title |
Parsing JSON the hard way |
Learn about low-level parser and compiler tools by implementing a JSON parser
This chapter was written by Aaron Patterson, a Ruby developer living in Seattle, WA. He's been having fun writing Ruby for the past 7 years, and hopes to share his love of Ruby with you.
Hey everybody! I hope you're having a great day today! The sun has peeked out of the clouds for a bit today, so I'm doing great!
In this article, we're going to be looking at some compiler tools for use with Ruby. In order to explore these tools, we'll write a JSON parser. I know you're saying, "but Aaron, why write a JSON parser? Don't we have like 1,234,567 of them?". Yes! We do have precisely 1,234,567 JSON parsers available in Ruby! We're going to parse JSON because the grammar is simple enough that we can finish the parser in one sitting, and because the grammar is complex enough that we can exercise some of Ruby's compiler tools.
As you read on, keep in mind that this isn't an article about parsing JSON, its an article about using parser and compiler tools in Ruby.
I'm going to be testing this with Ruby 2.1.0, but it should work under any
flavor of Ruby you wish to try. Mainly, we will be using a tool called Racc
and a tool called StringScanner
We'll be using Racc to generate our parser. Racc is an LALR parser generator
similar to YACC. YACC stands for "Yet Another Compiler Compiler", but this is
the Ruby version, hence "Racc". Racc converts a grammar file (the ".y" file)
to a Ruby file that contains state transitions. These state transitions are
interpreted by the Racc state machine (or runtime). The Racc runtime ships
with Ruby, but the tool that converts the ".y" files to state tables does not.
In order to install the converter, do gem install racc
We will write ".y" files, but users cannot run the ".y" files. First we convert them to runnable Ruby code, and ship the runnable Ruby code in our gem. In practical terms, this means that only we install the Racc gem, other users do not need it.
Don't worry if this doesn't make sense right now. It will become more clear when we get our hands dirty and start playing with code.
Just like the name implies, StringScanner is a class that helps us scan strings. It keeps track of where we are in the string, and lets us advance forward via regular expressions or by character.
Let's try it out! First we'll create a StringScanner
object, then we'll scan
some letters from it:
require 'strscan'
ss = StringScanner.new 'aabbbbb' #=> #<StringScanner 0/7 @ "aabbb...">
ss.scan /a/ #=> "a"
ss.scan /a/ #=> "a"
ss.scan /a/ #=> nil
ss #=> #<StringScanner 2/7 "aa" @ "bbbbb">
Notice that the third call to
resulted in a nil
, since the regular expression did not match from the current
position. Also note that when you inspect the StringScanner
instance, you can
see the position of the scanner (in this case 2/7
We can also move through the scanner character by character using StringScanner#getch:
ss #=> #<StringScanner 2/7 "aa" @ "bbbbb">
ss.getch #=> "b"
ss #=> #<StringScanner 3/7 "aab" @ "bbbb">
The getch
method returns the next character, and advances the pointer by one.
Now that we've covered the basics for scanning strings, let's take a look at using Racc.
As I said earlier, Racc is an LALR parser generator. You can think of it as a system that lets you write limited regular expressions that can execute arbitrary code at different points as they're being evaluated.
Let's look at an example. Suppose we have a pattern we want to match:
. That is, we want to match any number of 'a' or 'c' followed by
'abb'. To translate this to a Racc grammar, we try to break up this regular
expression to smaller parts, and assemble them as the whole. Each part is
called a "production". Let's try breaking up this regular expression so that we
can see what the productions look like, and the format of a Racc grammar file.
