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Merge pull request #11 from williamthome/euneus
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Swap JSX for Euneus
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mworrell authored Aug 28, 2024
2 parents 14554e7 + 3c0f06d commit 5993145
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Showing 7 changed files with 115 additions and 154 deletions.
15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions
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# JSON encoding with records and 'null'/'undefined' mapping

This is a wrapper around `jsx` to handle encoding and decoding of Erlang records.
Originally, this was a wrapper around `jsx` to handle encoding and decoding of Erlang records, but [euneus]( gives to
jsxrecord a better performance.

## JSON null handling

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,25 +57,25 @@ Decoding returns the `#test{}`:
Defaults are automatically added for fields missing in the JSON:

#test{ a = 1, b = 2, c = undefined } = jsxrecord:decode(<<"{\"_record\":\"test\"}">>).

### Encoding and decoding datetime and timestamp tuples

Datetime tuples are assumed to be in UTC, and are converted into an ISO8601 string:

<<"\"2008-12-10T13:30:00Z\"">> = jsxrecord:encode({{2008, 12, 10}, {13, 30, 0}})

They are converted back into a datetime tuple:

{{2008, 12, 10}, {13, 30, 0}} = jsxrecord:decode(<<"\"2008-12-10T13:30:00Z\"">>)

Erlang timestamp tuples are also converted into an ISO8601 string, but with added precision:

<<"\"2020-06-12T14:00:11.571Z\"">> = jsxrecord:encode({1591,970411,571321})

A little bit of precision is lost when converting it back to a timestamp tuple:

{1591,970411,571000} = jsxrecord:decode(<<"\"2020-06-12T14:00:11.571Z\"">>)

## Configuration

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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion rebar.config
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@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
{require_min_otp_vsn, "21"}.

{deps, [
{jsx, "3.1.0"}
{euneus, "0.6.0"}

{dialyzer, [
{plt_extra_apps, [euneus]}

{erl_opts, [
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions rebar.lock
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@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
{<<"jsx">>, <<"D12516BAA0BB23A59BB35DCCAF02A1BD08243FCBB9EFE24F2D9D056CCFF71268">>}]},
{<<"euneus">>, <<"92F0B3DD9440EE59DBE809E8A02C518CC15FA23DA456E351AE9720F06DEB6007">>}]},
{<<"jsx">>, <<"0C5CC8FDC11B53CC25CF65AC6705AD39E54ECC56D1C22E4ADB8F5A53FB9427F3">>}]}
{<<"euneus">>, <<"1F9ECA0AC888C5F564A40C3662AC5CA92C474C0D225F5C6B665B2ABBF38C932D">>}]}
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion rebar.test.config
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,5 +10,5 @@
{deps, [
{lager, "3.8.0"},
{proper, "1.3.0"},
{jsx, "3.1.0"}
{euneus, "0.6.0"}
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
{description, "JSX wrapper to handle records and 'undefined'"},
{vsn, "git"},
{registered, []},
{applications, [ kernel, stdlib, syntax_tools, compiler, jsx ]},
{applications, [ kernel, stdlib, syntax_tools, compiler ]},
{env, [
{record_modules, [ ]}
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174 changes: 55 additions & 119 deletions src/jsxrecord.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
%% @author Marc Worrell <[email protected]>
%% @copyright 2018-2023 Marc Worrell
%% @doc JSON with records and 'undefined'/'null' mapping. Wrapper around jsx.
%% @doc JSON with records and 'undefined'/'null' mapping.
%% @end

%% Copyright 2018-2023 Marc Worrell
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -30,9 +30,7 @@

-define(RECORD_TYPE, <<"_type">>).

-define(IS_NUMBER(C), C >= $0, C =< $9).

-define(IS_PROPLIST_KEY(X), is_binary(X) orelse is_atom(X) orelse is_integer(X)).


