h5 {
font-size: .35cm !important;
.page ul ul {
margin-left: 0px;
.taskList li input {
list-style-type : none;
margin-left : -0.52cm;
transform: translateY(.05cm);
filter: brightness(1.1) drop-shadow(1px 2px 1px #222);
.taskList li input[checked] {
filter: sepia(100%) hue-rotate(60deg) saturate(3.5) contrast(4) brightness(1.1) drop-shadow(1px 2px 1px #222);
pre + * {
margin-top: 0.17cm;
pre {
margin-top: 0.17cm;
.page p + pre {
margin-top : 0.1cm;
.page .openSans {
font-family: 'Open Sans';
font-size: 0.9em;
For a full record of development, visit our Github Page.
Fix brews not deleting from User page when removed from Google Drive externally.
Fixes issues: #2325
- Brew Tags are now searchable on the User page
Fixes issues #2317, #2319, #2334
- Several tweaks to the User page
Fixes issues: #1797, #2315, #2326, #2328 }}
Reference Links should now work inside tables
Fixes issues: #2307
Fix printing from
not working -
Fix broken snippet buttons on
Fixes issues: #2311
The V3 renderer is now the default for new brews.
Small tweaks to the spacing around the
Brew transfers between Homebrewery and Google Drive now keep the same share and edit links! Metadata is now also kept across transfers.
Fixes issues: #1838
Brews can now be labeled with tags; these will be searchable on the My Brews page in a future update.
Fixes issues: #758
Small tweaks to the
snippetFixes issues: #2215 }}
Fixed class table decorations appearing on top of the table in PDF output.
Fixes issues: #1784
Fix bottom decoration on half class tables disappearing when the table is too short.
Fixes issues: #2202 }}
"Jump to Preview/Editor" buttons added to the divider bar. Easily sync between the editor and preview panels!
Fixes issues: #1756
Speedups to the user page for users with large and/or many brews.
Fixes issues: #2147
Search text on the user page is saved to the URL for easy bookmarking in your browser
Fixes issues: #1858
Added easy login system for offline installs.
Fixes issues: #269
New THUMBNAIL option in the {{fa,fa-info-circle}} Properties menu. This image will show up in social media links.
Fixes issues: #820 }}
Style updates to user page.
Added a logout button (finally)! You can find it under {{openSans USERNAME {{fa,fa-user}} → LOGOUT {{fas,fa-power-off}}}}
Fixes issues: #303
Clarified the default text when submitting an issue via Reddit post.
Fixed broken Table of Contents links in PDFs. (Thanks lucastucious!)
Fixes issues: #1749
Fixed window resizing causing the edit page divider to get lost off of the edge of the page.
Fixes issues: #2053
Fixed Class Table decorations overlapping main text.
Fixes issues: #1985
Updated {{openSans STYLE EDITOR {{fa,fa-pencil-alt}} → REMOVE DROP CAP {{fas,fa-remove-format}}}} snippet to also remove small-caps first line font.
Background work in preparation for brew themes. }}
Revert active line highlighting.
Fixes issues: #1913
Added install steps for Ubuntu. HERE
Fixes issues: #1900
Added social media links to home page.
Increase brews visible on the user page to 1,000.
Fixes issues: #1943
Added a Legacy to V3 migration guide under {{openSans NEED HELP? {{fa,fa-question-circle}} → MIGRATE {{fas,fa-file-import}}}}
Background refactoring and unit tests. }}
Fixed text wrapping for long strings in code blocks.
Fixes issues: #1736
Code search/replace PC:
Fixes issues: #1201
Auto-closing HTML tags and curly braces
{{ }}
Highlight current active line
Fixes issues: #1202
Display tabs and trailing spaces
Fixes issues: #1622
Make columns even in V3 Table of Contents.
Fixes issues: #1671
failing to print from/new
pages.Fixes issues: #1815 }}
Fixed paragraph spacing for note and descriptive boxes in V3.