First we create our grammar file. At the top of the file, we declare the Ruby
class to be produced, followed by the rule
keyword to indicate that we're
going to declare the productions, followed by the end
keyword to indicate the
end of the productions:
class Parser
Next lets add the production for "a|c". We'll call this production a_or_c
class Parser
a_or_c : 'a' | 'c' ;
Now we have a rule named a_or_c
, and it matches the characters 'a' or 'c'. In
order to match one or more a_or_c
productions, we'll add a recursive
production called a_or_cs
class Parser
: a_or_cs a_or_c
| a_or_c
a_or_c : 'a' | 'c' ;
The a_or_cs
production recurses on itself, equivalent to the regular
expression (a|c)+
. Next, a production for 'abb':
class Parser
: a_or_cs a_or_c
| a_or_c
a_or_c : 'a' | 'c' ;
abb : 'a' 'b' 'b'
Finally, the string
production ties everything together:
class Parser
: a_or_cs abb
| abb
: a_or_cs a_or_c
| a_or_c
a_or_c : 'a' | 'c' ;
abb : 'a' 'b' 'b';
This final production matches one or more 'a' or 'c' characters followed by
'abb', or just the string 'abb' on its own. This is equivalent to our original
regular expression of (a|c)*abb
But Aaron, this is so long!
I know, it's much longer than the regular expression version. However, we can add arbitrary Ruby code to be executed at any point in the matching process. For example, every time we find just the string "abb", we can execute some arbitrary code:
class Parser
| a_or_cs abb
| abb
: a_or_cs a_or_c
| a_or_c
a_or_c : 'a' | 'c' ;
abb : 'a' 'b' 'b' { puts "I found abb!" };
The Ruby code we want to execute should be wrapped in curly braces and placed after the rule where we want the trigger to fire.
To use this parser, we also need a tokenizer that can break the input data into tokens, along with some other boilerplate code. If you are curious about how that works, you can check out this standalone example.
Now that we've covered the basics, we can use knowledge we have so far to build an event based JSON parser and tokenizer.
Our JSON parser is going to consist of three different objects, a parser, a tokenizer, and document handler.The parser will be written with a Racc grammar, and will ask the tokenizer for input from the input stream. Whenever the parser can identify a part of the JSON stream, it will send an event to the document handler. The document handler is responsible for collecting the JSON information and translating it to a Ruby data structure. When we read in a JSON document, the following method calls are made:
It's time to get started building this system. We'll focus on building the tokenizer first, then work on the grammar for the parser, and finally implement the document handler.
Our tokenizer is going to be constructed with an IO object. We'll read the
JSON data from the IO object. Every time next_token
is called, the tokenizer
will read a token from the input and return it. Our tokenizer will return the
following tokens, which we derived from the JSON spec:
- Strings
- Numbers
- True
- False
- Null
Complex types like arrays and objects will be determined by the parser.
return values:
When the parser calls next_token
on the tokenizer, it expects a two element
array or a nil
to be returned. The first element of the array must contain
the name of the token, and the second element can be anything (but most people
just add the matched text). When a nil
is returned, that indicates there are
no more tokens left in the tokenizer.
class definition:
Let's look at the source for the Tokenizer class and walk through it:
module RJSON
class Tokenizer
STRING = /"(?:[^"\\]|\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}))*"/
NUMBER = /-?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?/
TRUE = /true/
FALSE = /false/
NULL = /null/
def initialize io
@ss = StringScanner.new io.read
def next_token
return if @ss.eos?
when text = @ss.scan(STRING) then [:STRING, text]
when text = @ss.scan(NUMBER) then [:NUMBER, text]
when text = @ss.scan(TRUE) then [:TRUE, text]
when text = @ss.scan(FALSE) then [:FALSE, text]
when text = @ss.scan(NULL) then [:NULL, text]
x = @ss.getch
[x, x]
First we declare some regular expressions that we'll use along with the string scanner. These regular expressions were derived from the definitions on json.org. We instantiate a string scanner object in the constructor. String scanner requires a string on construction, so we read the IO object. However, we could build an alternative tokenizer that reads from the IO as needed.
The real work is done in the next_token
method. The next_token
returns nil if there is nothing left to read from the string scanner, then it
tries each regular expression until it finds a match. If it finds a match, it
returns the name of the token (for example :STRING
) along with the text that
it matched. If none of the regular expressions match, then we read one
character off the scanner, and return that character as both the name of the
token, and the value.
