Without money it would be very difficult to buy things, because you probably don't have anything that the other person wants, so you can't pay. This is called the "Coincidence of wants problem". By solving the spacial coincidence of wants problem, money allows for career specialization. People can specialize in just fishing, because they know they will be able to sell the fish as long as someone else wants to buy them.
Money is how we communicate our needs. The amount you are willing to pay is how much you need it. If the price of oranges is higher in one region, then we know that they have a greater need for oranges, and we should ship the oranges to them.
Money is like the societal equivalent of the body's nervous system. It allows the different regions of the world to communicate our needs effectively so we can distribute goods and services optimally across space.
Controlling money creation is how the elites maintain their power. They can print money for themselves to skew our perception of global needs, so everyone else gives too much value to the elites.
Markets for goods is how people communicate their need for goods right now. Markets for derivatives is how people communicate their needs for goods across time. If the price of wheat futures is high in 6 months, then farmers can know to plan their farming to provide more wheat in 6 months for when the people will need it.
Using derivatives we can even communicate very precise needs, such as: "If politician X is elected, then 6 months later the price of food will be 10-times higher." Keeping needs like this secret is unethical. If a disaster is coming, then we need to know ahead so we can prepare, that way less people will suffer or die.
The current legal system outlaws almost all of these life-saving derivatives globally. Without derivatives, people can not accurately communicate their future needs. Without derivatives the farmer doesn't know how many vegetables to plant of each variety, because he doesn't know how many vegetables people will need. Without derivatives, we don't know if a politician will make decisions that result in millions of deaths.
Money only solved coincidence of wants in space. Derivatives solves this problem in time, which makes it even easier for people to specialize their careers.
For example, the fisherman can sell his fish before he has caught them. That way, once the fish are ready, he can know exactly who to deliver them to, and they will be as fresh as possible. This reduces the risk on the fisherman, so he can focus more on what he is good at and not worry about the markets. The fisherman has many more potential customers. Instead of only selling to the people who happen to want fish on that particular day, he can also sell to anyone who has an expectation that they will want the fish on that day.
Derivatives can protect us from risk, so we can specialize in more profitable economic activities which would otherwise be too dangerous.
another example: Derivatives and insurance are the key tool for helping subsistence farmers become cash crop farmers, which is an important economic step to end world poverty. Without derivatives, a farmer who doesn't plant subsistence crops risks watching his children die the same year. With derivatives, the farmer can grow more profitable cash crops, and his children are not at risk of starvation. By communicating the needs of his children, the farmer can use derivatives as insurance to ensure that they will not starve. The more valuable cash crops gives the farmer and his family the opportunity to escape poverty.
This is a tool we need to thrive, and no one should have the power to take it away.
Governments restrict access to derivatives. They do this to give themselves and their friends an economic advantage. The people with access to derivatives can easily outcompete everyone else economically. Almost any business can be significantly improved with access to these financial tools, because they allow you to reduce your risks and specialize your career. Restricting access to derivatives is part of how the elite maintain their control.
Amoveo is being built to create a world where everyone has access to these life-saving tools.