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Factory registration

Peter Csajtai edited this page Jul 9, 2019 · 12 revisions

You can register a Func<> delegate as a service factory:

container.RegisterFunc<IDrow>(resolver => new Drizzt(resolver.Resolve<IWeapon>()));

Then you can access the registered factory by requesting a Func<> type:

var factory = container.Resolve<Func<IDrow>>();
var drizzt = factory();

Custom parameters

You can also register factory delegates with custom parameters:

container.RegisterFunc<IWeapon, IWeapon, IDrow>(
    (leftHand, rightHand, resolver) => new Drizzt(leftHand, rightHand));

//then request the factory
var factory = container.Resolve<Func<IWeapon, IWeapon, IDrow>>();
var drizzt = factory(new Icingdeath(), new Twinkle());

Resolver factory

You have the option to bind a factory delegate to a registration, which will be invoked by the container directly to instantiate your service. This delegate gets the current resolution scope as an argument, so you can use it inside the body of your function.

container.Register<IDrow, Drizzt>(context => context.
    WithFactory(resolver => 
        new Drizzt(resolver.Resolve<IWeapon>("Twinkle"), resolver.Resolve<IWeapon>("Icingdeath")));

container.Resolve<IDrow>(); //the container will use the given factory to instantiate Drizzt.