- Javascript ES6+ modern JavaScript
- React for websites
- React Native for Apps
- Node for servers
- Next for server side rendering React
- Redux for state management
- Firebase as a database for MVP projects
- Puppeteer for web-scraping
- We've put 20+ React / React Native / Redux / Node applications into production
- We've built tools to start best practice React Native codebases quickly
- We have common components we reuse between projects - for example our credit card checkout component
- Our senior developers review all our code using Pull Requests on Github / Bitbucket / Gitlab
- We Lint all our code to check for common mistakes
- We auto-format our code with Prettier for consistency
- Circle CI builds our code and checks the lint & prettier rules
- All our codebases run the lint and auto-format our code before committing
- Circle CI automatically deploys the code once a build is successful
- We deploy websites using Firebase website deployments
- Server code / Docker containers are deployed using Now and Heroku
We've built a site using React, Redux & Node to demonstrate how we build things
The source code is available for you to browse
- Express for HTTP servers
- Socket.io for real-time data
- Superagent for HTTP calls
- Lodash as a 'standard library'
- Moment for dates and times
- Reselect for computing derived data from Redux state
- Styled Components for creating re-useable components styled with full CSS support
- Webpack / Neutrino / Next to compile the code
- Docker
- Victory Charts
- Ethereum Smart Contracts