This repository contains my standalone Yabai and Skhd configurations.
As tiling windows management, every times window created, it will allocate a space for it to avoid window overlap to each other.
You'll never suffering messy window display for desktop.
# --- install yabai, skhd, jq
$ brew install koekeishiya/formulae/yabai
$ brew install jq
$ brew install koekeishiya/formulae/skhd
# --- Remove previous links
$ rm -f " ${HOME} " /.{yabai,skhd}rc
# --- Install configs
$ git clone " ${HOME} " /.config/yabai
$ ln -s " ${HOME} /.config/yabai/yabai/yabairc" " ${HOME} /.yabairc"
$ ln -s " ${HOME} /.config/yabai/skhd/skhdrc" " ${HOME} /.skhdrc"
# --- Will automatically start Yabai & Skhd when computer starts
$ brew services start yabai
$ brew services start skhd
# --- (options) Install stackline part. --- #
# ## stackline can show icons aside by your stacked windows to announce the stack windows.
$ brew install hammerspoon --cask
# Install stackline (
# Get the repo
$ git clone ~ /.hammerspoon/stackline
# Make stackline run when hammerspoon launches
$ cd ~ /.hammerspoon
$ cp ~ /.hammerspoon/stackline/conf.lua ~ /.hammerspoon/stakeline_config.lua
# **Hint**: If your mac is M1 structure - you have to change the code below
# -- in stackline/conf.lua
# c.paths.yabai = '/opt/homebrew/bin/yabai' -- silicon mac, M1
# c.paths.yabai = '/usr/local/bin/yabai' -- intel version.
echo ' stackline = require "stackline"' >> init.lua
echo ' local stackline_config = require "stackline_config"' >> init.lua
echo ' stackline:init(stackline_config)' >> init.lua
Reload / restart the yabai launch agent
ctrl + alt + cmd + r
Show / hide items on desktop
cmd + f3
Toggle full screen / up-full screen
alt + cmd + space
Key Combination
Move left
ctrl + alt + cmd + left
Move right
ctrl + alt + cmd + right
Move up
ctrl + alt + cmd + up
Move down
ctrl + alt + cmd + down
Key Combination
Focus left
alt + cmd + left
Focus right
alt + cmd + right
Focus up
alt + cmd + up
Focus down
alt + cmd + down
Key Combination
Resize left
ctrl + alt + cmd + home
Resize right
ctrl + alt + cmd + end
Resize up
ctrl + alt + cmd + pageUp
Resize down
ctrl + alt + cmd + pageDown
Key Combination
Stack left
shift + alt + cmd + left
Stack right
shift + alt + cmd + right
Focus Windows (stack mode)
Key Combination
Focus up
shift + alt + cmd + up
Focus down
shift + alt + cmd + down
Toggle float / Un-float mode window
ctrl + alt + cmd + space
Move Windows (floating mode)
Key Combination
Move left
alt + cmd + left
Move right
alt + cmd + right
full screen
alt + cmd + up
place window to screen center
alt + cmd + down
Move up left
alt + cmd + home
Move down right
alt + cmd + end
Move up right
alt + cmd + pageUp
Move down left
alt + cmd + pageDown
Key Combination
Send to prev space
ctrl + cmd + left
Send to next space
ctrl + cmd + right
Send to space (1-9)
ctrl + cmd + 1 - 9
Send Window to Monitors (Displays)
Key Combination
Send to prev monitor
ctrl + alt + left
Send to next monitor
ctrl + alt + right
Focus Monitors (Displays)
Key Combination
Focus monitor 1
ctrl + alt + 1
Focus monitor 2
ctrl + alt + 2
Focus monitor 3
ctrl + alt + 3
Key Combination
Window rotate clockwise
alt + cmd + r
Window rotate anticlockwise
shift + alt + cmd + r
Window Equalize size
alt + cmd + |
Enable / Disable gaps
alt + cmd + g