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Terragrunt and Terraspace comparison

The purpose of this repository is to compare the two leading Terraform supporting tools and see their strong and weak sides.

The corresponding code is stored within /terraspace and /terragrunt directories within the repository. Those directories should be considered as they are a separate Git repositories that don't share anything with each other.

Architecture of the infrastructure

The following diagram presents the AWS resources that are created by the code used by both Terragrunt and Terraspace.

alt AWS architecture

Flow description

  1. Event is published to the custom Event Bus by users.
  2. Rule is filtering events relevant for further processing.
  3. Rule is forwarding relevant event to Lambda function.
  4. Lambda function enriches and stores an event in DynamoDB.
  5. Users interact with GraphQL API backed by AppSync to fetch data.
  6. AppSync is integrated directly with DynamoDB using request/response templates.

Tested versions of tools


  • terragrunt version v0.38.4
  • go version go1.19.1
  • terratest version v0.40.22


  • terraspace version 2.2.2
  • ruby version 3.1.2p20

Working with the code


In order to create the infrastructure the AWS credentials have to be configured properly. Currently both version of the code expects AWS_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_REGION environment variables are set to the values allowing to work with a given AWS account.


Infrastructure plan

For all stacks within an environment move to the terragrunt/live/dev and run the following command:

terrgrunt run-all plan

To work with a single stack within an environment move to the terragrunt/live/dev/<stack-name> and run the following command:

terragrunt plan

Infrastructure apply

For all stacks within an environment move to the terragrunt/live/dev and run the following command:

terrgrunt run-all apply

To work with a single stack within an environment move to the terragrunt/live/dev/<stack-name> and run the following command:

terragrunt apply

Infrastructure destroy

For all stacks within an environment move to the terragrunt/live/dev and run the following command:

terrgrunt run-all destroy

To work with a single stack within an environment move to the terragrunt/live/dev/<stack-name> and run the following command:

terragrunt destroy


The most important thing to remember is to pass TS_ENV variable defining which environment we would like to work with (dev used in all examples).

Build phase

In order to download all 3rd party modules defined within Terrafile file and start working with the project the following command has to be executed:

terraspace build

Infrastructure plan

For all stacks for the particular environment move to terraspace directory and execute the following command:

TS_ENV=dev terraspace all plan

To limit the plan to the single stack (e.g: backend) move to the terraspace directory and execute the following command:

TS_ENV=dev terraspace plan backend

Infrastructure apply

For all stacks for the particular environment move to terraspace directory and execute the following command:

TS_ENV=dev terraspace all up

To limit the apply to the single stack (e.g: backend) move to the terraspace directory and execute the following command:

TS_ENV=dev terraspace up backend

Infrastructure destroy

For all stacks for the particular environment move to terraspace directory and execute the following command:

TS_ENV=dev terraspace all down

To limit the apply to the single stack (e.g: backend) move to the terraspace directory and execute the following command:

TS_ENV=dev terraspace down backend

Running tests


In order to run Terratest based test suite enter a test directory and run the following command:

go test -v

To limit test execution to a single test case use the following command:

go test -v <test-file-name>


To run a test for a module/stack/project one has to enter its directory and run the following command:

bundle && terraspace test

Tools comparison

Subjective thoughts

Personal verdict

Personally Terragrunt seems to be my tool of choice when working with Terraform project at scale. It's just simpler, it focuses on just making the work with Terraform more convenient, and it's not trying to be overblown with features (like putting Ruby's templates into Terraform code). It requires some expertise from the end user (especially when it comes to project structure) but seems to be focused on just a single task.

On the other hand Terraspace can be a good choice for beginners who lack experience when it comes to working with enterprise graded project. It offers a strict structure of a project, convenient CLI and easy to work with code generators. Unfortunately some design decisions are making work with it less comfortable when it comes to smarter IDEs (e.g: offering code auto-completion when it comes to attribute definition for third party modules).