Let's try feeding the tokenizer a JSON string and see what tokens come out:
tok = RJSON::Tokenizer.new StringIO.new '{"foo":null}'
#=> #<RJSON::Tokenizer:0x007fa8529fbeb8 @ss=#<StringScanner 0/12 @ "{\"foo...">>
tok.next_token #=> ["{", "{"]
tok.next_token #=> [:STRING, "\"foo\""]
tok.next_token #=> [":", ":"]
tok.next_token #=> [:NULL, "null"]
tok.next_token #=> ["}", "}"]
tok.next_token #=> nil
In this example, we wrap the JSON string with a StringIO
object in order to
make the string quack like an IO. Next, we try reading tokens from the
tokenizer. Each token the Tokenizer understands has the name as the first value of
the array, where the unknown tokens have the single character value. For
example, string tokens look like this: [:STRING, "foo"]
, and unknown tokens
look like this: ['(', '(']
. Finally, nil
is returned when the input has
been exhausted.
This is it for our tokenizer. The tokenizer is initialized with an IO
and has only one method: next_token
. Now we can focus on the parser side.
We have our tokenizer in place, so now it's time to assemble the parser. First
we need to do a little house keeping. We're going to generate a Ruby file from
our .y
file. The Ruby file needs to be regenerated every time the .y
changes. A Rake task sounds like the perfect solution.
Defining a compile task:
The first thing we'll add to the Rakefile is a rule that says "translate .y files to .rb files using the following command":
rule '.rb' => '.y' do |t|
sh "racc -l -o #{t.name} #{t.source}"
Then we'll add a "compile" task that depends on the generated parser.rb
task :compile => 'lib/rjson/parser.rb'
We keep our grammar file as lib/rjson/parser.y
, and when we run rake compile
, rake will automatically translate the .y
file to a .rb
file using
Finally we make the test task depend on the compile task so that when we run
rake test
, the compiled file is automatically generated:
task :test => :compile
Now we can compile and test the .y
Translating the JSON.org spec:
We're going to translate the diagrams from json.org to a
Racc grammar. A JSON document should be an object or an array at the root, so
we'll make a production called document
and it should be an object
or an
: object
| array
Next we need to define array
. The array
production can either be empty, or
contain 1 or more values:
: '[' ']'
| '[' values ']'
The values
production can be recursively defined as one value, or many values
separated by a comma:
: values ',' value
| value
The JSON spec defines a value
as a string, number, object, array, true, false,
or null. We'll define it the same way, but for the immediate values such as
NUMBER, TRUE, and FALSE, we'll use the token names we defined in the tokenizer:
: string
| object
| array
Now we need to define the object
production. Objects can be empty, or
have many pairs:
: '{' '}'
| '{' pairs '}'
We can have one or more pairs, and they must be separated with a comma. We can define this recursively like we did with the array values:
: pairs ',' pair
| pair
Finally, a pair is a string and value separated by a colon:
: string ':' value
Now we let Racc know about our special tokens by declaring them at the top, and we have our full parser:
class RJSON::Parser
: object
| array
: '{' '}'
| '{' pairs '}'
: pairs ',' pair
| pair
pair : string ':' value ;
: '[' ']'
| '[' values ']'
: values ',' value
| value
: string
| object
| array
string : STRING ;
Our parser will send events to a document handler. The document handler will assemble the beautiful JSON bits in to lovely Ruby object! Granularity of the events is really up to you, but I'm going to go with 5 events:
- called when an object is startedend_object
- called when an object endsstart_array
- called when an array is startedend_array
- called when an array endsscalar
- called with terminal values like strings, true, false, etc
With these 5 events, we can assemble a Ruby object that represents the JSON object we are parsing.