Fixes issues: #1836
Added a whole bunch of hotkeys:
- Page Break
- Column Break
- Bulleted Lists
- Numbered Lists
- Headers
CTRL + SHIFT + (1-6)
- Underline
- Link
- Non-breaking space ( )
CTRL + .
- Add Horizontal Space
- Remove Horizontal Space
- Curly Span
- Curly Div
- Page Break
Fixed page numbers in the editor panel getting scrambled when scrolling up and down.
Faster swapping between tabs on long brews.
Better error messages for common issue with Google Drive credentials expiring. }}
Fixed incorrect sorting of Google brews by page count and views on the user page.
Fixes issues: #1793
Added code folding! Only on a page-level for now. Hotkeys
CTRL + [
andCTRL + ]
to fold/unfold all pages. (Thanks jeddai, new contributor!)Fixes issues: #629
Fixed rendering issues due to the latest Chrome update to version 96. (Also thanks to jeddai!)
Fixes issues: #1828 }}
Moved Post To Reddit button from {{fa,fa-info-circle}} Properties menu to the SHARE {{fa,fa-share-alt}} button as a dropdown.
Added a Copy URL button to the SHARE {{fa,fa-share-alt}} button as a dropdown.
Fixed pages being printed directly from
not recognizing the V3 renderer.Fixes issues: #1702
Updated links to r/UnearthedArcana on home page.
Fixes issues: #1744
Added a FAQ page.
Fixes issues: #810
Added {{fa,fa-undo}} Undo and {{fa,fa-redo}} Redo buttons to the snippet bar.
Switching between the {{fa,fa-beer}} Brew and {{fa,fa-paint-brush}} Style tabs no longer loses your scroll position or undo history.
Fixes issues: #1735
Divider bar between editor and preview panels can no longer be dragged off the edge of the screen.
Fixes issues: #1674 }}
Fixed V3 EDITOR → QR Code snippet not working on
(unsaved) pages.Fixes issues: #1710
Reorganized several snippets from the Brew Editor panel into the Style Editor panel.
Fixes issues: Reported on Reddit
Added a page counter to the right of each
line in V3 to help navigate your brews. Starts counting from page 2.Fixes issues: #846
Moved the changelog to be accessible by clicking on the Homebrewery version number.
Fixes issues: #1166 }}
Updated V3 PHB → Class Feature snippet to use V3 syntax.
Fixes issues: Reported on Reddit
Improved V3 PHB → Monster Stat Block snippet and styling to allow for easier control of paragraph indentation in the Abilities text.
Fixes issues: #181
Improved Legacy TABLES → Split Table snippet by removing unneeded column-break backticks.
Fixes issues: #844
Changed block elements to use CSS
instead ofmin-width
. This should make custom styles behave more predictably when trying to resize items.Fixes issues: Reported on Reddit
Fixed Partial Page Rendering in V3 for large brews
Fixes issues: Reported on Reddit
Fixed HTML validation to handle tags starting with 'a', as in
.Fixes issues: #230
Fixed page footers switching side when printing.
Fixes issues: #1612 }}
We have been working on v3 for a very long time. We want to thank everyone for being paitent.
Some features planned for V3 have actually been released over the recent months as part of V2, and some are still on the way. But at its core, V3 provides brand new Markdown-to-Brew rendering system, which was no simple task. This has opened up access to all sorts of bugfixes, tweaks, and potential for new features that just wouldn't be possible on the old system.
BE WARNED: As we continue to develop V3, expect small tweaks in the styling, fonts, and snippets; your brews may look slightly different from day-to-day; some things might break completely while we tackle any bugs in this early stage. All of your old documents will continue to work as normal. We are not touching them. If you don't want to deal With the possibility of slight formatting changes, you may choose to stick with the Legacy renderer on any of your brews for as long as you like. However, most new features added from now on will only be available for brews using the V3 renderer.
