----- DO NOT USE ----- This project has been discontinued in favor of maintaining my own fork of Techpack with these changes included. This will not be updated. Please use techpack_0siribix instead
This will add refill capability to blocks which push stacks. If the receiving inventory has no empty slots but has less than a full stack, the pushing node will push a partial stack to refill the existing stack. This is especially useful for blocks that use fuel for example. This is fully backward compatible with receiving nodes but not with stack pushing nodes.
!!! WARNING !!! If you have custom stack pushing nodes then they will need to be updated or you will gain duplicate blocks when refilling inventory. The outdated pushing node will receive a false return from the receiving node and will not subtract the partial node that was sent
Example of receiving node
tubelib.register_node("mymod:item", {"mymod:alias"}, { ... on_push_stack = function(pos, side, item) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) return tubelib.put_item(meta, "main", item, tubelib.refill) end, ...
If you use "tubelib.register_node" and define on_push_item but you don't use tubelib.put_item (see my modifications to Drawers) then you simply return false and set the itemcount to the leftover amount. Previously you would do something like
tubelib.register_node("drawers:controller", {}, {
on_push_item = function(pos, side, item, player_name)
-- Insert code here to check protection on this location
if stack_accepted then
return true
return false
This would now change to something like this
tubelib.register_node("drawers:controller", {}, {
on_push_item = function(pos, side, item, player_name)
-- Insert code here to check protection on this location
if stack accepted then
return true
leftover = my_insert_function(stack) -- leftover will be a stack to push back to the source
if leftover:get_count() == 0 then
return true
return false
The pushing node will check the count of the leftover to see if it has changed.