Pros and cons

Pros Cons
Fairly easy to understand and reason about Not heavily opinionated which can lead to far-from-optimal project structures
Convenient way of testing using nicely integrated 3rd party tool (with commonly used across DevOps world Go language) Testing has to be added externally
Just a wrapper, does one thing and does it right Some code duplication that can't be avoided (multiple environments)
Pros Cons
Can be a nice entry point for people don't experienced with Terrafom on scale 3rd party modules handling causing issues with IDEs
Opinionated and with strictly defined project structure No way to run multiple test cases at once
Highly extendable with extensions written in Ruby Mixing Ruby's code with Terraform causing issues with IDEs
Convenient generators

Comparison aspects

Aspect Terragrunt Terraspace
Automated project creation (directories and backing resources) Available Available
Project directories structure Not enforced, there are some recommendations Enforced by the tool itself
Multiple environments handling Multiple directories for different environments (each stack defined separately for a given environment) Controlled by setting up the relevant environment variable and dedicated variables files; stacks definitions not duplicated for different environments
Local/global variables handling Variables defined on different project levels and imported when needed Variables defined on either global or stack level, resolved using layering mechanism without explicit imports
Working with multiple stacks and handling dependencies Dedicated blocks for dependencies definitions and mock possibilities Ruby expressions defining dependencies (e.g: outputs usage) with mocking possibilities
External/3rd party modules handling Regular Terraform module source syntax Defined within Terrafile file, downloaded and used in the same way as local ones
Testing capabilities Not built-in, Terratest as a recommendation for writing test cases Integrated testing capabilities basing on Ruby's RSpec
Extensions and hooks Available before/after Terraform commands Multiple hooks on different levels and custom extensions basing on Ruby code
Debugging of generated Terraform code Possible by verifying .terragrunt-cache directory Possible by verifying .terraspace-cache directory

Detailed description

Automated project creation (project directories layout and state management backing resources)


When the configured AWS credentials has enough permissions Terragrunt can use them to automatically create both state S3 bucket and locks DynamoDB table. With the help of a lot of built-in functions both S3 bucket name and DynamoDB lock table name can be customized.

// terragrunt.hcl

remote_state {
  backend = "s3"
  generate = {
    path      = ""
    if_exists = "overwrite"
  config = {
    bucket         = "terraform-state-${get_aws_account_id()}"
    key            = "${path_relative_to_include()}/terraform.tfstate"
    region         = "us-east-1"
    encrypt        = true
    dynamodb_table = "terraform_locks"

When the configured AWS credentials has enough permissions Terraspace can use them to automatically create both state S3 bucket and locks DynamoDB table. With the help of a rich set of built-in functions both S3 bucket name and DynamoDB lock table name can be customized. Although all is defined within *.tf file, Ruby's templating syntax is used heavilly to expand available placeholders.

terraform {
  backend "s3" {
    bucket         = "<%= expansion('terraform-state-:ACCOUNT-:REGION-:ENV') %>"
    key            = "<%= expansion(':PROJECT/:REGION/:APP/:ROLE/:ENV/:EXTRA/:BUILD_DIR/terraform.tfstate') %>"
    region         = "<%= expansion(':REGION') %>"
    encrypt        = true
    dynamodb_table = "terraform_locks"

Project directories structure


Terragrunt does not have any strict guidelines how the project structure should look like. In a nutshell it's rather following the recommended Terraform guidelines but does not block user from doing something completely customized. Terragrunt does not offer any code generators and all the layout and files structure have to be created manually by a developer.

As usual first layer of building blocks should be a set of reusable modules that are written in pure Terraform. It's recommended to have them separated in a dedicated Git repository and keep them logic-less. They should be versioned and released separately.

The next step is to use them to build stacks. Stack itself should be a structure with business meaning; couple of components used together to create a layer of a system. Like the modules they should be versioned and released in a separate manner. They should be written in pure Terraform and kept in a separated Git repository that can be later referenced from the Terragrunt.

