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Releases: zak-grumbles/terrain-gen

v2.0.1 - 2.0 Bug Fixes

07 Dec 18:55
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Terrain-Gen 2.0.1

This is a "hotfix" release to resolve some issues with the 2.0 release.


  • Fixed bug that would result in camera rotation getting locked when looking directly down one of the main axis
  • Fixed wireframe rendering approach to avoid strange long edges being rendered.
  • Adjusted sampling approach to add more height variance to generated terrain

PRs & Commits

v2.0 - The QT Release

05 Dec 23:06
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Terrain-Gen v2.0 - The QT Release

What's changed? Basically the whole thing.


  • Re-wrote application in QT framework after trying out some alternatives.
  • Updated to utilize modern-ish OpenGL. We have shaders now.
  • Now utilizing proper UI.
  • Updated noise library to FastNoiseLite

Building / Running

At this point, it's advised that you build the application yourself. I will look into providing binaries at some point in the future if there's any demand for it.

Barebones Terrain Generation

11 May 02:52
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v1.0 - Barebones Terrain Generation

This release contains the very base version of this project. At the time of writing, the program utilizes libnoise to generate Perlin noise. It then uses the Marching Cubes algorithm to approximate a landscape based off of the generated noise. Terrain variables can be altered through a control panel to produce other landscapes.


At this point, the repository is only geared towards the usage of visual studio. Later releases may support cmake and other methods of compilation. Sorry for any inconveniences. I've included a zip here containing the executable for those who do not wish to mess with compiling.


Everything is handled through the control panel, even the camera movement. This kinda sucks, I know. I'll be implementing WASD movement as soon as I find the time. Check the file "" for a full explanation of the control panel.


  • To run it, simply extract the zip. Make sure that all of the .dlls are in the same directory as the .exe. Simple run the .exe and there you have it.