Massive changelog incoming:
With the latest major update to The Homebrewery, we've implemented an extended Markdown-like syntax for block and span elements, plus a few other changes, eliminating the need for HTML tags like div
, and span
in most cases. This should hopefully aid non-coders with readability, and also allows us a few tricks in the background to fix some old issues. No raw HTML tags should be needed in a brew, and going forward, raw HTML will no longer receive debugging support (but can still be used if you insist).
All brews made prior to the release of v3.0.0 will still render normally, and you may switch between the "Legacy" brew renderer and the newer "V3" renderer via the {{fa,fa-info-circle}} Properties button on your brew. Much of the syntax and styling has changed in V3, so code in one version may be broken in the other.
Visit this page for brief examples of the new syntax!
Add Divs and Spans for all your custom styling needs, via a simplified Markdown-like syntax:
{{myDivClass,#myId,color:red My Div content }} Hello {{mySpan,color:blue World}} !
Fixes issues: #348 }}
Add inline CSS to Markdown objects via "curly injection" syntax:
Hello *world*{myClass,#id,color:red}
Fixes issues: #403
Rowspan, Colspan, and multiple header rows with extended table syntax:
| Header 1a | Header 1b | Header 1c |
| Header 2a | Header 2b | Header 2c |
| Span 2 columns || Span 2 |
| one col | one col | rows ^|
- Hanging indents via
tags, as seen in the PHB → Spell snippet. Add via "double-colon" syntax:
Term :: big long definition that bleeds onto multiple lines
Easier vertical spacing via colons alone on a line:
Fixes issues: #374
Avoid paragraph indendation by ending the previous paragraph with a backslash
or two spacesParagraph one\ Paragraph two
Fixes issues: #636
Code blocks can be inserted by surrounding it with rows of three backticks
, for demonstration purposes or to share custom styles. Inline-code can be inserted with single backticks`code`
Here is some code!
Fixes issues: #465
Column breaks now use
instead of```
backticks.Fixes issues: #607
Page breaks using
now only trigger when placed alone at the start of a line.Fixes issues: #1147 }}
\page {{taskList
New EDITOR → QR Code snippet.
Fixes issues: #538
New IMAGES → Watercolor Splatter snippet, which adds one of a range of stylish stains to your brew.
New IMAGES → Watermark snippet, which adds transparent text diagonally across the page.
New PHB → Magic Item snippet.
Fixes issues: #671
New TABLES → 1/3 Class Table snippet for 1/3 casters.
Fixes issues: #191
Improved EDITOR → Table of Contents snippet to actually look like the PHB style. Will auto-generate based on the headers in your brew.
Fixes issues: #304
Improved PHB → Monster Stat Block snippet with textures, and an option to remove the frame entirely.
Improved PHB → Spell List snippet can now be made single-column.
Improved TABLES → Class Table snippet is now cleaned up, has an option to remove the frame entirely, and includes additional boundary decorations.
Paragraphs are now able to split across columns.
Fixes issues: #239
Multiple fixes for bold/italicize using asterisks
* *
Multiple for list items not displaying correctly.
"Smart quotes", so left and right quotes are different.
Fixes issues: #849
Long URLs in links now wrap properly.
Fixes issues: #1136
Better support for
blocks that span across the whole page! No more problems with contents getting shunted off the edge, and each new wide element in a page will restart the next item back at column one. Manual\column
breaks will help organize subsequent content between the columns as needed. -
Fonts now support a wider range of latin characters for non-English brews, including áéíóúñ¡¿, etc...
Fixes issues: #116
Drop-caps (fancy first letters) have been re-styled and re-aligned to correct the ugly overlapping and cut-off on some characters like K and Y.
Fixes issues: #848 }}
We had to make a whole lot of background upgrades and changes to get all of this working, and now that the framework is in place, there's a lot more planned and upcoming "sometime" :
- New Themes to style your brews. DMG, MM, a custom Homebrewery theme, and others.
- The ability to build your own custom themes using CSS, apply it to other brews, and share it with others!
- Easy control of item colors. Change your monster blocks, tables, and notes from yellow to green to red!
