diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8978538..7107068 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -67,14 +67,14 @@ must add the appropriate directory to the `Additional SDKs` setting:
You also need to add the following linker options to the `Other Linker Flags` setting:
-| Distribution | Language | Required | Ice Plugins | Optional Services |
-| ------------ | ----------- | ----------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| Ice Touch 1.3 | Objective-C | `-ObjC`
`-lc++` | | `-lGlacier2ObjC-libc++`
`-lIceGridObjC-libc++` |
-| Ice Touch 1.3 | C++ | `-lIce-libc++` | | `-lGlacier2-libc++`
`-lIceStorm-libc++` |
-| Ice Touch 3.6 | Objective-C | `-ObjC`
`-lc++` | | `-lGlacier2ObjC`
`-lIceGridObjC` |
-| Ice Touch 3.6 | C++ | `-lIce` | | `-lGlacier2`
`-lIceStorm` |
-| Ice 3.7 | Objective-C | `-ObjC`
`-lc++` | `-lIceDiscovery`
`-lIceIAP` `-lIceIAPObjC`
`-lIceSSL` `-lIceSSLObjC` | `-lGlacier2ObjC`
`-lIceStormObjC` |
-| Ice 3.7 | C++ | `-lIce` | `-lIceDiscovery`
`-lIceSSL` | `-lGlacier2`
`-lIceStorm` |
+| Distribution | Language | Required | Ice Plugins | Optional Services |
+| ------------ | ----------- | ----------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| Ice Touch 1.3 | Objective-C | `-ObjC`
`-lc++` | | `-lGlacier2ObjC-libc++`
`-lIceGridObjC-libc++` |
+| Ice Touch 1.3 | C++ | `-lIce-libc++` | | `-lGlacier2-libc++`
`-lIceStorm-libc++` |
+| Ice Touch 3.6 | Objective-C | `-ObjC`
`-lc++` | | `-lGlacier2ObjC`
`-lIceGridObjC` |
+| Ice Touch 3.6 | C++ | `-lIce` | | `-lGlacier2`
`-lIceStorm` |
+| Ice 3.7 | Objective-C | `-ObjC`
`-lc++` | `-lIceDiscovery`
`-lIceIAP` `-lIceIAPObjC`
`-lIceSSL` `-lIceSSLObjC` | `-lGlacier2ObjC`
`-lIceStormObjC` |
+| Ice 3.7 | C++ | `-lIce` | `-lIceDiscovery`
`-lIceSSL` | `-lGlacier2`
`-lIceStorm` |
With Ice 3.7 (iOS and OS X) or Ice Touch (OS X only), you also need to add `-lbz2` and `-liconv`.
@@ -95,6 +95,9 @@ To force your Slice files to be re-compiled you need to clean (⇧⌘K) your pro
The builder automatically includes the Ice Slice files directory included with the Ice or Ice Touch SDK as well as the
directory of the Slice file being compiled.
+The output directory passed to the slice compiler is determined by comparing the paths of the given `Output files`.
+Exactly two files must be set and both files must share the same base directory path.
[1]: https://github.com/zeroc-ice/ice-builder-xcode/tree/xcode7-plugin
[2]: https://doc.zeroc.com/display/Ice/slice2cpp+Command-Line+Options
[3]: https://doc.zeroc.com/display/Ice/slice2objc+Command-Line+Options
diff --git a/icebuilder b/icebuilder
index de814ba..99d1c6d 100755
--- a/icebuilder
+++ b/icebuilder
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# **********************************************************************
set -eo pipefail
calledFromXcode() {
@@ -18,22 +18,52 @@ calledFromXcode() {
# Run slice sliceCompiler. We always include Ice slice file directory as well as the INPUT_FILE_DIR.
compileSliceFile() {
logDebug "Compiling slice file: $INPUT_FILE_NAME"
- set -x
+ set -x # print the executed slice compiler command
$sliceCompiler -I"$INPUT_FILE_DIR" \
-I"$sliceDir" \
- --output-dir "$DERIVED_FILE_DIR" \
+ --output-dir "$outputDir" \
"${sliceCompilerArguments[@]}" \
+# Output directory is detected by comparing the SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_{0,1} variables.
+# These are expected to the be the destination of the slice compiler generated header
+# and source files. Both files must share the same base directory, as this is how we
+# determine the output directory to pass to the slice compiler.
+setOutputDir() {
+ if [ "$SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_COUNT" -ne 2 ]; then
+ echo "Please specify a header and source output file."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ local -r outputFile0=${SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_0}
+ logDebug "Output file 0: $outputFile0"
+ local -r outputFile1=${SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_1}
+ logDebug "Output file 1: $outputFile1"
+ local -r outputFileDir0=$(dirname "$outputFile0")
+ local -r outputFileDir1=$(dirname "$outputFile1")
+ if [ "$outputFileDir0" != "$outputFileDir1" ]; then
+ echo "Output files must be in the same directory."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ outputDir="$outputFileDir0"
main() {
if ! calledFromXcode; then
logError "Ice Builder for Xcode must be executed from an Xcode environment."
exit 0
+ if ! setOutputDir; then
+ exit 1
+ fi
if ! findIceSDK; then
- logError "Unable to find an Ice SDK. An Ice SDK must be added to the list of 'Additional SDKs'."
+ logError "Unable to find an Ice or Ice Touch SDK. An Ice or Ice Touch SDK must be added to the list of 'Additional SDKs'."
exit 1
@@ -104,7 +134,7 @@ versionGt() {
-# Procress arguments and run slice compiler
+# Process arguments and run slice compiler
logDebug "Ice Builder for Xcode version: $ICE_BUILDER_XCODE_VERSION"