!!! Please for now DO not have any System Apps Hooked until its released out of Beta !!!
Back up your Databases in your "/data/system/xlua" copy that whole folder somewhere else incase of issues
More Documentation about the new Apis, and functionality will be created just give me time.
For the best results I recommend start fresh so that folder you backed up , delete the one in the system Folder let XPL-EX create a new one for you and from there work with the new DBs and Base.
Some features may not work (it is in beta give it time)
I am not in any way responsible for Device Bricks or anything else ! Use this at your own Risk til it is released from Beta !!
The application MAY have some Issues moving your Databases so to avoid them (and you WANT your original Database) Backup Delete the Original folder then when the App is Initialized paste the DBs into the "/data/system/xplex-xxx" folder replacing the old ones then restart.
Other than that Enjoy !!
If you do not understand read the (1.4.2) original Release on more details for further help Telegram Chats are open! Changes
- Fixed the 411dpi Hardcoded Hook Groups Recycler View Bug
- Fixed the Shell Interception Bug
- Added (uname) to the list of commands to Intercept shell
To really test this Install "VD Infos" app to display your system info , in XPL-EX select Configs UI select the built in "Samsung" one and APPLY it NOT SAVE it but APPLY it. If you dont know what Floating Action button it is just long press it , it will tell you the floating action buttons purpose. Once applied find VDInfos in the XPL-EX main UI select ALL of MY Hooks from the (PrivacyEx) Collection. If you want to make sure go into the "XPrivacyLua Pro" app and Uncheck "Privacy" and leave checked "PrivacyEx"
To Do: for (
- Add (logcat) interception prevent apps looking at logs
- Add Drop Down and or Link the Hook Group Options to their Setting
- Refine the other Two UIs more and make things more simple !
- Port over a couple hooks from XPrivacy Lua original