The last layer with this setup is live repository. This is the level where Terragrunt can be used to ease multiple environments and stacks management. The typical layout of the repository usually looks the following:

│ terragrunt.hcl
│   │ env.hcl
│   └───<stack-1-name>
│   |    │ terragrunt.hcl
│   |    │ ... (other supporting files)
|   |
|   └───<stack-2-name>
│        │ terragrunt.hcl
│        │ ... (other supporting files)
    │   ...

All the directories in the same level as *.hcl files are considered as the ones containing Terraform code unless they start with _ (like _env where general stacks configuration is kept and _test keeping test suites for complete environment setup).


Terraspace offers a convenient generators for scaffolding different aspects of the infrastructure project. It follows the same granularity as the one recommended by Terragrunt (module/stack/project) but comes in with an opinionated directories structure that should be followed.

│ Gemfile
│ Terrafile
│   │ app.rb
│   └───terraform
│       │ 
│       │ 
│       │ ... (other configuration files)
│   └───modules
|   |   └─── <module-1>
|   |   |     | ... (terraform files) 
|   |   └─── <module-2>
|   |   |     | ... (terraform files)  
│   └───stacks
|       └─── <stack-1>
|       |     | ... (terraform files)        
|       └─── <stack-2>
|             | ... (terraform files)

The config directory is responsible for holding the project configuration. It's not only holding Terraform related settings (backend, providers etc.) but also the Terraspace itself (app.rb file).

The next important directory is app where user defined modules and stacks are defined. As within Terragrunt modules should be reusable and lack of business logic and stacks are more complex structures with business value (a collection of stacks forms a project).

Last but not least there is generated vendor/modules directory where used 3rd party modules are downloaded for later use (these are defined within Terrafile file).

The source code that can be found in a Terraspace project is a mix of Terraform (*.tf and *.tfvars files) and Ruby's *.rb files (mostly configuration, custom extensions and tests).

Multiple environments handling


Terragrunt expects multiple directories are created for different environments. In order to avoid duplication, configuration within recommended _env directory should contain all common aspect of the stacks used to create an environment (e.g: source of the stack, common variables etc.). This file can be included later on within terragrunt.hcl file of a particular stack deployed on a particular environment.

The following code snippets shows this mechanism in action:

// _env/backend.hcl

locals {
  source_base_url = "${path_relative_from_include()}/../..//stacks//backend" # in real project this should be fetched from separated Git repository

terraform {
  source = local.source_base_url
// dev/backend/terragrunt.hcl

include "root" {
  path = find_in_parent_folders()

include "env" {
  path   = "${get_terragrunt_dir()}/../../_env/backend.hcl"
  expose = true

locals {
  environment_vars = read_terragrunt_config(find_in_parent_folders("env.hcl"))
  environment_name = local.environment_vars.locals.environment

Terraspace does not require a developer to reflect different environments with the explicit directories hosting each stack configuration. The way it manages desired environment selection is the TS_ENV variable preceding each Terraspace command.

To customize a stack configuration tfvars directory should be used where a dedicated file with overwrites exists (e.g: dev.tfvars for dev environment).

TS_ENV=dev terraspace all plan

TS_ENV=dev terraspace all up
// app/stacks/backend/tfvars/dev.tfvars


Local/global variables handling


Terragrunt allows a developer to declare variables on the different levels of the directories structure just to avoid code duplications. It might be sometimes problematic to find out inputs for the stack (because different variables can be set on different level of directories hierarchy) but at the end of the day the offered mechanism is predictable and easy to get comfortable with.

Different *.hcl files can be imported using include function and specifying the path. With this approach inputs will be propagated automatically; when it comes to locals propagation expose parameter have to be explicitly set to make them visible.

