Matti Virkkunen [email protected]
Document is accurate as of 2014-05-04.
This unofficial document describes the LINE (by LINE Corporation/Naver) instant messenger protocol. The information is based mostly on reverse engineering and therefore accuracy is not guaranteed.
Also, this document is unfinished. I'm expanding it as I go.
LINE as a whole consists of a number of web services because of their multitude of apps and subsystems, but the only service that's needed for replicating their desktop IM client's functionality is the TalkService.
The protocol is based on a request-response architecture over HTTP(S), with a long poll return channel. Apache Thrift is used for serialization of message data.
File: line.thrift (a presumably complete Thrift interface file obtained via reverse engineering)
The protocol is Apache Thrift TCompactProtocol via HTTPS to The HTTP request path is /S4 for most requests. Some specific requests use a different path, specified where relevant.
Unencrypted HTTP also seems to work for the moment, but using it is a really bad idea security-wise. Naver itself seems to be currently transitioning to 100% HTTPS.
If using a keep-alive connection, headers from the first request can be persisted. Headers in following requests can temporarily override the persisted value. An HTTP header called X-LS is also involved. If you want to persist headers, you must remember the X-LS header value the server gives you and send it back in the next request. The values seem to be integers. The name could be short for "Line Server", and it's probably used so that load-balancers can direct the following responses back to the same server that knows the headers.
By using persistent headers it's possible to send each request with just two headers - X-LS and Content-Length.
The official protocol seems to be to first make one request to get an authentication key, and then open a new connection so that the authentication key can be persisted along with the rest of the headers for the following requests.
Friends, chats and groups are identified by 32-digit hex GUIDs prefixed with one character for the type.
Internally any user is referred to as a Contact. Contacts are identified by a "mid" and the prefix is "u" (presumably for "user")
Chats are called Rooms and are identified by a "mid" which is prefixed by "r" (for "room"). Rooms are the lightweight multi-user chats that are created when you invite an extra user to a plain IM conversation with a contact. Groups are called Groups internally as well and are identified by an "id" which is prefixed with a "c" (presumably for "chat"). Groups are more permanent than chats and have extra data associated with them such as a name and an icon.
Any message is represented by a Message object. Message IDs are numeric but they are stored as strings.
Timestamps are millisecond precision UNIX time represented as 64-bit integers (TODO: check the timezone just in case)
The following HTTP headers are required for a successful request:
X-Line-Application: DESKTOPWIN\t3.2.1.83\tWINDOWS\t5.1.2600-XP-x64
X-Line-Access: authToken
The \t escape sequence represents a tab character. Other X-Line-Application names exist, but this is one that works currently. An invalid application name results in an error. The authToken is obtained via the login procedure.
Media files are stored on a separate server at which is internally referred to as the "object storage server". Some files (such as message attachments) seem to require authentication with the same protocol as above, but some files (such as buddy icons) don't seem to require authentication.
It serves files over both HTTP and HTTPS with the same authentication protocol as above.
This Thrift method issues a new authToken for an e-mail address and password combination. The request should be sent to the path /api/v4/ to avoid having to specify an auth token when none exists yet (/S4 always requires an auth token).
IdentityProvider.LINE, // identityProvider
"[email protected]", // identifier (e-mail address)
"password", // password (in plain text)
true, // keepLoggedIn
"", // accesslocation (presumably local IP?)
"hostname", // systemName (will show up in "Devices")
"") // certificate (empty on first login - see login verification procedure below)
The result structure is as follows:
struct LoginResult {
1: string authToken;
2: string certificate;
3: string verifier;
4: string pinCode;
5: LoginResultType type;
After a successful login, the type is equal to SUCCESS (1) and the authToken field contains the X-Line-Access value to use in subsequent requests.
The official desktop client sends an encrypted e-mail/password involving RSA and no X-Line-Access header, but it works just as fine in plain text. (TODO: Include description of RSA login procedure)
In current versions, LINE now requires you to verify your identity using a PIN code when logging in to a desktop client for the first time. It seems this is partially based on geo-IP, as clients that had logged in before the verification procedure was added do not need to verify themselves. New logins will all likely need to be verified.
When PIN verification is required, the login method returns a type of REQUIRE_DEVICE_CONFIRM (3) instead of SUCCESS (1). The pinCode field contains a PIN code to display to the user and the verifier field is set to a random token that is used to identify this verification session. The token stays the same for the whole process.
