- Environment
- several shippers -> one collector -> Elastic Search
- How to clone and scale... Can you?
- Start with onions
- Started with 7 days of logs, and analyze
- By server dominates all traffic, 96% at the controller.
- Swift generates 60% of the traffic
- Date histogram data on message rate:
- one monster outlier (two orders of magnitude higher)
- 99.9 at 64 messages/sec.
- one at 1566 messages/sec. 10x per week
- Goal: generate messages along the described curve
- Now the message sizes
- not as bad of an outlier.
- 95% were < 240 bytes
- largest was 782 bytes
- The cook book says
- Find a model
- add some noise
- When you can't do perfect.... do meatloaf rather than Iron Chef
- Hecka has hecka flood to load test things like this. (?)
- look at
- sets timestamps sanely, rather than process start time
- Need better control of message contents.
- variable message sizes didn't work
- :-( Hecka is discontinued
- look at
- Findings:
- Tactical
- System sustained 4000 x 1k messages/sec
- Collector or ES failed.
- No messages dropped.
- Strategic
- Load tool is under-qualified
- Wants to look at Adrian's Spigo
- monitoring tool resolution is important for interpretation
- I should prepare for presentations further in advance...
- Load tool is under-qualified
- Tactical
- First model:
- Intuition 4MB/sec
- 50messages/sec is:
- 99.9 percentile
- 265 controllers
- 1060 compute
- 1:100 ratio
- The real answer is "The model says X is safe. But may need to improve model"
- Next steps;
- Make model more robust
- find bottlenecks
- Real world feedback