One of the results of the web-app TREC-doc-2-doc-relevance is the measure of the inter-annotator agreement on the task of document-to-document relevance assessment using Fleiss' kappa.
This page has been created to embed and Bioschemas markup describing the Fleiss kappa for doc-2-doc relevance assessment dataset and its current release deposited in Zenodo.
<script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Dataset", "@id": "", "conformsTo": "", "identifier": "DOI:10.5281/zenodo.7338056", "citation": "Giraldo O, Solanki D, Rebholz-Schuhmann D, Castro LJ. Fleiss kappa for doc-2-doc relevance assessment. Zenodo; 2022. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7338056", "name": "Fleiss kappa for doc-2-doc relevance assessment", "description": "Fleiss' kappa measuring inter-annotator agreement on a document-to-document relevance assessment task. The table contains 7 columns, the first one presents the topics, 8 in total. The second column shows the \"reference articles\", represented by their PubMed-ID and organized by topic. The third column shows the Fleiss’ Kappa results. The fourth column shows the interpretation of the Fleiss' Kappa results being: i) \"Poor\" results <0.20, ii) \"Fair\" results within 0.21 - 0.40, and iii) \"Moderate\" results within 0.41 - 0.60. The fifth column shows the PubMed-IDs of evaluation articles rated by the four annotators as \"Relevant\" regarding its corresponding \"reference article\". The sixth column shows the PubMed-IDs of evaluation articles rated by the four annotators as \"Partially relevant\" regarding its corresponding \"reference article\". The seventh column shows the PubMed-IDs of evaluation articles rated by the four annotators as \"Non-relevant\" regarding its corresponding \"reference article\".", "keywords": "Fleiss' Kappa, Inter-annoator agreement, TREC Genomics Track 2005, relevance assessment", "license": { "@type": "CreativeWork", "@id": "", "name": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International", "alternateName": "CC BY 4.0", "url": "" }, "url": "", "datePublished": "2022-11-19", "author": [ {"@id": ""}, {"@id": ""}, {"@id": ""}, {"@id": ""} ] } </script>