- New image-based snippets, including handwritten notes, title illustrations, and alternative decorations.
- New fun fonts like Elvish, Draconic, Orcish, etc.
- Better organization of personal brews using tags.
- ....a log-out button...?
- AND MORE. }}
{{fa,fa-paint-brush}} Technically released prior to v3 but still new to many users, check out the new Style Editor located on the right side of the Snippet bar. This editor accepts CSS for styling without requiring <style>
tags-- anything that would have gone inside style tags before can now be placed here, and snippets that insert CSS styles are now located on that tab.
- Slightly better error logging and messages for users.
- Added a search bar to the User page to help find your brews.
- Added page counts to brews in the User page; page count will be updated the next time a brew is edited.
- Fixed edge case where view counts could get reset.
- Fixed edge case where last-modified time was not accurate for Google Doc brews.
- Fixed typo in the PRINT → Ink-Friendly snippet.
- Fixed User page crashing when user has an untitled brew
- Tweaks to user page tool tips
- Fix view counts being reset on Google Drive files
- New PHB → Artist Credit snippet
- PRINT snippets moved to the Style Editor tab
- Tooltips hovering over brews in dropdowns / user page.
- Fixed sort-by created date on user page.
- Hotkey Ctrl-/ and snippets to add HTML comments; use for notes that won't appear in your brew.
- Background work to allow new themes in the future
- Fixed cursor getting stuck when resizing divider bar
- Fix Style tab not copying when Cloned To New
- Basic brew sorting on User page
- Reduced data sent on each request from server
- Cleaned up styling on menus
- Fixed the issue with new brews not saving!
- "Share to Reddit" button now works with Google brews
- Downloading or viewing the source of your brew will now show the contents of the Style tab at the top of the document in a backtick code fence like this:
myStyle {color: black}
- New Download, View, and Clone to New buttons in the "Source" dropdown on the Share page.
- Pasting your brew into a "New" page and saving will transfer any CSS in the code fence to the Style tab.
- Unsaved work in the New page Style tab is now cached to your browser storage if you navigate away.
- New "style" tab to better organize custom CSS in preparation for new themes and sharable styles.
- Your own Google brews will no longer show up in the list when viewing someone else's profile.
- Fix for edge case where brews could accidentally transfer from Google Drive back to Homebrewery.
- Move cursor to end of snippet after insertion
- Warning when opening brew in your Google Drive trash
- Snippet to remove drop caps (fancy first letter after title)
- Many background things for upcoming v3. Get pumped.
- Fixed new brews failing to save when auto-generated file name is too long.
- "New" button added to the Nav bar.
- "Download" button to download your brew as a text file.
- Reduced download size and improved caching.
- Bold and Italics hotkeys for Mac users (Cmd+B, Cmd+I)
- Cover Page snippet now flips left-right page numbering.
- Added instructions for installing on a FreeBSD Jail.
- Fix for box-shadows breaking across columns.
(Thanks G-Ambatte for all of these!) - Small user interface tweaks (Thanks Ericsheid)
- Fixed punctuation for usernames ending with 's' on the user page. (Thanks AlexeySachkov)
- Fixed server crashes due to excessive long lines in brews
- Fixed "automated request" lockouts from Google
- Brews now immediately save when transferring between Google Drive and Homebrewery storage.
- Added confirmation popup to clarify the transfer process.
- Brews transferred or deleted from Google will be found in your Google Drive trash.
- Dependency updates.
- Fixed Google Drive brews not saving metadata (view count, description, etc.) Note that we are still working on making published Google brews visible to the public when viewing your profile page.
- Fixed brews with broken code crashing the edit page when loaded (the "blue screen of death" bug).
- Fixed issue with "recent" item links not updating when transferring between Google Drive.
- Fixed issue with users unable to create new brews
- Fixing brews being lost when loaded via back button
- Google Drive integration -- Sign in with your Google account to link it with your Homebrewery profile. A new button in the Edit page will let you transfer your file to your personal Google Drive storage, and Google will keep a backup of each version! No more lost work surprises!