The client then issues an empty request to the HTTP path /Q with the X-Line-Access header set to the verifier token. This request blocks until the user enters the correct PIN code on their mobile device.
There doesn't seem to be a limit for incorrect PIN entries on the mobile device, but there is currently a three minute time limit. After this the token expires. The client keeps track of the time limit locally and aborts the request when it's over.
A success response from /Q is JSON containing the following:
"timestamp": "946684800000",
"result": {
"verifier": "the_verifier_token",
"authPhase": "QRCODE_VERIFIED"
After this response is received the client issues a loginWithVerifierForCertificate() call with the verifier token as the parameter. The server then returns a normal LoginReply message with the usual authToken. The LoginReply message also contains a certificate value (random hex string) which should be stored and used in future calls to loginWithIdentityCredentialForCertificate() to skip the validation step. If the certificate is not used, every login will prompt for PIN verification.
If the token has already expired the response from /Q looks like the following:
"timestamp": "946684800000",
"errorCode": "404",
"errorMessage": "key+is+not+found%3A+the_verifier_token+NOT_FOUND"
After logging in the client sends out a sequence of requests to synchronize with the server. It seems some messages are not always sent - the client could be storing data locally somewhere and comparing with the revision ID from getLastOpRevision(). The client runs multiple sync sequences in parallel in order to make it faster.
There is no requirement to implement all or any of these sync operations in a third-party client.
This seems to be the main sync sequence.
Gets the revision ID to use for the long poll return channel later. It's fetched first to ensure nothing is missed even if something happens during the sync procedure.
Mystery. Probably not related to software updates as that is a separate call. Could be related to sticker downloads.
Gets the currently logged in user's profile, which includes their display name and status message and so forth.
Gets all contact IDs added as friends.
List of blocked user IDs.
getContacts(contactIds) - with IDs from the previous methods that fetched contact IDs
Gets details for the users.
Gets all groups current user is a member of.
Gets all groups for which the user has a pending invitation.
getGroups(groupIds) - with IDs from the previous methods
Gets details for the groups. This included member lists.
getMessageBoxCompactWrapUpList(1, 50)
Returns a complicated structure with "current active chats". This returns a list of of rooms and groups with partial information as well as the latest message(s) for them. This call seems to be the only way to get a list of rooms the current user is a member of as there is no separate getRooms method.
getActivePurchaseVersions(0, 1000, "en", "US")
Mystery. Probably related to sticker versions.
getConfigurations(...) - parameters involve country codes
Returns a map of configuration settings with string keys. I do not have exact metadata for this function. Example:
"function.linecall.mobile_network_expire_period": "604800",
"": "N",
"contact_ui.show_addressbook": "N",
"": "N",
"group.max_size": "200",
"function.linecall.validate_caller_id": "N",
"": "N",
"main_tab.show_timeline": "N",
"function.linecall": "N",
"room.max_size": "100"
Many of the settings seem to be related to features being enabled or disabled and maximum limits for them.
List of suggested friend IDs.
List of suggested friend IDs that have been dismissed (why can't the previous method just not return these...?)
getContacts(contactIds) - with IDs from the previous methods
Contacts have multiple statuses.
FRIEND = appears on friend list, unless hidden.
RECOMMEND = appears on "recommended contacts" list.
DELETE = used in notifications only AFAIK, to notify that a friend has been completely deleted.
Each state also has a _BLOCKED version where the current user will not receive messages from the user. Friends also have a "hidden" status, that is set via the CONTACT_SETTING_CONTACT_HIDE setting flag. Blocking is done via blockContact/unblockContact.
There is no separate function to delete a contact for some reason, instead it's done by setting the CONTACT_SETTING_DELETE setting. Even though it's a setting, this is equivalent to really deleting the friend - they won't appear on getallContactIds() anymore. (FIXME: actually test this...)
Messages are sent using the sendMessage() function.
sendMessage(seq, msg)
The seq parameter doesn't seem to be matter, and can be sent as zero. The msg parameter is the Message object to send.
The only required fields for a text message are "to", which can be the ID for any valid message recipient (user, chat or group), and the "text" field which is the text content to send. Other message types involve the contentMetadata fields and possibly uploading files to a separate server.
The return value from sendMessage is a partial Message object that only contains the fields "id", "createdTime" and "from". The ID is a numeric string that can be used to refer to that message later.
LINE supports various types of messages from simple text messages to pictures and video. Each message has a contentType field that specifies the type of content, and some messages include attached files from various locations.
