This part is based on Databricks' post on window functions. Window functions allow us to perform grouped operations such as aggregations, ranking and lagging without having to do a separate group-by and join. We are going to use a synthetic dataset:
(def product-revenue
[["Thin" "Cell phone" 6000]
["Normal" "Tablet" 1500]
["Mini" "Tablet" 5500]
["Ultra Thin" "Cell phone" 5000]
["Very Thin" "Cell phone" 6000]
["Big" "Tablet" 2500]
["Bendable" "Cell phone" 3000]
["Foldable" "Cell phone" 3000]
["Pro" "Tablet" 4500]
["Pro2" "Tablet" 6500]]
[:product :category :revenue]))
(g/print-schema product-revenue)
; root
; |-- product: string (nullable = true)
; |-- category: string (nullable = true)
; |-- revenue: long (nullable = true)
The easiest way to define a windowed column is to use g/windowed
. The function accepts a map that expects :window-col
and optionally :partition-by
, :order-by
, :range-between
and :rows-between
. Consider the following example:
(def rank-by-category
{:window-col (g/dense-rank)
:partition-by :category
:order-by (g/desc :revenue)}))
(-> product-revenue
(g/with-column :rank-by-category rank-by-category)
(g/filter (g/< :rank-by-category 3))
; +----------+----------+-------+----------------+
; |product |category |revenue|rank-by-category|
; +----------+----------+-------+----------------+
; |Thin |Cell phone|6000 |1 |
; |Very Thin |Cell phone|6000 |1 |
; |Ultra Thin|Cell phone|5000 |2 |
; |Pro2 |Tablet |6500 |1 |
; |Mini |Tablet |5500 |2 |
; +----------+----------+-------+----------------+
The column rank-by-category
essentially specifies the rank of the revenue in descending order grouped-by the categories. The rank starts from one, and taking the best and second best means filtering for :rank-by-category
less than 3. Note that ties are included here.
To achieve this, we can compose two windowed operations:
(def max-by-category
{:window-col (g/max :revenue)
:partition-by :category}))
(-> product-revenue
(g/with-column :max-by-category max-by-category)
(g/with-column :revenue-diff (g/- :max-by-category :revenue))
(g/order-by :category (g/desc :revenue))
; +----------+----------+-------+---------------+------------+
; |product |category |revenue|max-by-category|revenue-diff|
; +----------+----------+-------+---------------+------------+
; |Thin |Cell phone|6000 |6000 |0 |
; |Very Thin |Cell phone|6000 |6000 |0 |
; |Ultra Thin|Cell phone|5000 |6000 |1000 |
; |Bendable |Cell phone|3000 |6000 |3000 |
; |Foldable |Cell phone|3000 |6000 |3000 |
; |Pro2 |Tablet |6500 |6500 |0 |
; |Mini |Tablet |5500 |6500 |1000 |
; |Pro |Tablet |4500 |6500 |2000 |
; |Big |Tablet |2500 |6500 |4000 |
; |Normal |Tablet |1500 |6500 |5000 |
; +----------+----------+-------+---------------+------------+
Similar idea as the previous one, but instead of aggregating with g/max
, we use the analytic function g/lag
with an offset of one row:
(def next-best-by-category
{:window-col (g/lag :revenue 1)
:partition-by :category
:order-by (g/desc :revenue)}))
(-> product-revenue
(g/with-column :next-best-by-category next-best-by-category)
(g/with-column :revenue-diff (g/- :next-best-by-category :revenue))
; +----------+----------+-------+---------------------+------------+
; |product |category |revenue|next-best-by-category|revenue-diff|
; +----------+----------+-------+---------------------+------------+
; |Thin |Cell phone|6000 |null |null |
; |Very Thin |Cell phone|6000 |6000 |0 |
; |Ultra Thin|Cell phone|5000 |6000 |1000 |
; |Bendable |Cell phone|3000 |5000 |2000 |
; |Foldable |Cell phone|3000 |3000 |0 |
; |Pro2 |Tablet |6500 |null |null |
; |Mini |Tablet |5500 |6500 |1000 |
; |Pro |Tablet |4500 |5500 |1000 |
; |Big |Tablet |2500 |4500 |2000 |
; |Normal |Tablet |1500 |2500 |1000 |
; +----------+----------+-------+---------------------+------------+
Suppose we would like to identify all products that are underperforming by one standard deviation from all the other products in the group. We can compose windowed columns in a single form:
(def mean-by-category
(g/windowed {:window-col (g/mean :revenue) :partition-by :category}))
(def std-by-category
(g/windowed {:window-col (g/stddev :revenue) :partition-by :category}))
(-> product-revenue
(g// (g/- :revenue mean-by-category) std-by-category))
(g/filter (g/< :z-stat-by-category -1))
; +--------+----------+-------+-------------------+
; |product |category |revenue|z-stat-by-category |
; +--------+----------+-------+-------------------+
; |Bendable|Cell phone|3000 |-1.0550087574332592|
; |Foldable|Cell phone|3000 |-1.0550087574332592|
; |Normal |Tablet |1500 |-1.2538313376430714|
; +--------+----------+-------+-------------------+