!!! Please for now DO not have any System Apps Hooked until its released out of Beta !!!
Back up your Databases in your "/data/system/xlua" copy that whole folder somewhere else incase of issues
More Documentation about the new Apis, and functionality will be created just give me time.
For the best results I recommend start fresh so that folder you backed up , delete the one in the system Folder let XPL-EX create a new one for you and from there work with the new DBs and Base.
Some features may not work (it is in beta give it time)
I am not in any way responsible for Device Bricks or anything else ! Use this at your own Risk til it is released from Beta !!
The application MAY have some Issues moving your Databases so to avoid them (and you WANT your original Database) Backup Delete the Original folder then when the App is Initialized paste the DBs into the "/data/system/xplex-xxx" folder replacing the old ones then restart.
Other than that Enjoy !!
Some Tips
[1] Holding the setting gear ICON next to the App will Open the new Settings UI with that App Context
[2] Holding down a Check Box in the new Settings UI will check or uncheck (whatever the state was of the held one) all other ones in the same group of settings (help quickly select)
[3] A setting that has Pink Text implies it is a saved Setting in the Database
[4] A setting Highlighted in Red Implies it is NOT saved yet to the Database BUT modified (either revert or just exit the menu to undo)
[5] Props UI is still in Beta so it will not inherit the style of Settings
[6] No Need to Delete a Settings Map as anything you delete that is Built in will be re-initialized upon start up
[7] If you accidently delete something that is built in just restart
[8] Translation will happen soon
[9] This app is in BETA so it has some way to go !
For future help / pro companion app releases will only be in the telegram channel.
- Modified over 40k lines of code (Re-Programmed whole core)
- Fixed the XPL-EX Folder Detection!
- Re-Programmed the Properties system (linked properties to settings)
- Added some of the Pro Features within the Main Application
- Added More Hashes to the Caller Security Check (allow more patched XPrivacyLua Pro versions)
- Added a Hook Group Name Cleaner (make names of hooks look better UI)
- Added total (272) Build prop Properties
- Added Bluetooth List Hook
- Added Wifi List Hook
- Added More Privacy Hooks!
- DRM + GSF Framework ID Hooks Fixed
- Many more Hooks + Code Fixed + Cleaned
- Added Shell Interception (getprop, su, meminfo)..
- Added Settings UI [advance ;) ]
- Added Randomizers (20+)
- Added better Properties UI
- Added Settings Config UI
- Changes Command System to be Similar to that one of a C2
- Started to add secure core key exchange system
- Plus Many more changes applied !!!