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Dec 8, 2017
1a70f31 · Dec 8, 2017


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File metadata and controls

560 lines (505 loc) · 18.2 KB

class Zpdo_Simple implements SimpleTable 使用方法


  • 100%防止sql注入 , 确保database系统的100%安全.
  • 严格限制无where limit的条件, 确保交易安全


   LIMIT中的rowCount,最大是 50,000
   [重要]默认将能转成numeric的变量全部转成numeric传递给mysql,为了去除这个隐式转换请用全局的zstr($val)函数将字符串传递给mysql. 这一点关乎mysql查询性能!!! 这是一个大坑!

(以下表格: +表示必选项, -表示可选项, ×表示不能使用的)

\ select update insert delete
from + + × +
into × × + ×
where + + × +
groupBy - × × ×
orderBy - × × ×
limit + + × +


more demos,see /tests/simple_DML/TableApiTest.php

	$dao = Zpdo_Simple::instance(); // 默认master,请尽可能不要走master.
	// $param: $deployedDbName, see: /appbeta/config/zpdo.php
	$dao = Zpdo_Simple::instance('event');

$dao = Zpdo_Simple::instance('slave');


  • 使用 $dao->getSql()调试自己生成的单表Sql语句
  • 使用 try{ … }catch(Exception $e){ var_dump($e) }, 调试自己的调用方式
different refs in the same process.
    $master = Zpdo_Simple::instance(); // master:读写
    $slave = Zpdo_Simple::instance('slave'); // slaves:读
    // 不好意思,Twitters表历史遗留,特殊处理
    $masterTwitter = Zpdo_Simple::instance(Zpdo_Simple::$defaultTwittersDB); // table Twitters 读写
    $slaveTwitter = Zpdo_Simple::instance(Zpdo_Simple::$twittersSlaveDB); // table Twitters 读
    // 不好意思,Twitters表历史遗留,特殊处理
select one record
    // SELECT count(requestId) as totalItems FROM mogujie.TradePayRequest WHERE payType = 2 and toUserId = 50958371 and status > 0
    $where = array(
        'payType =' => 2, // mysql data type: Numeric Type , do not use function zstr()
        'toUserId =' => 50958371, // mysql data type: Numeric Type , do not use function zstr()
        'status >' => 0 // mysql data type: Numeric Type , do not use function zstr()
    $dao->select(Zpdo_Simple::count('requestId', 'totalItems'))
    // var_dump($dao->getSql());
    // SELECT COUNT(`requestId`) AS `totalItems` FROM `TradePayRequest` WHERE `payType` = 2 AND `toUserId` = 50958371 AND `status` > 0 LIMIT 1
    $res = $dao->fetchRow();
    // DEMO: * and useIndex 
    $ids = array(36801, 36804);
    $where = array(
        Zpdo_Simple::in('buyerUserId', 'NUMBER', $ids),
        'sellerUserId =' => 62539573 // mysql data type: Numeric Type , do not use function zstr()
        ->orderBy('orderId', 'DESC')
        ->limit(0, 100);
    // var_dump($dao->getSql());
	// SELECT * FROM `TradeOrder` USE INDEX(`idx_itemInfoId`) WHERE `buyerUserId` IN (36801,36804) AND `sellerUserId` = 62539573 ORDER BY `orderId` DESC  LIMIT 0,100
    $res = $dao->fetchAll();
[重要]mysql index type: string
    $expressCode = '013130764484';
    // 或是 $expressCode = 013130764484;
    $where = array(
        'isDeleted =' => 0, // mysql data type: Numeric Type , do not use function zstr()
        'expressCode =' => zstr($expressCode) // mysql expressCode data type: String type(not Numeric) 
        // 013099719142
    echo $dao->getSql();
    // SELECT `id` FROM `TradeItemCheck` WHERE `isDeleted` = 0 AND `expressCode` = '013130764484' LIMIT 1
    $repeat = $dao->fetchRow();
select using like
    $where = array(
        'userId >=' => 1000, // mysql data type: Numeric Type , do not use function zstr()
        'uname like' => 'sss%'  // 不能用做左模糊!!!不然给你个异常
    $dao->select('userId', 'uname')
    $res = $dao->fetchRow();        
select some records
	// SELECT orderId,buyerUserId,price,status FROM mogujie.TradeOrder WHERE itemInfoId = 43590633 and created > 1374501001 and status >= 2  and level=0 order by orderId DESC limit 100
    $where = array(
        'itemInfoId = ' => 43590633, // mysql data type: Numeric Type , do not use function zstr()
        'created > ' => 1374501001, // mysql data type: Numeric Type , do not use function zstr()
        'status >=' => 2, // mysql data type: Numeric Type , do not use function zstr()
        'level =' => 0 // mysql data type: Numeric Type , do not use function zstr()
    $dao->select('orderId', 'buyerUserId', 'price', 'status')
        ->orderBy('orderId', 'DESC')
    // var_dump($dao->getSql());
	// SELECT `orderId`,`buyerUserId`,`price`,`status` FROM `TradeOrder` WHERE `itemInfoId` = 43590633 AND `created` > 1374501001 AND `status` >= 2 AND `level` = 0 ORDER BY `orderId` DESC  LIMIT 100
    // DEMO: IN (…) , dataType: 'NUMBER' , 'STRING'
    // SELECT * FROM mogujie.TradeOrder WHERE  buyerUserId in (36801,36804) and sellerUserId=62539573 order by orderId desc limit 1,100
    $ids = array(36801, 36804);
    $where = array(
        Zpdo_Simple::in('buyerUserId', 'NUMBER', $ids),
        'sellerUserId =' => 62539573 // mysql data type: Numeric Type , do not use function zstr()
        ->orderBy('orderId', 'DESC')
        ->limit(1, 100);
    // var_dump($dao->getSql());
	// SELECT * FROM `TradeOrder` WHERE `buyerUserId` IN (36801,36804) AND `sellerUserId` = 62539573 ORDER BY `orderId` DESC  LIMIT 1,100
    $testId = 633;
    $where = array(
        'id =' => $testId
    // var_dump($dao->getSql());
    // DELETE FROM `MdlMysqlTypesTest` WHERE `id` = 633 LIMIT 1
    $testTable = 'MdlMysqlTypesTest';
    $record = array();
    $record['username'] = 'mdltest';
    $record['phone'] = '18688162000';
    $record['deleted'] = 0;
    $record['itemType'] = 1;
    $record['levels'] = -123;
    $record['salary'] = 2312.92;
    $record['birthday'] = '2000-01-01';
    $record['registerDT'] = '2000-01-01 00:01:00';
    $record['expired'] = '2040-01-01 00:00:00';
    $record['created'] = time();
    $record['updated'] = time() + 10000;

    // var_dump($dao->getSql());
    // INSERT INTO `MdlMysqlTypesTest` (`username`,`phone`,`deleted`,`itemType`,`levels`,`salary`,`birthday`,`registerDT`,`expired`,`created`,`updated`) VALUE ( 'mdltest',18688162000,0,1,-123,2312.92,'2000-01-01','2000-01-01 00:01:00','2040-01-01 00:00:00',1384421745,1384431745)
    $lastInsertId = $dao->exec();
batch inserts
    $records = array();
    $record = array();
    $record['username'] = 'mdltest';
    $record['phone'] = '18688162000';
    $record['deleted'] = 0;
    $record['itemType'] = 1;
    $record['levels'] = -123;
    $record['salary'] = 2312.92;
    $record['birthday'] = '2000-01-01';
    $record['registerDT'] = '2000-01-01 00:01:00';
    $record['expired'] = '2040-01-01 00:00:00';
    $record['created'] = time();
    $record['updated'] = time() + 10000;
    $records[] = $record;

    $record = array();
    $record['username'] = 'mdltest';
    $record['phone'] = '18688162001';
    $record['deleted'] = 0;
    $record['itemType'] = 2;
    $record['levels'] = 1;
    $record['salary'] = 23;
    $record['birthday'] = '2000-01-01';
    $record['registerDT'] = '2000-01-01 00:01:00';
    $record['expired'] = '2040-01-01 00:00:00';
    $record['created'] = time();
    $record['updated'] = time() + 10000;
    $records[] = $record;

