Might be out of date.
Run predict with the --profile
python3 -m openpifpaf.predict --checkpoint resnet152 \
docs/coco/000000081988.jpg --show --profile --debug
This will write a stats table to the terminal and also produce a decoder.prof
You can use flameprof (pip install flameprof
) to get a flame graph with
flameprof decoder.prof > docs/coco/000000081988.jpg.decoder_flame.svg
e.g., from NuScenes:
python3 -m openpifpaf.predict --checkpoint resnet152 \
docs/nuscenes/test.jpg --show --profile --debug
Then create the flame graph with
flameprof decoder.prof > docs/nuscenes/test.jpg.decoder_flame.svg
to produce:
python3 -m openpifpaf.predict --checkpoint resnet152 \
docs/crowd.png --show --profile --debug
Then create the flame graph with
flameprof decoder.prof > docs/crowd.png.decoder_flame.svg
to produce:
python3 -m openpifpaf.predict --checkpoint resnet152 \
docs/mochit_station_example.jpg --show --profile --debug
Then create the flame graph with
flameprof decoder.prof > docs/mochit_station_example.jpg.decoder_flame.svg
to produce: