- Fix an issue where sorting is not working when the closest match of the query is at the end of the search string.
is now registered in thepackage.json
- Support for numeric values.
- Upgrade packages as some packages contained security issues.
- Umd template for Node.
- Sorting now prefers keys close together rather than at the beginning of the string.
- Keys parameter can now be omitted and configuration can be passed along in it's place.
- Allow empty haystacks
- Make it really zero dependencies again (wouterrutgers#30)
- Travis CI (wouterrutgers#29)
- The way it sorts
- It now boosts scores of items that are exact matches
- It now boosts scores of items that start with they query
- Update build tool
- Update eslinter
- Uncompressed compiled JavaScript
- ESLint to check code style.
- Errors reported by ESLint.
- Hide my saucelabs api key.
- Fix readme file.
- A changelog.
- Show the build status of the master branch.
- Improved README.