	// var_dump($dao->getSql());
    $res = $dao->exec();
    $updated = 1288785141;
    $upd = array(
        'updated =' => $updated
    $table = 'Twitters';
    $where = array(
    	'twitterId =' => 250000 // mysql data type: Numeric Type , do not use function zstr()
    // var_dump($dao->getSql());
    // UPDATE `Twitters` SET `updated` = 1288785141  WHERE `twitterId` = 250000 LIMIT 1
    $rowCount = $dao->exec();
    $where = array(
        'userId >=' => 1000, // mysql data type: Numeric Type , do not use function zstr()
    $dao->select(Zpdo_Simple::sqlAs('userId', 'userId'), Zpdo_Simple::sqlAs('uname', 'name'))
	// SELECT `userId` AS `userId`, `uname` AS `name` FROM `Users` WHERE `userId` >= 1000 LIMIT 1
    $res = $dao->fetchRow();

methods declare

select : 动态参数列表
update : 要更新的内容, array key-value
insert : 要更新的内容, array key-value
delete : (无)

 * 获得实例,单例模式
 * @param null $table
 * @param null $dbName
 * @return SimpleTable
public static function instance($table = null, $dbName = null);

 * 插入单条数据
 * @param array $col2Val 要更新的内容
 * @param string $PRIORITY mysql语法中的priority,程序用常量表示
 * @param null|boolean $ignore mysql语法中的ignore
 * @return $this
 * @throws RuntimeException
public function insert(array $col2Val, $PRIORITY = self::INSERT_DEFAULT_PRIORITY, $ignore = null);

 * 插入很多条数据
 * @param array $records 多条数据
 *   per record(每一条数据): array $col2Val
 * @param string $PRIORITY mysql语法中的priority,程序用常量表示
 * @param null|boolean $ignore mysql语法中的ignore
 * @return $this
 * @throws RuntimeException
public function inserts(array $records, $PRIORITY = self::INSERT_DEFAULT_PRIORITY, $ignore = null);

 * @param array $col2Val
 * @param string $PRIORITY mysql语法中的priority,程序用常量表示
 * @return $this
public function replace(array $col2Val, $PRIORITY = self::REPLACE_DEFAULT_PRIORITY);

 * 要查询的结果列(可以是函数类型的表达式)
 * dynamic args.
 * per arg in dynamic args : columnName or Zpdo_Zfunc
public function select();

 * 要更新的内容.
 * 运算符或赋值支持: '=', '+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '<<', '>>', '&', '|', '^'
 * @param array $col2Val
 *  key: 包含列名和(运算符或赋值=),一定用英文空格分开.
 *  value: 实际值
 *      'id -' => 1             // sql: id = id - 1
 *      'id =' => 2             // sql: id = 2
 *      'id +' => 300           // sql: id = id + 300
 *      'name =' => 'yifu'      // sql: name = yifu
 * @return $this
 * @throws RuntimeException
public function update(array $col2Val);

 * MDL的delete操作,表示要开始删除数据,不要任何参数
 * @return $this
public function delete();

 * 要操作的表名
 * @param $table : string
 * @param null $database
 * @return $this
 * @throws RuntimeException
public function from($table, $database = null);

 * 要操作的表名
 * @param $table
 * @param null $database
 * @return $this
 * @throws RuntimeException
public function into($table, $database = null);

 * @param array $args
 * 不能为空.奇数位是key-value或是静态方法生成的一个对象,偶数是逻辑关键字:'AND' 'OR'.
 * key-value :
 *  key: 包含列名和比较符,一定用英文空格分开.
 *  value: 实际值
 *      'id >=' => 1
 *      'id =' => 2
 *      'id <' => 300
 * <pre>
 * e.g. :
 *  where( array (
 *      'id >=' => 1 ,
 *      'OR',
 *      'name =' => 'yifu'
 *      'AND',
 *      'title LIKE' => 'sda%'
 *  ))
 * </pre>
 * @return $this
 * @throws RuntimeException
public function where(array $args);

