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This is a repo maintained by Bryan to share some useful embedded related code. You can send the feedback by applying new issue using Gitlab or sending email to [email protected]
├── bitband.h ------ Using bitband to control GPIO example
├── bsp ------ Chip related lib
│ ├── 74hc4067.c --- 16-Channel Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer
│ ├── 74hc4067.h --- 16-Channel Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer
│ ├── lm75.c --- LM75x Digital Temperature Sensor
│ ├── lm75.h --- LM75x Digital Temperature Sensor
│ ├── mcp3421.c --- 18-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter with I2C
│ ├── mcp3421.h --- 18-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter with I2C
│ ├── tle8108em.c --- 8-Channel Low Side Relay with SPI Interface
│ └── tle8108em.h --- 8-Channel Low Side Relay with SPI Interface
├── can_filter.c ------ CAN Filter Set Example
├── dwt_delay.c ------ Using DWT to provide a delay in ms
├── dwt_delay.h ------ Using DWT to provide a delay in ms
├── README.md ------ Readme Documents
├── retarget.c ------ Different ways to retarget printf()
├── syscalls ------ Collecting different syscalls implements
│ ├── AC6_syscalls.c --- collecting from AC6/System Workbench
│ └── MasterSTM32_retarget.c --- collecting form book "Master STM32"
├── template ------ Doxygen examples
│ ├── Doxyfile --- doxygen settings
│ ├── mytemplate.c --- template source file
│ └── mytemplate.h --- template header file
└── XFormatPrintf ------ Another implementations of Printf C
├── example.c --- examples of using it
├── xformatc.c --- xformat source file
└── xformatc.h --- xformat header file