Messages can contain extra attributes in the contentMetadata map. One globally used attribute is "BOT_CHECK" which is included with a value of "1" for automatic messages I've received from "official accounts" - this could be an auto-reply indicator.
The first contentType is called NONE internally but is actually text. It's the simplest content type. The text field contains the message content encoded in UTF-8.
The only thing to watch out for is emoji which are sent as Unicode private use area codepoints.
TODO: make a list of emoji
Image message content can be delivered in one of two ways.
For normal image messages, a preview image is included as a plain JPEG in the contentPreview field. However, for some reason the official desktop client seems to ignore it and rather downloads everything from the object storage server.
The preview image URLs are and the full-size image URL are where MSGID is the message's id field.
"Official accounts" broadcast messages to many clients at once, so their image message data is stored on publicly accessible servers (currently seems to be Akamai CDN). For those messages no embedded preview is included and the image URLs are stored in the contentMetadata map with the following keys:
- PREVIEW_URL = absolute URL for preview image
- DOWNLOAD_URL = absolute URL for full-size image
- PUBLIC = "TRUE" (haven't seen other values)
As an example of a publicly available image message, have a Pikachu:
Sticker messages are simply a reference to a separately hosted image file. The information required to reference a sticker is contained in the contentMetadata map.
A sticker reference consists of three numbers, the STKVER (sticker version), STKPKGID (sticker package ID) and STKID (sticker ID within package). To send a sticker, a message with contentType=7 and these three values specified are enough. When receiving a sticker some stickers also return a meaningful textual name for the sticker in the STKTXT metadata field - this is added automatically and does not need to be specified when sending.
Sticker image files are hosted on yet another CDN server at The CDN server does not require authentication and can be viewed with a plain browser for testing. The base URL for a sticker package is formed from the STKVER and STKPKGID values. First, the version is split into three numbers as follows:
VER = floor(STKVER / 1000000) + "/" + floor(STKVER / 1000) + "/" + (STKVER % 1000)
Using this the package base URL can be determined:{VER}/{STKPKGID}/{PLATFORM}/
PLATFORM is a platform identifier which is presumably used to deliver different image sizes etc to different platforms. The "WindowsPhone" platform seems to have most interesting files. Other known platforms are "PC". Not all platforms contain all file types.
Sticker package version 100, package 1 ("Moon & James") is used as an example in the following URLs. Substitute another package base URL to see other packages.
The sticker package contains a metadata file for a listing its contents:
This is a JSON file with metadata about the stickers in this package including names in multiple languages, the price in multiple currencies and a list of stickers.
Each package also has an icon: - active - dimmed
Each referenced sticker image is available in the subdirectory "stickers" as a PNG image. The filename is {STKID}.png for the full image and {STKID}_key.png for a thumbnail. - full size - thumbnail
All sticker images as well as the icons can be downloaded as a single package from:
The ShopService is used with the path /SHOP4 to get a list of sticker packages the current user has. TODO: specify more
Interestingly the official client sends some emoji as a sticker message instead of a plain text message if the message content consists only of the single emoji. Emoji as stickers are in package number 5: (TODO: figure out how they're mapped)
The official clients also contain references to "old" stickers that have no STKVER or STKPKGID and use a URL of the format:{STKID}.png
These seem to just be redirects to new URLs now.
fetchOperations(localRev, count)
For incoming events, fetchOperations() calls to the HTTP path /P4 is used. Using the /P4 path enables long polling, where the responses block until something happens or a timeout expires. An HTTP 410 Gone response signals a timed out poll, in which case a new request should be issued.
When new data arrives, a list of Operation objects is returned. Each Operation (except the end marker) comes with a version number, and the next localRev should be the highest revision number received.
The official client uses a count parameter of 50.
Operation data is contained either as a Message object in the message field, or in the string fields param1-param3.
In general NOTIFIED_* messages notify the current user about other users' actions, while their non-NOTIFIED counterparts notify the current user about their own actions, in order to sync them across devices.
For many operations the official client doesn't seem to care about the fact that the param1-param3 fields contain the details of the operation and will rather re-fetch data with a get method instead. For instance, many group member list changes will cause the client to do a getGroup(). This may be either just lazy coding or a sign of the param parameters being phased out.
The following is a list of operation types.
Signifies the end of the list. This presumably means all operations were returned and none were left out due to the count param. This message contains no data, not even a revision number, so don't accidentally set your localRev to zero.