- Many dependency updates
- Finally fixed this changelog page to not run off the edge :P
- Fixed paragraphs appearing blank on new columns
- Major refactoring of site backend to work with updated dependencies for security (should be invisible to users)
- Fixed delete button removing everyone's copy for brews with multiple authors
- Compressed homebrew text in database
- Fixed some SSL issues with images in the example page so they appear now
- Fixed duplicate scrollbars in Edit Page
- Fixed issue of being unable to change brew metadata
- Sanitized script tags-javascript typed into the editor was crashing brews
- Re-enabled box shadows for PDF output
- Added a "contributing guide" for the GitHub
- "Report Issue" navbar button now links to the subreddit
- Refactored background code
- Fixed Class Feature snippet duplicating entire brew
- Fixed headers in tables being duplicated
- Fixed border-image being scrambled on class tables and descriptive text boxes
- Fixed pages going out of sync in large brews, causing them to be rendered off-page
- Improved performance in the preview window when scrolling through large brews
- Text in the "view source" page now wraps
- Give ability to hide the render warning notification
- Increasing the range on the Partial Page Rendering for a quick-fix for it getting out of sync on long brews.
- Adding ability to delete a brew from the user page, incase the user creates a brew that makes the edit page unrender-able. (re:309)
- Fixed saving multiple authors and multiple systems on brew metadata (thanks u/PalaNolho re:282)
- Adding in line highlight for new pages
- Added in a simple brew lookup for admin
- Added a new Render Warning overlay. It detects situations where the brew may not be rendering correctly (wrong browser, browser is zoomed in...) and let's the user know
- Switching over to using Vitreum v4
- Removed gulp, all tasks are run through npm scripts
- Updating docs for local dev
- Removing support for Docker. I have never used it, nor will I ever test for it, so I don't want to continue to explictly support it on this repo. Feel free to make a fork and make it docker-able though :)
- Changed icon for the metadata
- Made links useable in footer (thanks u/Dustfinger1 re:249)
- Added print media queries to remove box shadow on print (thanks u/dmmagic re: 246)
- Fixed realtime renderer not functioning if loaded with malformed html on load (thanks u/RattiganIV re:247)
- Removed a lot of unused files in shared
- vitreum v4 now lets me use codemirror as a pure node dependacy
- Added report back to the edit page
- Changed metaeditor icon
- Added a button to quickly share your brew to reddit :)
- Disabled Partial Page Rendering unless your brew hits 75 pages or longer
- The brew renderer will now try and use your first page to judge the page size of each of your brews. This allows you now to set landscape and other weird sizes and everthing should work fine :)
- UI on the user page improved (thanks u/PalaNolho)
- Fixed lists not breaking across columns (thanks u/tyson-nw)
- Added a table of contents snippet (thanks u/tullisar)
- Added a multicolumn snippet
- Added in a snippet for a split table
- Added an account nav item to new page
- Fixed the column rendering on the new user page. Really should have tested that better
- Added a hover tooltip to fully read the brew description
- Made the brew items take up only 25% allowing you to view more per row.
- Metadata can now be added to brews
- Added a metadata editor onto the edit and new pages
- Moved deleting a brew into the metadata editor
- Added in account middleware
- Can now search for brews by a specific author
- Editing a brew in anyway while logged in will now add you to the list of authors
- Added a new user page to see others published brews, as well as all of your own brews.
- Added a new nav item for accessing your profile and logging in
- Updated snippet bar style
- You can now print from a new page without saving
- Added the ability to use ctrl+p and ctrl+s to print and save respectively.
- Added final touches to the html validator and updating the rest of the branch
- If anyone finds issues with the new HTML validator, please let me know. I hope this will bring a more consistent feel to Homebrewery rendering.
- Adding in a HTML validator that will display warnings whenever you save. This should stop a lot of the issues generated with pages not showing up.
