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File metadata and controls

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Zoo stats

Build Status


The stats service has a GraphQL API, which differs to RESTful APIs.

There is only one endpoint path for this API /graphql and it only supports the POST HTTP method for the application/json content type.

POST /graphql (application/json)

Introspect the available operations

curl -d '{"query": "{__schema {queryType {name fields {name}}mutationType {name fields {name}}}}"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST

Event type counts per interval Retrieve the number of classifications for a specified event type for a known interval. Non-required attributes are projectID and userId to filter the results.

Note: If you supply the the userId attribute you must provide a bearer token in the Authorization header, e.g. Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>

You must supply and eventType, interval and window. Valid intervals are postgres intervals, e.g. 2 Days, 24 Hours, 60 Seconds Valid windows are postgres intervals, e.g. 7 Days, 2 Weeks, 1 Month, 1 Year.

    eventType: "classification",
    interval: "1 Day",
    window: "1 week",
    projectId: "${}",
    userId: "${}"

Note: classification events are currently the only supported event types.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository git clone

  2. Install Docker from the appropriate link above.

  3. cd into the cloned folder.

  4. Run docker-compose build to build the containers Panoptes API container. You will need to re-run this command on any changes to (note the dev dockerfile, production is Dockerfile)

  5. Create and run the application containers with docker-compose up

  6. If the above step reports a missing database error, kill the docker-compose process or open a new terminal window in the current directory and then run docker-compose run --rm zoo_stats bundle exec rake db:setup to setup the database. This command will launch a new Docker container, run the rake DB setup task, and then clean up the container.

  7. Open up the application in your browser at http://localhost:3000

Once all the above steps complete you will have a working copy of the checked out code base. Keep your code up to date and rebuild the image on any code or configuration changes.

Note: You will need to re-install the gem dependencies for the application if you modify the Gemfile * Run: docker-compose run --rm zoo_stats bundle install


  1. Setup the test environment and database

    • Run: docker-compose run --rm -e RAILS_ENV=test zoo_stats bundle exec rake db:setup
  2. Run the tests

    • Run: docker-compose run -T --rm -e RAILS_ENV=test zoo_stats bundle exec rspec
  3. Get a console to interactively run / debug tests

    • Run: docker-compose run --rm -e RAILS_ENV=test zoo_stats bash
    • Then in the container run: bundle exec rspec

Setup Docker and Docker Compose


This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from