// terragrunt.hcl

inputs = {
  project_name = "terragrunt-upskilling"
// _env/backend.hcl

locals {
  source_base_url = "${path_relative_from_include()}/../..//stacks//backend" # in real project this should be fetched from separated Git repository

terraform {
  source = local.source_base_url
// dev/env.hcl

locals {
  environment = "dev"
// dev/backend/terragrunt.hcl

include "root" {
  path = find_in_parent_folders()

include "env" {
  path   = "${get_terragrunt_dir()}/../../_env/backend.hcl"
  expose = true

locals {
  environment_vars = read_terragrunt_config(find_in_parent_folders("env.hcl"))
  environment_name = local.environment_vars.locals.environment

// ...

inputs = {
  environment = local.environment_name
  tags        = dependency.common-tags.outputs.tags

Terraspace bases on the *.tfvars files usage when it comes to variables definition. Global variables can be defined within config/terraform/ (only file location is relevant, filename is not) and all the others are defined within stacks tfvars variable.

Terraspace is using the concept of layering. The tfvars/base.tfvars are used across all environment for the stack. If there is a need environment dependant or overrides for the base ones can be added by defining them within tfvars/<env_name>.tfvars file.

Besides regular literals a set of Ruby helpers functions and expandable templates might be used for values of variables. This gives a lot of flexibility when it comes to define global variables which can change their values depending on environment without a need of duplicating code.

// app/stacks/backend/tfvars/base.tfvars

// app/stacks/backend/tfvars/dev.tfvars

// config/terraform/

environment = "<%= Terraspace.env %>"

Working with multiple stacks and handling dependencies


There is run-all <action> command responsible for performing execution against multiple stacks at once.

terragrunt run-all plan

terragrunt run-all apply

Dependencies across multiple stacks are declared using dependency or dependencies blocks within stack's terragrunt.hcl file. The most important part of a dependency definition is the config_path attribute where stack one depend on is defined.

// dev/backend/terragrunt.hcl

dependency "common-tags" {
  config_path = "../common-tags"

  mock_outputs_allowed_terraform_commands = ["validate", "plan"]
  mock_outputs = {
    tags = {}

To mock outputs not available when the command is run (e.g: first plan execution) one can use combination of mock_outputs_allowed_terraform_commands and mock_outputs blocks.


There is a set of convenient commands which allows a developer to interact with multiple stacks at once:

TS_ENV=dev terraspace all plan

TS_ENV=dev terraspace all up

TS_ENV=dev terraspace all down

Dependencies across multiple stacks (on outputs level) can be defined using the Ruby's templating (common-tags in the example below is the name of a different stack and tags is the name of one of the outputs):

// app/stacks/backend/tfvars/base.tfvars

tags = <%= output('common-tags.tags', mock: {}) %>

To mock outputs not available when the command is run (e.g: first plan execution) one can use mock attribute in the dependant output definition.

External/3rd party modules handling


Terragrunt is using the same syntax as modules sources in pure Terraform. External modules are downloaded to .terragrunt_cache directory to prevent unnecessary downloads.


Terraspace offers a mechanism allowing a developer to declare an external module usage within Terrafile file. Then such modules can be downloaded (using terraspace build command) to the vendor/modules directory. With them in place they can be put under projects version control (if that's the team's will) and used like any other locally defined modules. There is no distinguish between 3rd party and locally defined in the app/modules directory. What's more all of them are referenced from the stack using the same ../../modules/<module_name> paths (the framework handles on its own whether they should be searched for within app/modules or vendor/modules).

At the first glance this behavior might be not intrusive, but it causes issues with code completion and IDE support (module paths are not referring to exact location of the vendor modules therefore they're considered as missing and properties completion just don't work). On the other hand having them downloaded locally means the team don't have to longer worry about their existence in public registries.

Testing capabilities


Terragrunt itself does not offer any testing capabilities out-of-the-box. Nevertheless, it's a common use case to include Terratest as the test framework and prepare the test suites. What is worth saying, Terratest offers Terragrunt integration and is capable of running not only pure Terraform modules tests, but also handles usual scenario with executing commands against multiple stacks at once.

Terratest requires test cases to be written in Go. With a convenient set of helper methods (not only responsible for handling apply and destroy, but also performing basic AWS checks) it makes test scenarios easy to implement and reason about. Also, when AWS helper methods are not enough, nothing stops from using the full AWS SDK or any other library to verify the code works as expected.

