Dockerfiles and scripts placed in this directory are intended to be used as development process vehicles and part of continuous integration process.
Images built out of those recipes may by used with Docker or podman as development environment. Only those used on Travis are fully tested on a daily basis. In case of any problem, patches and github issues are welcome.
docker build --build-arg https_proxy= --build-arg http_proxy= -t pmemkv:debian-unstable -f ./Dockerfile.debian-unstable .
To run build and tests on local machine on Docker:
docker run --network=bridge --shm-size=4G -v /your/workspace/path/:/opt/workspace:z -w /opt/workspace/ -e CC=clang -e CXX=clang++ -e PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/pmdk/lib/pkgconfig -it pmemkv:debian-unstable /bin/bash
To get strace working, add to Docker commandline
--cap-add SYS_PTRACE