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,41 +89,68 @@ do_load_records(Modules, CurrRecordDefs) ->

encode_json(undefined) -> <<"null">>;
encode_json(null) -> <<"null">>;
encode_json(true) -> <<"true">>;
encode_json(false) -> <<"false">>;
encode_json({struct, _} = MochiJSON) ->
encode_json( mochijson_to_map(MochiJSON) );
encode_json(Term) ->
Options = [
{error_handler, fun jsx_error/3}
jsx:encode(expand_records(Term), Options).
Options = #{
nulls => [undefined, null],
list_encoder => fun encode_list/2,
unhandled_encoder => fun encode_tuple/2,
error_handler => fun jsx_error/3
case euneus:encode_to_binary(Term, Options) of
{ok, JSON} ->
{error, Reason} ->

decode_json(<<>>) -> undefined;
decode_json(<<"null">>) -> undefined;
decode_json(<<"true">>) -> true;
decode_json(<<"false">>) -> false;
decode_json(B) -> reconstitute_records( jsx:decode(B, [return_maps]) ).
decode_json(B) ->
Options = #{
objects => fun reconstitute_records/2
case euneus:decode(B, Options) of
{ok, Term} ->
{error, Reason} ->

jsx_error([T|Terms], {parser, State, Handler, Stack}, Config) ->
encode_list([{K, _} | _] = Proplist, Opts) when ?IS_PROPLIST_KEY(K) ->
Map = proplists:to_map(Proplist),
euneus_encoder:encode_map(Map, Opts);
encode_list(List, Opts) ->
euneus_encoder:encode_list(List, Opts).

encode_tuple({struct, MochiJSON}, Opts) ->
Map = mochijson_to_map(MochiJSON),
euneus_encoder:encode_map(Map, Opts);
encode_tuple(R, _Opts) when is_tuple(R), is_atom(element(1, R)) ->
T = atom_to_binary(element(1, R), utf8),
case maps:find(T, record_defs()) of
{ok, Def} ->
Def, 2, R, #{ ?RECORD_TYPE => T }
error ->
encode_tuple(T, _Opts) ->

jsx_error(throw, {{token, Token}, Rest, Opts, Input, Pos, Buffer}, _Stacktrace) ->
in => jsxrecord,
text => <<"Error mapping value to JSON">>,
result => error,
reason => json_token,
token => T
token => Token
Config1 = jsx_config:parse_config(Config),
jsx_parser:resume([null|Terms], State, Handler, Stack, Config1);
jsx_error(_Terms, _Error, _Config) ->

Replacement = null,
euneus_decoder:resume(Token, Replacement, Rest, Opts, Input, Pos, Buffer);
jsx_error(Class, Reason, Stacktrace) ->
euneus_decoder:handle_error(Class, Reason, Stacktrace).

reconstitute_records( M ) when is_map(M) ->
M1 = maps:map( fun(_K, V) -> reconstitute_records(V) end, M ),
reconstitute_records(M1, _Opts) ->
case maps:find(?RECORD_TYPE, M1) of
{ok, Type} ->
case maps:find(Type, record_defs_int()) of
Expand All @@ -148,36 +173,7 @@ reconstitute_records( M ) when is_map(M) ->
error ->
reconstitute_records( L ) when is_list(L) ->
[ reconstitute_records(X) || X <- L ];
reconstitute_records( null ) ->
reconstitute_records( <<Y4, Y3, Y2, Y1, $-, M2, M1, $-, D2, D1, $T, H2, H1, $:, Min2, Min1, $:, S2, S1, $., Mil3, Mil2, Mil1, $Z>> )
?IS_NUMBER(Mil3), ?IS_NUMBER(Mil2), ?IS_NUMBER(Mil1) ->
DateTime = {{chars_to_integer(Y4, Y3, Y2, Y1), chars_to_integer(M2, M1), chars_to_integer(D2, D1)},
{chars_to_integer(H2, H1), chars_to_integer(Min2, Min1), chars_to_integer(S2, S1)}},
MilliSeconds = chars_to_integer(Mil3, Mil2, Mil1),
Seconds = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(DateTime) - 62167219200,
%% 62167219200 == calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({{1970, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0}})
{Seconds div 1000000, Seconds rem 1000000, MilliSeconds * 1000};
reconstitute_records( <<Y4, Y3, Y2, Y1, $-, M2, M1, $-, D2, D1, $T, H2, H1, $:, Min2, Min1, $:, S2, S1, $Z>> )
{{chars_to_integer(Y4, Y3, Y2, Y1), chars_to_integer(M2, M1), chars_to_integer(D2, D1)},
{chars_to_integer(H2, H1), chars_to_integer(Min2, Min1), chars_to_integer(S2, S1)}};
reconstitute_records( T ) ->