There is no clear recommendation whether test code should reside within each module/stack directory or in a single test directory where scenarios for all modules/stacks are defined within dedicated files.

Testing using Go and Terratest offers also a convenient way of running cases using a single command (executed from the test directory):

go test -v [test_file_name.go]
// modules/test/common_tags.go

package test

import (


func TestCommonTagsModule(t *testing.T) {
	terraformOptions := terraform.WithDefaultRetryableErrors(t, &terraform.Options{
		TerraformDir: "../common-tags",
		Vars: map[string]interface{}{
			"environment":  "test",
			"project_name": "test-project-name",

	defer terraform.Destroy(t, terraformOptions)
	terraform.InitAndApply(t, terraformOptions)

	outputTags := terraform.OutputMap(t, terraformOptions, "tags")
	expectedTags := map[string]string{
		"Environment":  "test",
		"ManagedBy":    "terraform",
		"Organisation": "NearForm",
		"Project":      "test-project-name",
	assert.Equal(t, expectedTags, outputTags)

Terraspace offers built-in testing capabilities backed by Ruby's RSpec framework. It offers testing different layers of the project (modules, stacks and custom helpers on project level) but unfortunately lacks of the ability of running multiple tests suites at once. Test cases are written in Ruby and can be generated using convenient CLI tool. They're located within the directory of a given module or stack which is a subject of a test.

The framework itself offers not many out-of-the-box helper functions (mostly to interact with the terraspace CLI tool; not to assert on or verify the created resources).

All needed dependencies or SDKs can be added on demand using standard gem mechanism which offers elasticity in terms of both verifications and interactions with created resources.

Terraspace offers a convenient way to pass variables or change the providers configuration by editing the generated files within test's fixtures/config or fixtures/tfvars directories.

# app/modules/common-tags/test/spec/main_spec.rb

describe "common-tags module" do
  before(:all) do
    mod_path = File.expand_path("../..", __dir__)
      name: "common-tags-harness",
      modules: {
        "common-tags": mod_path
      tfvars: {
        "common-tags": "spec/fixtures/tfvars/test.tfvars"
  after(:all) do

  it "should return a list of common resources tags" do
    expect(terraspace.output("common-tags", "tags")).to eq({
        "Environment" => "test-environment",
        "ManagedBy" => "terraform",
        "Project" => "test-project",
        "Organisation" => "NearForm"

Extensions and hooks


Terragrunt offers a hook mechanism that allows a developer to define actions performed before/after particular Terraform commands (plan, apply etc.). With a combination of helper functions giving information about the stack we currently work with, integrations with 3rd party tools can be implemented in a convenient manner ( e.g: when plan is run locally and plan file is stored within a file, Infracost can be executed immediately to show how changes affect the bill).

On the other side obtaining execution paths can be quite tricky because Terragrunt itself works within .terragrunt-cache directory which does not correspond to the project structure developer works with.

terraform {
  after_hook "Infracost analysis" {
    commands     = ["plan"]
    execute      = [
    run_on_error = false

Terraspace offers a rich set of hooks that can be used to customize the developer workflow. Besides being able to hook in both Terraform and Terraspace commands, the framework offers a capability of developing completely custom hooks.

Besides hooks Terraspace offers a set of built-in Ruby's helpers that can be used within regular Terraform code. These are evaluated and resolved by the framework while generating Terraform code. Besides the built-ins there is an opportunity to develop such a function completely from the scratch which offers almost limitless set of possibilities.

# config/hooks/terraform.rb

  execute: "echo hi",

  execute: "echo bye"
user = "<%= aws_secret("demo-:ENV-user") %>"

Debugging of generated Terraform code


All the generated and downloaded code by the Terragrunt can be found in the .terragrunt-cache directory within a given module/stack/live stack instance. This might be useful when one needs to verify how pure Terraform code looks like.


All the generated and downloaded code by the Terraspace can be found in the .terraspace-cache directory within a given module/stack/live stack instance. This might be useful when one needs to verify how pure Terraform code looks like.