 * dynamic args
 * 默认可以为空.
 * 必须为偶数个参数.奇数位是列名,偶数为排序值desc/asc/DESC/ASC.
 * 推荐: DESC/ASC
 * <pre>
 *  e.g.
 *  'id' , 'DESC' , 'name' , 'ASC'
 * </pre>
 * @return $this
 * @throws RuntimeException
public function orderBy();

 * mysql syntax
 * @param $offsetOrRows int
 * @param $rows int
 *   0 is invalid
 * @throws RuntimeException
 * @return $this
public function limit($offsetOrRows, $rows = 0)

 * 最后要执行的sql的动作,并返回结果.
 * 执行后清空内部变量,及时释放内存占用.予便下个sql使用.
 * @param null $isLastId
 * @return int
 * update exec 返回影响行数,不区分事务与否
 * delete exec 返回影响行数,不区分事务与否
 * insert exec 单条新增,返回物理主键值(无论自增与否),不区分事务与否
 * inserts exec 多条新增,返回影响行数,   不区分事务与否
 * inserts exec 传入的(可选)参数指明需要返回的最后一条物理主键值
 * replace exec 执行单条记录,返回影响行数,不区分事务与否
public function exec();

 * 执行后清空内部变量,及时释放内存占用.予便下个sql使用.
 * @return $record : array
public function fetchRow();

 * 执行后清空内部变量,予便下个sql使用.
 * @return  $records : array
 *      one record : array
public function fetchAll();

 * MDL insert 后返回的LastInsertedId
 * @return null|int
public function lastInsertId();

 * @param $column1
 * @param null | $column2
 * @return $this
 * @throws RuntimeException
public function groupBy($column1, $column2 = null);

 * @param array $col2Val
 *  key: 包含列名和(运算符或赋值=),一定用英文空格分开.
 *  value: 实际值
 *      'id -' => 1
 *      'id =' => 2
 *      'id +' => 300
 * @return mixed
public function duplicate_key_update(array $col2Val);
getSql 可以用于查看生成的sql
 * 获得组装后的sql
 * @return string
public function getSql();

 * mysql as 别名使用.
 * note: mehtod name , as是php关键字
 * @param $columnOrFunc
 * @param $alias
 * @return Zpdo_As
public static function sqlAs($columnOrFunc, $alias);

 * 这个方法很复杂,尽量少用, 建表的时候多多注意初始值/默认值去避开使用SQL IF.
 * @param $expr
 * array(
 *      $column,
 *      $comparisonOp,
 *      $valOrColumn : array($var, $type)
 * )
 * @param $val1
 *    expr or column or val.
 * array(
 *      $var, $type
 * )
 * @param $val2
 *      expr or column or val.
 * array(
 *      $var, $type
 * )
 * @param null $comparisonOp
 * @param null $comparisonVal
 * @return Zpdo_If
public static function sqlIf($expr, $val1, $val2, $comparisonOp = null, $comparisonVal = null);
    $expr = array('payTime', '>=', array(
        'shipTime', Zpdo_Simple::ARGUMENT_TYPE_COLUMN
    $ifval1 = array(
        'payTime', Zpdo_Simple::ARGUMENT_TYPE_COLUMN
    $ifval2 = array(
        'shipTime', Zpdo_Simple::ARGUMENT_TYPE_COLUMN
    $sqlif = Zpdo_Simple::sqlIf($expr, $ifval1, $ifval2, '>=', 100);
    $where = array(
        'orderId =' => $res['orderId'],

 * 和 function where(array $args); 一样的用法
public static function subWhere(array $args);
public function useIndex();

 * @param $expr
 * array(
 *      $column,
 *      $comparisonOp,
 *      $valOrColumn : array($var, $type)
 * )
 * @param $val1
 *    expr or column or val.
 * array(
 *      $var, $type
 * )
 * @param $val2
 *      expr or column or val.
 * array(
 *      $var, $type
 * )
 * @param null $comparisonOp
 * @param null $comparisonVal
 * @return Zpdo_If
public static function sqlIf($expr, $val1, $val2, $comparisonOp = null, $comparisonVal = null);
 * @param $column
 * @param $type
 * @param array $qData
 * @throws
 * @return Zpdo_Zfunc
public static function notin($column, $type, array $qData)
public function beginTransaction();
public function commit();
public function rollback();
public function inTransaction();