make_proplist(Map) ->
L = maps:to_list(Map),
Expand All @@ -194,69 +190,19 @@ make_proplist(Map) ->

expand_records(R) when is_tuple(R), is_atom(element(1, R)) ->
T = atom_to_binary(element(1, R), utf8),
case maps:find(T, record_defs()) of
{ok, Def} ->
expand_record_1(Def, 2, R, #{ ?RECORD_TYPE => T });
error ->
expand_records({MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs}=Timestamp) when is_integer(MegaSecs) andalso is_integer(Secs) andalso is_integer(MicroSecs) ->
% Timestamp, map to date in UTC
MilliSecs = MicroSecs div 1000,
{{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Min, Sec}} = calendar:now_to_datetime(Timestamp),
[Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec, MilliSecs]));

expand_records({{Year,Month,Day},{Hour,Minute,Second}}) when is_integer(Year) andalso is_integer(Month) andalso is_integer(Second) andalso
is_integer(Hour) andalso is_integer(Minute) andalso is_integer(Second) ->
% Date tuple, assume it to be in UTC
[Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second]));

expand_records({A, B, Params} = Mime) when is_binary(A), is_binary(B), is_list(Params) ->
% Assume to be a MIME content type
expand_records({K, V}) when is_number(K) ->
[ K, V ];
expand_records({K, V}) ->
{expand_records(K), expand_records(V)};
expand_records(L) when is_list(L) ->
({K, V}) when is_binary(K); is_atom(K); is_number(K) -> {K, expand_records(V)};
(V) -> expand_records(V)
expand_records(M) when is_map(M) ->
maps:map( fun(_K, V) -> expand_records(V) end, M );
expand_records(undefined) ->
expand_records(X) ->

expand_record_1([ {F, _} | Fs ], N, R, Acc) ->
Acc1 = Acc#{ F => expand_records( element(N, R) ) },
Acc1 = Acc#{ F => element(N, R) },
expand_record_1(Fs, N+1, R, Acc1);
expand_record_1([], _N, _R, Acc) ->

mochijson_to_map({struct, L}) ->
maps:from_list([ mochijson_to_map(V) || V <- L ]);
mochijson_to_map({K, V}) ->
{K, mochijson_to_map(V)};
mochijson_to_map(V) ->

format_content_type({T1, T2, []}) ->
<<T1/binary, $/, T2/binary>>;
format_content_type({T1, T2, Params}) ->
ParamsBin = [ [$;, Param, $=, Value] || {Param,Value} <- Params ],
iolist_to_binary([T1, $/, T2, ParamsBin]).

%% @doc Compile the record defs to a module, for effictient caching of all definitions
-spec compile_module( map() ) -> ok.
compile_module( Defs ) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -316,13 +262,3 @@ to_field_name({record_field, _Line, {atom, _, FieldName}}) ->
{FieldName, undefined};
to_field_name({record_field, _Line, {atom, _, FieldName}, InitExpr}) ->
{FieldName, erl_syntax:concrete(InitExpr)}.

chars_to_integer(N2, N1) ->
((N2 - $0) * 10) + (N1 - $0).

chars_to_integer(N3, N2, N1) ->
((N3 - $0) * 100) + ((N2 - $0) * 10) + (N1 - $0).

chars_to_integer(N4, N3, N2, N1) ->
((N4 - $0) * 1000) + ((N3 - $0) * 100) + ((N2 - $0) * 10) + (N1 - $0).


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