Keeping track of events
The handler we build will simply keep track of events sent to us by the parser. This creates tree-like data structure that we'll use to convert JSON to Ruby.
module RJSON
class Handler
def initialize
@stack = [[:root]]
def start_object
push [:hash]
def start_array
push [:array]
def end_array
alias :end_object :end_array
def scalar(s)
@stack.last << [:scalar, s]
def push(o)
@stack.last << o
@stack << o
When the parser encounters the start of an object, the handler pushes a list on the stack with the "hash" symbol to indicate the start of a hash. Events that are children will be added to the parent, then when the object end is encountered the parent is popped off the stack.
This may be a little hard to understand, so let's look at some examples. If we
parse this JSON: {"foo":{"bar":null}}
, then the @stack
variable will look
like this:
[:scalar, "foo"],
[:scalar, "bar"],
[:scalar, nil]]]]]
If we parse a JSON array, like this JSON: ["foo",null,true]
, the @stack
variable will look like this:
[:scalar, "foo"],
[:scalar, nil],
[:scalar, true]]]]
Converting to Ruby:
Now that we have an intermediate representation of the JSON, let's convert it to a Ruby data structure. To convert to a Ruby data structure, we can just write a recursive function to process the tree:
def result
root = @stack.first.last
process root.first, root.drop(1)
def process type, rest
case type
when :array
rest.map { |x| process(x.first, x.drop(1)) }
when :hash
Hash[rest.map { |x|
process(x.first, x.drop(1))
when :scalar
The result
method removes the root
node and sends the rest to the process
method. When the process
method encounters a hash
symbol it builds a hash
using the children by recursively calling process
. Similarly, when an
symbol is found, an array is constructed recursively with the children.
Scalar values are simply returned (which prevents an infinite loop). Now if we
call result
on our handler, we can get the Ruby object back.
Let's see it in action:
require 'rjson'
input = StringIO.new '{"foo":"bar"}'
tok = RJSON::Tokenizer.new input
parser = RJSON::Parser.new tok
handler = parser.parse
handler.result # => {"foo"=>"bar"}
Cleaning up the RJSON API:
We have a fully function JSON parser. Unfortunately, the API is not very friendly. Let's take the previous example, and package it up in a method:
module RJSON
def self.load(json)
input = StringIO.new json
tok = RJSON::Tokenizer.new input
parser = RJSON::Parser.new tok
handler = parser.parse
Since we built our JSON parser to deal with IO from the start, we can add another method for people who would like to pass a socket or file handle:
module RJSON
def self.load_io(input)
tok = RJSON::Tokenizer.new input
parser = RJSON::Parser.new tok
handler = parser.parse
def self.load(json)
load_io StringIO.new json
Now the interface is a bit more friendly:
require 'rjson'
require 'open-uri'
RJSON.load '{"foo":"bar"}' # => {"foo"=>"bar"}
RJSON.load_io open('http://example.org/some_endpoint.json')
So we've finished our JSON parser. Along the way we've studied compiler technology including the basics of parsers, tokenizers, and even interpreters (yes, we actually interpreted our JSON!). You should be proud of yourself!
The JSON parser we've built is versatile. We can:
- Use it in an event driven manner by implementing a Handler object
- Use a simpler API and just feed strings
- Stream in JSON via IO objects
I hope this article has given you the confidence to start playing with parser and compiler technology in Ruby. Please leave a comment if you have any questions for me.
I want to follow up with a few bits of minutiae that I omitted to maintain clarity in the article:
Here is the final grammar file for our JSON parser. Notice the ---- inner section in the .y file. Anything in that section is included inside the generated parser class. This is how we get the handler object to be passed to the parser.
Our parser actually does the translation of JSON terminal nodes to Ruby. So we're actually doing the translation of JSON to Ruby in two places: the parser and the document handler. The document handler deals with structure where the parser deals with immediate values (like true, false, etc). An argument could be made that none or all of this translation should be done in the parser.
Finally, I mentioned that the tokenizer buffers. I implemented a simple non-buffering tokenizer that you can read here. It's pretty messy, but I think could be cleaned up by using a state machine.
That's all. Thanks for reading! <3 <3 <3