original => matsumotory/qos-control: qos-control.pl
Traffic control tool using cbq, tc and iproute for CentOS and Ubuntu.
$ ./goqos
Usage: goqos [global flags] <set|view|clear|version> [command flags]
global flags:
$ ./goqos set -h
Usage of set:
-direction string
Traffic direction(in or out)
-ip string
Ipv4 Address (required)
-protocol string
Protocol(Ex. HTTP, DNS) (default "all")
-src string
Traffic Source
-traffic uint
traffic volume
$ ./goqos view -h
Usage of view:
-ip string
Ipv4 Address
$ ./goqos clear -h
Usage of clear:
-clsid string
Class ID (required)
-ip string
Ipv4 Address (required)