub actions for deployment succeed and the release is on PyPI.