The current user updated their profile. Refresh using getProfile().
- param1 = UpdateProfileAttributeAttr, which property was changed (possibly bitfield)
Another user updated their profile. Refresh using getContacts.
- param1 = the user ID
- param2 = UpdateProfileAttributeAttr, which property was changed (possibly bitfield)
The current user has added a contact as a friend.
- param1 = ID of the user that was added
- param2 = (mystery - seen "0")
Another user has added the current user as a friend.
- param1 = ID of the user that added the current user
The current user has blocked a contact.
- param1 = ID of the user that was blocked
- param2 = (mystery, seen "NORMAL")
The current user has unblocked a contact.
- param1 = ID of the user that was unblocked
- param2 = (mystery, seen "NORMAL")
The current user has created a group. The official client immediately fetches group details with getGroup().
- param1 = ID of the group.
The current user has updated a group.
- param1 = ID of the group
- param2 = (Maybe a bitfield of properties? 1 = name, 2 = picture)
Another user has updated group the current user is a member of.
- param1 = ID of the group
- param2 = ID of the user who updated the group
- param3 = (Maybe a bitfield of properties?)
The current user has invited somebody to join a group.
- param1 = ID of the group
- param2 = ID of the user that has been invited
The current user has been invited to join a group.
- param1 = ID of the group
- param2 = ID of the user who invited the current user
- param3 = ID of the current user
The current user has left a group.
- param1 = ID of the group
Another user has left a group the current user is a member of.
- param1 = ID of the group
- param2 = ID of the user that left the group
The current user has accepted a group invitation.
- param1 = ID of the group
Another user has joined a group the current user is a member of.
- param1 = ID of the group
- param2 = ID of the user that joined the group
The current user has removed somebody from a group.
- param1 = ID of the group
- param2 = ID of the user that was removed
Another user has removed a user from a group. The removed user can also be the current user.
- param1 = ID of the group
- param2 = ID of the user that removed the current user
- param3 = ID of the user that was removed
The current user has created a room.
- param1 = ID of the room
The current user has invited users into a room.
- param1 = ID of the room
- param2 = IDs of the users, multiple IDs are separated by U+001E INFORMATION SEPARATOR TWO
The current user has been invited into a room. Invitations to rooms to others are not actually sent until a message is sent to the room.
- param1 = ID of the room
- param2 = ID of the user that invited the current user
- param3 = IDs of the users in the room, multiple IDs are separated by U+001E INFORMATION SEPARATOR TWO. The user ID in param2 is not included in this list.
The current user has left a room. Seems to be immediately followed by SEND_CHAT_REMOVED (41).
- param1 = ID of the room
Another user has left a room.
- param1 = ID of the room
- param2 = ID of the user that left
Informs about a message that the current user sent. This is returned to all connected devices, including the one that sent the message.
- message = sent message
Informs about a received message that another user sent either to the current user or to a chat. The message field contains the message.
The desktop client doesn't seem to care about the included message data, but instead immediately re-requests it using getNextMessages().
- message = received message
Informs that another user has read (seen) messages sent by the current user.
- param1 = ID of the user that read the message
- param2 = IDs of the messages, multiple IDs are separated by U+001E INFORMATION SEPARATOR TWO
The current user has canceled a group invitation.
- param1 = ID of the group
- param2 = ID of the user whose invitation was canceled
Another user has canceled a group invitation. The canceled invitation can also be that of the current user.
- param1 = ID of the group
- param2 = ID of the user that canceled the request (or invited them in the first place?)
- param3 = ID of the user whose invitation was canceled
The current user has rejected a group infication.
- param1 = ID of the group
Presumably means another user has rejected a group invitation. However this message doesn't seem to get sent.
User settings have changed. Refresh with getSettingsAttributes() or getSettings()
- param1 = probably bitfield of changed properties
- param2 = probably new value of property (seem things like "bF"/"bT" for a boolean attribute)
The current user has cleared the history of a chat.
- param1 = user ID or group ID or room ID
- param2 = seen "990915482402" - maybe an ID, it's similar to IDs
The current user's settings (e.g. hidden status) for a contact has changed. Refresh with getContacts.
- param1 = ID of the user that changed
- param2 = probably bitfield of changed properties
Seen the following parameters:
- param1 = a group ID
- param2 = another user's ID
Seen the following parameters:
- param1 = a group ID
- param2 = another user's ID
- param3 = "0"