MXFlutter is a high-performance Flutter dynamic framework based on JS. It develops Flutter applications by writing JavaScript code in a way similar to Dart's development.More details are here
Email:[email protected]
Flutter 1.5.4
- Support Dart Flutter syntax
- Support for defining classes that are same name as the Widget in Flutter
- Support for defining the same Build mode, SetState refresh and event response methods
- Support js modular development
- Support VS Code direct debugging
- Support for simulator page hot updates
class HomePage extends MXJSWidget {
super("HomePage", {key: "HomePage"});
return new Container({
child: new Row({
children: [
new Expanded({
child: FlatButton.icon({
this.navigatorPush(new SearchPage);
icon: new Icon(new IconData(0xe8b6, {fontFamily: 'MaterialIcons'}),{
color: GlobalConfig.fontColor,
size: 16.0,
label: new Text("坚果R1摄像头损坏",{
style: new TextStyle({
color: GlobalConfig.fontColor,
new Container({
decoration: new BoxDecoration({
border: new BorderDirectional({
start: new BorderSide({
color: GlobalConfig.fontColor,
width: 1.0,
height: 14.0,
width: 1.0,
new Container({
child: FlatButton.icon({
onPressed: function(){
this.navigatorPush(new AskPage);
icon: new Icon(new IconData(0xe22b, {fontFamily: 'MaterialIcons'}),{
color: GlobalConfig.fontColor,
size: 16.0,
label: new Text("提问", {
style: new TextStyle({
color: GlobalConfig.fontColor,
decoration: new BoxDecoration({
borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(4.0)),
color: GlobalConfig.searchBackgroundColor,
let widget = new DefaultTabController({
length: 3,
child: new Scaffold({
appBar: new AppBar({
title: this.barSearch(),
bottom: new TabBar({
tabs: [
new Tab({text: "关注"}),
new Tab({text: "推荐"}),
new Tab({text: "热榜"}),
backgroundColor: Colors.white(),
body: new TabBarView({
children: [
new Follow(),
new Recommend(),
new Hot(),
return widget;
Here, thanks to the author of the Flutter Edition HackSoul, The author draws sample code from zhihu-flutter.
- Step 1: Flutter here, create and launch MXJSFlutterApp
MXJSFlutter.getInstance().runJSApp(jsAppName: "app_test", pageName: null);
- Step 2: JS here, write MXJSWidget page code
class AppTest extends MXJSFlutterApp {
constructor() {
super("app_test", "initRouteName");
createJSWidgetWithName(pageName) {
let w = new JSWidgetHomePage;
return w;
function main(pageName) {
MXJSLog.log("main:pageName" + pageName);
let app = new AppTest;
- Step 3: Back to Flutter, enter the MXJSWidget page
Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => MXJSFlutter.getInstance().navigatorPushWithPageName("JSWidgetHomePage")));
MXFlutter is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
If you have good comments or suggestions, please feel free to ask us about Issues or Pull Requests.
For those interested in MXFlutter, you could communicate with us by add QQ group:747535761