- Added in a license file
- Updated the welcome text
- Added in a much better Error page
- If you visit a deleted brew, it will now remove it from your recent list. (Thanks u/sIllverback!)
- Improved parsing of embedded html text in brews. (Thanks u/com-charizard!)
- Added in a new coverpage snippet
- Homebrewery will now try and onsert a good title for your brew if you don't provide one
- Homebrewery now re-renders properly when you zoom
- Fixed the noteblock overlapping into titles (thanks u/dsompura!)
- Fixed a bad search route in the admin panel (thanks u/SnappyTom!)
- Adding in descriptive note blocks. (Thanks calculuschild!)
- Added a new nav item on the homepage for accessing both recently viewed and edited brews (thanks ChosenSeraph!)
- Added an id to each rendered page
- Allows adding in hyperlinks to specific pages
- Even works after you print to pdf!
- Fixed bug with new markdown lexer and parser not working on print page
- Adding in a new Class table div block. The old Class table block used weird stacking of HTML elements, resulting is difficult to control behaviour and poor interactiosn with the rest of the page. This new block is much easier to style and work with.
- Added in a new wide table snippet
- Added in a new auto-incremeting page number snippet (thakns u/Ryrok!)
- Lists in monster stat blocks should be fixed now
- Migrating The Homebrewery over to hombrewery.naturalcrit.com. It now runs on it's own server, with it's own repo separate from the other tools I'm working on. Makes updating and deploying much easier.
- Finally added a syntax for doing spell lists. A bit in-depth about why this took so long. Essentially I'm running out of syntax to use in stardard Markdown. There are too many unique elements in the PHB-style to be mapped. I solved this earlier by stacking certain elements together (eg. an
before ablockquote
turns it into moster state block), but those are getting unweildly. I would like to simply wrap these indiv
s with classes, but unfortunately Markdown stops processing when within HTML blocks. To get around this I wrote my own override to the Markdown parser and lexer to process Markdown within a simple div class wrapper. This should open the door for more unique syntaxes in the future. Big step! - Override Ctrl+P (and cmd+P) to launch to the print page. Many people try to just print either the editing or share page to get a PDF. While this dones;t make much sense, I do get a ton of issues about it. So now if you try to do this, it'll just bring you imediately to the print page. Everybody wins!
- The onboarding flow has also been confusing a few users (Homepage -> new -> save -> edit page). If you edit the Homepage text now, a Call to Action to save your work will pop-up.
- Added a 'Recently Edited' and 'Recently Viewed' nav item to the edit and share page respectively. Each will remember the last 8 items you edited or viewed and when you viewed it. Makes use of the new title attribute of brews to easy navigatation.
- Paragraphs now indent properly after lists (thanks u/slitjen!)
- Updated the issue template for (hopefully) better reporting
- Added suggestion to use chrome while PDF printing
- The class table generators have the proper ability score improvement progression.
- Fixed extra wide monster stat blocks sometimes only being one column
- The class table generators now follow the proper progression from the PHB (thakns u/IrishBandit)
- No longer server-side pre-render brews, just incase the user entered invalid HTML, it might crahsh the server
- Bumped up the allowed entity size for extra-large brew (Thanks for reporting it dickboner93)
- Added a little error box when a save fails with a custom link to reporting the issue on github.
I've been working on v2 for a very long time. I want to thank you guys for being paitent. It started rather small, but as more and more features were added, I decided to just wait until everything was polished.
Massive changelog incoming:
- New flow for creating new brews. Before creating a new brew would immedaitely create a brew in the database and let you edit it. Many people would create a new brew just to experiment and close it, which lead to many "abandoned brews" (see the Under the hood section below). This started eating up a ton of database space. You now have to manually save a new brew for the first time, however Homebrewery will store anything you don't have saved in local storage, just in case your browser crashes or whatever, it will load that up when you go back to
- Black blocking edges around notes and stat blocks when printing to PDFs have been fixed
- Borders sometimes not showing up in the second column have been fixed
- All pseudo-element borders have been replaced with reliable border images.
- Chrome can finally print to PDF as good as Chrome Canary! Updating instructions.
- Added a little page number box.
- Added in a new editable Brew Title. This will be shown in the navbar on share pages, and will default to the file name when you save as PDF. All exsisting brews will be defaulted with an empty title.
- Mutliline lists render better now
- Firefox rendering has been slithgly improved. Firefox and Chrome render things slightly differently, over the course of a brew, these little changes add up and lead to very noticable rendering differences between the browsers. I'm trying my best to get Firefox rendering better, but it's a difficult problem.
- A bunch of you have wanted to donate to me. I am super flattered by that. I created a patreon page. If you feel like helping out, head here :)
- Setup a proper staging environment. Will be using this for tests, and hopefully getting the community to help me test future versions
- Server-side prerendering now much faster
- Regular weekly database back-ups. Your brews are safe!
- Database is now uniquely indexed on both editId and shareId, page loads/saving should be much faster
- Improved Admin console. This helps me answer people's questions about issues with their brews
- Added a whole querying/pagniation API that I can use for stats and answering questions
- Clearing out "Abandoned" brews (smaller than a tweet and haven't been viewed for a week). These account for nearly a third of all stored brews.
- Added in a whole new editor with syntax highlighting for markdown
- Built a splitpane! Remembers where you left the split in between sessions
- Re-organized the snippets into a hierarchical groups. Should be much easier to find what you need
- Partial page rendering is working. The Homebrewery will now only load the viewable pages, and any page with
tags on them. If you are working on a large brew you should notice significant performance improvements - Edit page saving interface has been improved significantly. Auto-saves after 3 seconds on inactivity, now allows user to save at anytime. Will stop the tab from closing witha pop-up if there are unsaved changes.
- Navbar and overall style has been improved and spacing made more consistent
- Elements under the hood are way more organized and should behaviour much more reliably in many sizes.
- Source now opens to it's own route
instead of just a window. Now easier to share, and won't be blocked by some browsers. - Print page now auto-opens print dialog. If you want to share your print page link, just remove the
parameter and it won't open the dialog.
- A lot of admin improvements. Pagninated brew table
- Added a searching and removing abandoned brew api endpoints (turns out about 40% of brews are shorter that a tweet!).
- Fixed the require cache being cleared. Pages should render a bit faster now.
- Pulled in
s fix for nested lists, Thanks!
- Pages will now partially render. This should greatly speed up very large homebrews. The Homebreery will figure out which page you should be looking at and render that page, the page before, and the page after.
- Zooming should be fixed. I've changed the font size units to be cm, which match the units of the page. Zooming in and out now look much better.
- Removng the changelog button from the Share page
- Added a A4 page size snippet (thanks guppy42!)
- Added support for
tags (thanks crashinworld14!)
- Fixed h1 headers not going full width (thanks McToomin27)
- Added a github issue template
- Improved the admin panel
- Added ability to clear away old empty brews
- Added delete button to the edit page
- Added a dynamically updating changelog page! Nifty!
- Added stlying for wide monster stat blocks and single column class tables
- Added snippets for wide monster stat blocks and single column class tables
- Paragraphs right after tables now indent (thanks LikeAJi6!)
- Added a
css rule to auto turn off margins when printing - Added a
property on each.phb
page to properly page the pages up when exporting (thanks Jokefury!) - Improved first character rendering on Firefox
- Improved table spacing a bit
- Changed padding at page bottom for better fit and clipping of elements
- Improved spacing for bold text (thanks nickpunt!)
- Added a printer friendly snippet that injects some CSS to remove backbrounds and images
- Adjusted the styling specific to spell blocks to give it tighter spacing
- Added a changelog! How meta!
- Added view source to see the markdown that made the page
- Added print view
- Fixed API issues that were causing the server to crash
- Increased padding on table cells
- Raw html now shows in view source
- Added
plus a build system for creating it - Added page numbers and footer text
- Page accent now flips each page